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Everything posted by JonnyG

  1. Is it possible that the reason some women laugh at a guy's "size" is that they are ignorant of the fact that the size of a flaccid penis link removed the size of an erect penis? Well, were not sure yet whether it was flaccid or erect. Im guessing she would at least wait and see if its at its max before laughing?
  2. Look on the bright side, at least he wasen't tiny Just curious VickiRose, but approximately how big was the guy u laughed at?
  3. I guess u could say people do over analyze problems in relationships. But its a natural response when u are hurt to find out "What went wrong?" "Why did she/he leave me?". The idea being that u can find a solution to the problem and perhaps get her/him back or at least hope to better yourself in the future and not make the same mistake. Quote: "c)If ur gf/bf really loves you, they'll be good to you (so stop making excuses for them... you're only making it for yourself)" Thats a good point.
  4. I hate saturdays. Because I only got to see my ex during our brief time together was mainly saturdays (night mainly)/sundays. She was a really busy person (single mum) so was constantly working. The idea of course was that I would see her more often as we got closer. Anyway, she went back to her ex because he was desperate for her back and they had only planned to break up temporarily, unfortunately i got caught in the middle of it. I think he has moved in with her for good now (going from a messeger she sent me saying that she was thinking of asking him to move in). The fact is that when it comes to saturday nights and im not out getting drunk or something, I keep having the horrible thought of her in bed with this other guy. I had so much fun with her and really felt something for her (amazingly strong feelings for the short time we were together), lying next to her I was so happy. I treated her so well and we got on great. But now her ex is there instead of me I just hope he isn't a complete joke like half her exs she told me about. Although he is a hypocrite and a bit of a control freak by the sounds of it. Its funny, during the summer we were talking by tx, we had planned to meet up for a coffee as friends. She told me her bf found my messegers, and was furious about it. i say it is funny because he was mad at her and me despite the fact at the start of the year he basically screwed me over by chatting to her while I was seeing her and begging for her back. And now when im simply trying to have a coffee as friends (although i like her a lot, i know shes with him) he is going mental that im talking to her I just wish I could meet him to ask how he thought he made me feel at the start of the year. He obviously didn't think for 1 second that she was with someone else and just wanted her back. He didn't give one about me getting hurt. I guess most guys are like this. Im the stupid 1 probably because I wouldn't want to split up a couple on purpose just to get my wicked ways. Its been a long time now though, so I don't feel so bad. Time is a healer. U will be ok.
  5. Its funny, these threads usually end up with some1 make this assumption of cK. I can understand your point Scout, but until u step into cK's shoes (and of course other guys in this position), u can never truly experience what its like. The fact is that most girls can sit there safe in the knowledge that when they go out there's a good chance a guy or 2 or more will go upto them. They can take their pick whenever they find the right guy, and even if guys who they don't like come upto them, its a nice ego stroker. Now from a males position. If he sits there (especially if he's not Mr great looking), the chances of a girl coming upto him are extremely low. So the guy HAS to do something. So he decides that each time he goes out, he will try to at least persue 1 girl. But each night is the same. blown out, blown out, blown out, blown out etc etc. With each Blow out, his ego is dented, and the harder it is for him to pluck up the courage for the next attempt. When this happens for days, weeks, then years, it wears people down. Girl's who do make the effort to go upto guys and have been blown out at least once know that it hurts. So imagine this happening over and over. After years of this u can surely see why some men mentally will really start to loathe women. They don't want to but its natural. U can see this effect in action, notice the pages of women asking on this forum "Do all men cheat?" and "Why are all men jerks?" or at least they assume this because they have been hurt many times by guys. Well this is the same point. The guy wants a woman, but they keep getting hurt. And unfortunately in this day and age as mentioned on another thread by a girl, some girls tend to blow out guys in harsher and harsher ways because their sick of men coming upto them, especially the drunk ones (fair point, but sometimes they are probably drunk because they have to get the courage somehow after being blown out so much they see it as the only aid to their quest to win a girl and stop loniness). We live in a world were women want the same rights as men and all this "girl power" is happening. I for 1 see more and more confident women around these days. Use this confidence. Start pulling your own weight on nights out. Us guys really wish u would I appluad the girls who already try to pursue. Keep the good work up And I thank god that some girls do actually come upto me and not all girls say "no" to me when I try to talk to them. *phew* Because i get fed up and im not suffering anywhere near as bad as some guys here do. EDIT: Forgot to mention, but its kinda amusing reading here how some women say "Why don't men be more bold and ask more often, their just too passive" I don't see how men are the passive 1s
