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Everything posted by pi_anochik

  1. I agree that you shoudl get it over with beforehand. She's definitely over-reacting. Just try to resolve it so you guys can go ahead and have a good time at the convention!
  2. Well, you can't just put your life on hold for him, but that doesn't mean that you guys can't be together! I would suggest you go off to college, and keep in touch with him! You guys can email each other, call each other, write letters, there are so many ways to stay in touch nowdays! If you meet someone new at college, you do, if you don't, you don't. What's meant to happen will happen.
  3. she is avoiding you, but I don't think it's cause she doesn't like you! It's just because her family is being weird right now. Wait for things to calm down and then try to get your relationship going again.
  4. I believe whole-heartidly in soulmates. Also, you could always go with nina's advice. It's better to ask and find out than to wonder your whole life!
  5. Just say something like "Hey, wanna go to the movies with me and ______(insert name of other people)? If he looks hesitant, you might wanna add, "It's not like a date or anything...I know you have a gf...just as friends!" I know you don't seem to wnat to say that, but you may need to!Good luck and have fun!
  6. Calm down, hon. 1, why WOULD he treat her better? He has no reason to treat her better than you, so don't worry about it! Also, he DID treat you bad. It shouldn't matter if he treats her well, that should be enough knowledge to keep him out of your life and mind forever!!! Also, if she's really too good for him, she'll figure it out. I really doubt he treats her better if he treated you that way. Most guys I know treat all their girlfriends about the same. Actually most guys treat most women the same way (but of course being a girlfriend or mom or sister is different from just some women. Really, the only advice I can give you about the matter is Don't Worry About It!!! I know it's hard...I understand completely. My ex-bestfriend went out with my ex-boyfriend even though she knew I liked him still. I always worried about how he treated her, but I just learned not to worry about it, because it DOESN'T matter!!! (Also, me and my friend's friendship didn't end because of him. It ended because she treated me like dog-crap and never cared about the way I felt. She was a hypocrite. I basically told her that she was a bitch and she never talked to me again after that. I don't miss her a bit
  7. Okay you need to sit down and have a SERIOUS talk with him. He's 26. He might be ready to settle down into life, but You are only 18, and obviously are not. Tell him that. Tell him that though you love him, you want to wait until at least after college to have children. Tell him that you don't think you're ready to have children yet. Just make him see your points. If he really loves ya, he'll respect that.
  8. radix-you would probably appreciate this story...i swear my brothers are bizarre. My brother (22 or something) my cousin, (13...started on his own so NOBODY try and push the blame on my brother. My cousin didn't even KNOW he did it) were at my uncle's house (no idea on age...probably 30 or something...good job...nice appartment...didn't ruin him) and they put pot in brownies. according to my cousin they were good unless youg ot a big chunk of leaf and that tasted kidna weird Anyways, I'm not going to disagree that pot won't mess you up and *** you for life. I totally agree with that. But used carefully and NOT OFTEN (that's important) I think it's okay. You just have to be responsible with it.
  9. Any of those movies are good...maybe you could see Matrix Reloaded and then on a later date, see Matrix Evolution (BIG matrix fan...lol) A scary movie could be fun too. From my experience guys like funny movies too, just don't go for some sappy love story because alot of guys I know don't really appreciate them!
  10. Dinner could be nice, but if you want more of a "low-pressure" date, I would go for mall hanging. At dinner, there would be more pressure for conversation, and it could make things start out awkwardly. Save dinner for the second date. Yes, you should pay for the movie since you invited her to go with you. at the mall, it doesn't matter if you get anything or not, but If you noticing her looking at like a piece of jewlery or something that's not too expensive, you could get it and not tell her. Then later, you could give it to her for her birthday or something or give it to her at the end of the night. It would be a cute and sweet gesture and show her that you are paying attention to her and like her. Of course, this is not neccesary! Good luck, and I hope everything goes well for you!
  11. You need to talk to him while you are NOT fighting. Tell him how it makes you feel when he does that. Try to make him understand it. And if that doesn't work, do to him what he does to you. Just one day explode at him about it. He needs to know that he can't keep walking all over you like that. It isn't right and it isn't fair.
  12. I WOULD NOT advise you to follow starscream's advice. As a girl, I know that that would probably piss me off to have a guy trying to control me. Alright, whether she's a "ho" or not, she's going to be more comfortable if you let her make some decisions. Gawd at least give the poor girl some OPTIONS. And if you go into the date expecting to get some, you could end up sorely disappointed. Not to mention that is quite similar to something called "USING" We DO NOT like to feel like we are being used, and if you start doing crap like that to a girl on the first date, she's gonna feel used. Just let things flow naturally. If she wants to give you a handjob, she will. Girls aren't puppies. We know what we want and we know how to get it. Good luck!
  13. I know what you mean about the feeling you get. It's a great euphoria. I'm all for it, as long as it's used responsibly. I don't go out every night and have a joint, just everyonce in a while I'll have enough to get the feeling and I make sure that I won't have to drive or do ANYTHING important until the effects are gone. The only thing is, I don't tend to remember some things that I do when I'm in the state. (we were watching a tape of several hours of a tv show and I remember hardly ANY of it) so we (the people I do it with) make sure that we do it at a time that is safe for everyone. As far as adicted goes, I'm not sure if any of the chemicals in it are addictive, but I really think you get to where you'd do anything for the feeling. That's why I'm careful and don't use it often.
