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Everything posted by mike-e-mike

  1. Lots of reps with a lower weight means tone. To build muscle, you should be aiming to lift about 75% (i might be off its been a little while) of your maximum rep weight (the most you can lift only once). If you cant quite figure that out aim to lift a weight that you can only lift 12-15 times, and those last 3 from 12-15 should really burn, you have to really push yourself to build the muscle. When your getting to 18-20 before you burn increase the weight. Dont overdo it and yes dont go too hard on one area.
  2. The saying is, "the grass is always greener on the other side". meaning we will always want what we cant have, because we will never really know if it is better or not. Its kind of like a parent and a lost kid, we cant help but always think the more positive of the 2 extremes. I also know of another saying, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
  3. Thats fate for you pal, all part of the big picture. Next time you wont pass up the opportunity will you? The mysterious force that put your hot chicky in the winning seat next to the empty spot for you is the same one that makes all the lights red when im trying to get to work and im already late. Laugh about it and learn, it is funny
  4. Hi im not a dream scientist or anything but as far as i know its difficult to explain the concept of why we sleep, let alone why we dream about the things we do. I just have my own little theories on dreams and basically i see dreams and sleep as a way to relieve your mind of tensions kind of like a massage for your consciousness. I don't think its so easy as to say 'you want your ex back so your dreaming about him' but maybe there is something left unresolved or unsaid and you should have some idea of what as soon as you read that. If you look at the dreams this way it becomes obvious to embrace the dream confront the issue and move on. ----- The worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves...
  5. Hey mate nothing is wrong with thinking about sex constantly. I'm pretty sure on average guys think about sex once every 17 seconds or something, its normal to mentally undress every sexy lady you see and to want to see as much nudity as possible, or at least....its normal for me and my mates
  6. Hi mate it's good your hitting the keyboard instead of hurting yourself. What you are going through I guess I would describe as a personal hell. I have been depressed before but I am lucky that I found a way through it. I have also dealt with depression in people close to me. My ex girlfriend was severely depressed for a very long time and she was also on anti-depressants. Hers didn't work like yours aren't working so you've got 2 choices, go to the GP and tell them you need a different pill (its hit and miss they might not get it perfect until a couple of shots, there are stacks of anti-depressants out there) or you can stop taking them. I dont know what that will do for you but its what she did and it helped her. My own personal solution was jogging. I haven't done any physical activity for a year now and i think that was a major part of why i was so depressed. I started jogging the other day and I feel great, sure it hurts a bit and its hard core but I'll get better and for some reason it really gets my mind off the bad things. I hope this helps you and consider this, at times when I thought about suicide I thought what if, ending it now while i'm feeling so much pain means that in death I'll never be over this. Its a depressing notion but it was enough to turn me from it. Good luck it's like climbing over a big hill you'll know when you hit the peak.
  7. Looks good mate first thing u got was a sure not a maybe and she said she'd talk about it tomorrow. I think u got yourself a rendezvous
  8. Thanks for the tips...I suppose I am a bit eager to expect it to happen that quickly. I'll keep all that in mind.
  9. I am lost I thought making out was kissing, and rooting is a totally separate issue
  10. Hi I am 20 and recently became single but the thing is it's been so long since I've tried to make a move on anyone, I was like 16 the last time i had to do it. I am always in the clubs chatting away with girls and we are both laughing and smiling but I never know how to progress from that to kissing. It seems so ***en easy for everyone else but I have no idea what to do. Most of the times its happened to me its been because she wanted it to not because i pulled a move on her. But yeah has anyone got any tips on how to move it along, it's been a while and I'm starting to miss it a bit
  11. I can do nothing but empathise with your situation. I have never dealt with anything remotely like this and I hope few people have to, all I can say is that my mother taught me that rape was about the most horrible and horrific crime a person can commit, second to murder i guess she had it. Your girlfriend will be going through the most traumatic time in her life and if you aren't there for her I don't want to imagine how she would feel. Don't leave her at all, offer her everything that you can. It's what I would do if it was someone close to me. I really feel sorry for you guys especially your girlfriend, just be there for her, no matter what she says.
  12. Hi sweet sad soul let me talk from experience. My ex-girlfriend and I were eachothers first sexual partners and we were together for few years, eventually she left me and now she has slept with other people. When I heard about that i was seriously hurt because it was a big deal that we had only ever known eachother, and i couldn't believe that she could want anyone but me because I didn't want anyone but her. But my point is it was something that was going to happen one day, and if only I had stopped to think about that...before it became such a big deal to me. I dont mean think about that after i found out she had slept around i mean think about that before i placed lots of importance on it. I'd like to say its not important because essentially to me it is, but to society and thereforeeee the sheep-like masses having sex with strangers and building up a large list of partners is what people do now. It doesn't mean its for me and for you but some people feel they are missing out if they aren't a part of this life. So yeah try not to get too hung up on it, because it probably isnt a matter of if but when... Im sorry if i sound dismal but im just trying to say one day he will probably be with someone else but for now he is with you. As long as you both know you are with eachother and only eachother you should give him your trust, unless he has given you reason not to in the past. Don't let it get to you like i let it get to me. Hope you can be happy im sorry if i dont help
  13. I know how you feel aswell i am trying not to contact my ex, she doesnt seem to have a problem with not contacting me! But even though i think i dont want to and i think i dont need to...there are still times where i find it really hard not to call. But what would i say? Just run the conversation over in your head and you know it wont go well, so don't call. Thats what works for me, anyway. Good luck.