  6. Um no I'm sorry I don't see it? I don't see it either. Its just a BS excuse to not have to face the possibility of rejection. Why, just because a lady goes up to a guy and says "Hi", does it mean "lets go have sex right now"? Why can't it mean that she likes the look of the guy and wants to get to know him better? Surely the majority of guys out for a night in their drunken states are more likely to be wanting sex when they say "Hi" to a lady than the lady herself?????? Im a shy guy and luckily for me, some girls come upto me first, and only 2 of them were 1 night stands. The rest of them were girls who were more interested in me in terms of going out together. I can tell u now, that the ratio of guys going upto girls on nights out just for sex is higher than the number of women going up to guys. Its logical, more guys are up for 1 night stands than girls, and thereforeeee this whole argument is stupid and hypocritical. Guys want to have sex more than woman when they say "Hi" Anyway girls/ladies, i don't see why u should feel bad by asking out guys, because every guy here basically says that its time women started making more effort when it comes to finding people each other. thereforeeee I don't know where all the guys are who are saying "nnooo, please don't ask me out u beautiful sexy thing, let me ask u out instead" In fact, come to think of it, I don't know anybody who would rather risk asking out girls, im pretty sure all my male friends would much rather sit there looking good and an endless amount of girls come up to them EDIT: I've been missing out, didnt realise cK was here argueing, these are always fun to watch
  7. Im not sure if your being sarcastic, but I think that unfortunately many of the girls here are saying what they want guys to hear. There are a few girls here that have put looks and great bodies etc., but most have list personality traits. Im not blaming girls for picking nice looking guys, or guys with good bodies, but come on girls, get some more honesty on the go, thats a quality I want in a girl Lets take someone like Brad Pitt v Mr Geek. Brad is a great looking and has a nice body, but he's not the nicest of guys. Mr Geek has intelligence, confidence and is funny but he aint the looker. Who are u going to pick? According to 80% or so of the female responses, it should be the geek cause he is more suited to the top5 things that are most important to a girl, were as Brad has the qualities that are less important. But im willing to bet it would be more like 80% would pick Brad in real life. Im not saying girls are being shallow. Us guys are more shallow in general than girls. but if u want trust worthy guys, than u have to be trustyworthy yourselves
  8. Well it sounds like u have ejaculated properly before then. Im not sure why u would of one it once but not again. U should see a doctor about this to put your mind at rest. And u don't need to actually ejaculate to make it worthwhile masturbating, the fact is that its the orgasm were all trying to get, cleaning up after is just annoying
  9. Wheres the austin power's lovers? My mum likes hairy men. But perhaps thats because of the time she were brought up? or maybe she is just trying to please my dad by not asking him to shave his chest etc . Now-a-days I think women tend to prefer as mentioned above, less hairy guys.
  10. I also agree with the above. I think some people like what they can't get. They see it as a challenge. A stupid 1 at that
  11. Fair does, there following trends , yeah right. Just a trend which allows guys to see almost every part of the female It isn't a trend they have had tiny skirts forever and tops that show off big cleavages and its for 1 use, to grab blokes attention. Quote JonnyG they basically were like "What the hell do u want?" followed pretty much by turning round and pretending I wasen't even there. A simple 2 min talk about...I dont know...how my and their night was followed by a simple "Were off downstairs, have a good night" would of been good or even the more used but simple "We already have bfs sorry" or "Have a good night" (an obvious conversation ender) would of been fine. But nope, sorry, shot down with no sympthy. When a girl comes upto me who I don't like I chat to her for a min or 2 before making some excuse up to get out of the situation without hurting her feelings." Quote: Years ago, when I used to hang out at clubs, some friends of mine and I had gotten that way--after several years at the clubs. Know why? Because of all the guys we met in clubs who said they'd call and never did. Because of all the guys who ended up drunk and slobbering all over us and we couldn't get them away from us. Because of all the times we were nice when not interested in someone and they wouldn't leave or worse---got pissed off at us for not being interested. Because of all the lies we'd heard. That could have been how these girls had become. " Looks like your meeting the wrong types of guys .Fair does, so that is basically telling us we cant win ( at least not in nightclubs ). U want us to come up to u, but now your saying that girls can't be bothered with guys coming up to them either. What can we do to win? Never mind, I guess i can see your point when I think about how bad my mate gets when he's drunk trying to chat to girls
  12. I can relate in a way. I find it difficult to see girls i like. I always see a lot of pretty girls on nights out, but a lot of the time I just see them as just pretty but not really me. But don't worry, the odd person will come by who u like the look of. Maybe when u get talking to some of these guys your opinion of them will change from being "just friends" to something more. Maybe u just need a few more years before your opinion changes.
  13. That is sad Well there will always be idiots out there I guess who won't go out with a lovely girl due to her boob size, and girls who won't go out with a guy due to his penis size.
  14. Quote: Why in the world should it be all or nothing???? Wlfpack81 said: "B/C when you pick and choose pieces of the pie it confuses people. Additionally you're saying guys are supposed to act totally in the traditional way (dominance, kill the boar, ask the girl out) in other words we have to go all or nothing. If we become to passive, sit back, not be as aggressive then we're wimps who don't deserve women. Yet women can pick and choose what piece of the past they want to mix with the future. Want to work 9-5 etc. won't cook for the man b/c a man can do it himself, yet the guy is the one who has to make all the moves. That's the rules. BS and definitely a double standard. " Amen to that. Many women these days are like mentioned above, picking the things that suit them, and not picking the things they don't want to do. Its very selfish. Most lads hate having to continously get the bottle to chat to some girl only to have our confidence dented by the girl who basically tells us to "get lost". Unfortunately 1 of the tradations that have stuck is for the guy to do all the work still when it comes to approaching. What happened to the spice girls promoting "Girl Power" . There are so many confident women out there these days, more confident than many guys are, why don't u try using that confidence on approaching us guys . And why would girls going up to guys make guys think "their too easy". A simple "hi" and just a pleasant conversation is fine, and a peck on the cheek/lips at the end of the night doesnt make a girl look easy. In what way does that make a girl look easy? The only difference in this scenario from the last 1 is that the girl was the first person to say "Hi", and thats about it. To quote many girls I have seen on this forum over the last half year when it comes to chatting to guys "Im too scared of rejection. My ego would get crushed". Well how do u think we feel. Especially for people like myself who are shy. Like I said before, i am fortunate that some girls have come upto me before and the girls who are interested in me usually make it fairly obvious. But some are not obvious, u go up and get blown out, and its "ouch!!!" but heh thats life . The amount of girls i see out staring at guys and then blowing them out , incredible and sad. There are girls out there in micro mini skirts and huge cleavages and every guy in the joint is staring at them and they know it and love it, but they all have bfs. Why the hell are they dressed like that and their bfs not around? Simple "Stroke my Ego". Pathetic. I was out last night. 2 girls were near me and one kept looking over. I wasen't positive that she was interested, but my mate was already chatting to other girls and I thought "what the hell, even if they are not interested, maybe I'll get to have a friendly chat for a couple of mins". I went up and tried to start speaking and they basically were like "What the hell do u want?" followed pretty much by turning round and pretending I wasen't even there. A simple 2 min talk about...I dont know...how my and their night was followed by a simple "Were off downstairs, have a good night" would of been good or even the more used but simple "We already have bfs sorry" or "Have a good night" (an obvious conversation ender) would of been fine. But nope, sorry, shot down with no sympthy. When a girl comes upto me who I don't like I chat to her for a min or 2 before making some excuse up to get out of the situation without hurting her feelings. Amyway, I do believe that for the majority of times it should be the lad going upto the girl, I understand that it shows confidence and girls like that, but I just wish more girls were more pleasant when it comes to saying "no" basically.
  15. People are having sex so young these days and don't know what they are doing. It shows from the increase in unwanted pregnacies in younger people. I blame society I guess, like Mahlina said, u have people like Britney Spears pretending to be all virgin-like yet she sings songs about S&M and the like basically with "Hit me baby 1 more time" and "Im a slave for u". Its really awful and I don't know why some1 who is ment to be encouraging girls to stay virgins til older would sing songs like that unless she is trying to get all the younger guys to buy her crappy records. It is disturbing when there are 12-14 year olds having sex out there, its dam kiddy sex quite literally. They should be thinking of and doing other stuff at that age. When i think of some of the idiots out there, even the legal age of 16 (UK) is quite young for some of them. I don't even know how society is changing them so much these days. I started masturbating when I was like 13 and due to an older brother was able to view porn even. But that didn't even make me think "right, im off to go bang something because this mag tells me to". I still didn't really get those feelings til I was 15.And lost my virginity at a reasonable 17. My friends said they were the same. It would be interesting to go back to school just to hear what all these guys and girls are talking about these days.
  16. I wouldnt worry about it. Its unlikely he had any sperm on his hands. If every girl got this paranoid this forum would be full of "I think im pregnant" threads. I don't know of a story where a girl got pregnant from being fingered due to the guy having traces of sperm left on his fingers. As for the blood. Start/end of period? He might of accidently scratched the inside of your vagina causing a little bleeding? Im sure its fine.