  14. No offence but my old lady stopped doing those things for me at the start of high school. It isn't too much to ask you to do your share, your clothes and your dishes etc. I know its tough to get into that cycle my family went through hell trying to get it right. As for food and stuff would she give you some cash if you offered to go get some pasta and some sauce from a shop. Its the easiest meal I know and its cheap as, just boil strain and mix. If you start making a few jestures like that and showing that you can do it, you'll have a leg to stand on when you want to complain. She's always going to say you dont do it why should i? Just like mine did to me until i did it and said why arent u? Good luck
  15. you have nothing to worry about that sort of thing happens all the time and if someone is put off by it thats very immature. have a good time!
  16. Oh mate your in a sticky situation. All I have to say is that if you aren't fooling around with either girl you really aren't doing anything wrong. Just make sure the girl you have feelings for knows she is exclusive I guess. If you are just hanging out with kaitlin there is no reason for heather to be upset, I would imagine she just feels a little helpless not actually having a physical presense in your life like kaitlin does. You were wrong to lie to heather about hanging out with kaitlin and doing that makes it seem like you have something to hide. I'm sure if you start from the beginning and explain to her that she is the one you want and kaitlin is just a friend, you just didnt want to complicate things by telling her about kaitlin, she might see eye to eye. Having a relationship over the internet requires a lot of trust and if you've laid everything on the table and she still doesn't accept it...there isnt much left for you to do. As for your mate, j.r., in your band. You have to love your mates no matter what the ladies say. When your with a lady youll leave your friends but they'll accept you back when it goes pear shaped, if it was the other way around and you left your lady to hang with your friends for a while there will be hell to pay. Dont stop hanging with your mate just because the chick says so. As for the drugs and alcohol, if your gonna be in a band your going to find it very hard to avoid these things, trust me! unless you go to a christian band or something. Chances are any band your in will make you smoke heaps of weed and drink heaps of piss just make sure you keep it under control and stay away from the synthetic backyard lab shit! Good luck with your situation just remember happiness can't exist without sadness.
  17. Heh thanks for taking the time to reply, you are right i just need to feel motivated again joining a gym seems like a good idea good point i really want to thank you for that, i do have standards and i dont want to lower them. 3 and a half years is a long time but i loved her and i thought we had a decent relationship, we used to tell eachother all the time. She has changed since then and its for the worse. You are right entirely i just need to slap myself in the face and move on but it is difficult. thanks a lot for replying, i mean it mate cheers
  18. Hi i feel a bit rude for posting a topic without replying or helping someone else out first but i've had so much on my mind and I dont really have anyone to talk to. I am 20 and a couple of months ago my girlfriend of 3 and a half years broke it off with me. To cut a long story short i started working away at the same time this friend of both of ours went to sea with the navy. My girlfriend and i wrote letters everyday and spoke everyday. I was only gone for 6 weeks (back in town every sunday) and so was he but when we got back she stopped spending time with me and was always drunk/drinking with the friend. She broke it off with me after i had said that i think she should spend more time with me (broke it off over the phone!) but when her navy friend went away again she came back to me and told me she loved me again. I discussed with her that i wanted to wait until her friend came back before we committed to anything again and when he did she gave me the phone call again and broke it off with me. Since then she has refused to see me and told me she'd call me and not to call her. I've heard from her 2 times and she has told me she has slept with someone else. We were both eachother first sexual partner and first real relationship, and I loved her.. completely. We spoke of if this should happen and we both said that it is not our style to have sex with strangers. I dont understand i have the penis, im supposed to be uncontrollable but i cant get her off my mind let alone try to replace her. Finding out she has given herself to someone else, someone meaningless, has ruined me i find it hard to stop thinking about her and i dream of her most nights. My job finished the time she broke up with me so like that my entire life was ripped from me and i dont know what to do with myself anymore. Can anyone offer any advice to help me, life without her was something i kidded myself i would never have to live with... I don't want to get back together with her i wish she'd just disappear it's that i cant get her out of my head, and the fact that she has moved on so quickly, i still havent spoke to her in person since she broke it off over the phone... Sorry for the long post theres a lot bottled up
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