  17. Too quote from the thread regarding "size does matter" (penis size). Guys can see the size of females boobs with their clothes on before he sees them naked. Women can't say the same for penises. So guys know what to expect when they are about to see naked boobs. Women are left clueless until the pants drop. "then her eyes will move to my genital area and you can see the light go out of their eyes. That makes me sad! There's more going on then what's in my pants"
  18. Guys can see the size of females boobs with their clothes on before he sees them naked. Women can't say the same for penises. So guys know what to expect when they are about to see naked boobs. Women are left clueless until the pants drop. Not entirely true at all. Women can cheat and do cheat everytime they go out u could say. They can cheat with their features and their looks. There is a lot of stuff to enchance womens features i.e. wonder bra, wonder bum, and improve their looks makeup (eye liner, lipstick, foundation, eye lash enchancer etc.) So thereforeeee a guy can be clueless about her boobs and looks (in the morning) *OWNED*. What are men allowed??? A sock down the front of our pants? (your wonderbra equivalent) or make up to hide all those marks were not happy with? Nope, we are allowed nothing but normal looks and no feature enchancers Us men have it hard in life Anyway, it doesnt alter the fact that women shouldnt laugh when a guy drops his pants, as well as a guy shouldnt laugh at a girl.
  19. I ment u get to a peak level where u are about to ejaculate, but u can't get that xtra sensation to make yourself ejaculate. However u have answered this with the rest of your reply as u say u feel like stopping and go flaccid quickly (the exact result of after an ejaculation), so it would appear u should be cumming. hhmmm, perhaps your body still hasent started growing down there properly. It sounds as if u may not actually have sperm yet. It would be worth going to the doctors to get a check up. Your probably just developing a little on the late side or something. EDIT: I just had a thought. U could be one of the rare people who ejaculates the wrong way i.e. into your bladder. Supposidly people who can ejaculate the normal way can ejaculate into there bladder by pushing firmly on the area behind the testys. This is ment to force the sperm into the bladder (Got to admit, when i have tried it i've been a bit worried about damaging myself so I've never got it to work). Anyway, is your urine cloudy after u have masturbated?
  20. Well although its not what people wanted to hear, its nice to have some people admit that they believe "size matters". In my "penis size" thread I think it was like only 1 girl said it really mattered. Its sad but understandable, its unfortunate that the penis size is more important than breast size because it plays a more important role in sex. And VickiRose, im glad u apologised to him cause i would of felt like bursting into tears if u did that to me , u wouldnt like it if it was the other way round . Its funny that, I've heard of girls laughing at a guys penis when he gets it out, but never a guy laughing at a girl when she gets her breasts out...hmmm.... something seems unfair Its not like its his fault, as its not your fault if you have small boobs. Anyway, it sounds like u regret what u did which is good at least.
  21. Well i like volumptious girls but to be honest it wouldn't stop me going out with a girl if her breasts were small. 1 of the prettiest and nicest girls i've ever known had smaller boobs than me , but she was an angel and I would of gone out with her had it not been that she already had a bf. I do think that wonder bras and the like are a bit cheaty, but never mind, thats life
  22. U should consider yourself lucky. 45mins is not a bad time for a guy, its pretty good. 6 hours of sex is quite long. And like your bf has said, and it applies to me and others, it can be difficult for a guy to go at it soon after finishing the first time, due to lack of interest and also becuase it can be fairly uncomfortable without a good few hours rest. Quote "another issue is oral sex we both love giving but ever since i told him i was inseqcure about the smells he has all but stopped even trying but the last time he did i came very close to orgasiming and since i'm shy and abit embrassed on how to tell him i'd like more oral sex" I don't get this? U don't like the way he smells? or your worried about how u smell down there? If its about him, it sounds like you've already told him so he should be making more effort to be clean, and if its about how u smell than perhaps your worrying about nothing? If he hasen't complained and is going down on you then he is obviously happy enough. If you're your comfortable with him u should be able to tell him how good it makes u feel when he goes down on you and that should encourage him to do it more often.
  23. Considering: a) u were wearing a condom with spermicide ( I assume it had spermicide on it) b) didnt ejaculate c) haden't entered her The chances of getting her pregnant are so remote u can go to bed safe in the knowledge, she aint pregnant.
  24. Why u might want to: 1) Most girls prefer some1 who isnt a total animal down there 2) For hygiene purposes 3) Gives the illusion its bigger than when its covered in hair. U don't have to shave it completely but neaten it up. Trim it down and shave areas that might get hairs u don't want like the penis shaft. Would u want to go down on a girl with a really hairy bush?
  25. I don't think theres a problem as long as u don't have sex before the legal age. 3 years is nothing, even at your age.
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