  14. Eek that is a rough place to be in. You really have to think though. He kissed you and hugged you and said you were hot. It sounds like he might be more interested in your looks than in you. Also, what about your friend? You know she doesn't just like you for your looks. This guy could be a keeper, but you also have to think about the fact that he is cheating on her (kissing and hugging another girl is cheating in my book). How would you know that he wouldn't do the same to you? I would really advise you to stay away from this guy. If I were you, I would start by telling him to stop coming on to you. Tell him that he's taken and you don't respect guys who go behind their girl's back. If he continues to do these things, then FOR SURE tell nikki. You might want to tell her anyways. Just please, don't get involved with this guy. Too much to loose and not near enough to gain. Good luck and I hope it works out!
  15. I really do think you need to realize that there IS something wrong with what you are doing. NO, it is NOT wrong to fall in love. There is nothing in any way wrong with falling in love, even if the man is married, but what you are doing IS wrong. You are breaking a bond of God. It is in countless places in the bible. Adultry is a sin. Also, you DO need to look at how this is going to affect his family. By helping a man cheat on his wife, you are being so extremely selfish. It isn't fair to anyone.
  16. From what I know about symptoms of pregnancy, you don't have your period. I wouldn't think that there would be any blood, but then again, I've never been pregnant!
  17. i would only hold a guys hand if I liked him.
  18. I agree with sega. You were used. I would really advise you to just forget about her. She is SO not worth it. You deserve better than that because you are a kind and good person judging by what you did for her.
  19. If he flat out said he's just screwing around with you (not physically...mentally...just thought I'd make sure you got that because sme people don't) then no, he's not worht the time. You sound like you want a good serious relationship for the summer, and thats not what this guy has to offer from what you've said.
  20. First off, the "education" excuse is bullcrap. That must be a big thing with guys, because I hear about it all the time. I dated a guy who used it on EVERY girl he dated (including me). I think you know in your heart which is right for you, and you just need to sit down and have a heart to heart with YOURSELF. One thing I want to point out to you...if JD doesn't like you anymore, it wasn't meant to be. Also, it sounds like CJ DOES like you alot! You could have something really good there, so I would go with him. But if neither guy works out right, so what. It means that neither was meant to be at that time. You don't need a boyfriend to be yourself. You don't need a boyfriend to survive Jr. High (trust me...I'm gonna be a freshman next year and throughout Jr. High I only had 2 relationships. One with the guy in the first paragraph for a WEEK and another with the guy who is now one of my best friends for a little less than a year)
  21. Subjects like these are really good things for everyone to read, because they show that we are all human! Girls tend to have guys set up on pedastools. We think that our man is the best guy in the world! So when we have sex with one...we TOO are nervous! Basically, ya need to loosen up. If you aren't nervous, it will all be fine. Regarding the specific girl in the post. Consider it a GOOD THING that you aren't with her anymore. It sounds like both of you were using each other to get sex, and that's not a relationship, that's a fling. Don't get into things like that because you can loose respect from a lot of people if they realize what's going on. Anyways, it's good to know that guys are just as nervous as we are...it helps alot. But you need to remember that we are nervous too!
  22. Just go up to her and say "Hey, I've noticed you around and I think it'd be cool if we hung out sometime" trust me, the confidence will look good for you, and girls love it when guys initiate conversation!!!! Go get her!
  23. Oy the worst that happened to me wasn't actually me doing anything, but it was mortifying none-the-less. I was at a friends house and we were about to make a movie using her video camera. Well, there was already a tape in the damn thing, so we decided to see what was on it. It was a tape of her parents having sex together. It was so horrifying! She went into the bathroom and I think she mightve hurled. NO KID should have to see his/her parents doing the dirty deed.
  24. Someone back in the posts said that it takes two to have sex. That is very true. I would HIGHLY suggest you talk to your mom. MAKE her listen to you. Make her realize that it was partly YOUR decision too, and also make sure she understands that You KNOW you made a mistake. If you love him and he loves you, there is the answer to that. You have to make your mom understand that too. BUT, I would not advise getting married yet. You are too young to get married. Regardless of whether you have the baby or not, you need to stay in school, and even try to go to college (though I know that if you keep the baby, that might be impossible.) Also, it is imperitive that you see a docter and soon! Your health will be a BIG part of the decision making process as to whether you keep the child or abort it. As your doctor if your body could even handle childbirth, because many young teenagers bodies cannot handle the physical strain of childbirth. Also, YOU MUST get off of pot. You cannot smoke while you're pregnant. That would be selfish and unfair to the poor child. I would also advise you to talk to your guy. You need to make him see how important it is for him to clean up his act. Tell him that if he really wants to be with you, he's gonna hafta. First of all, you need a man that is going to support you. Help him find a job if he doesn't already have one. Make him understand that he needs to be a good father, and that drugs and alcohol are going to make that hard on the child. I think that if you two are really as in love as you guys seem to think, it will work out. It CAN work out, too. Don't let ANYONE tell you that it can't. I'm not here to judge you, only to offer advice. I know I'm not perfect (though I've noticed that alot of the people who've posted on this thread seem to think they are) so I'm not going to grill you for not being perfect. You KNOW you made a mistake, and that's the most important element to learning from it and fixing it. I wish you all the luck that I can, and my heart goes out to you. Also, person who commented on the fact that she didn't spell babysit right, you didn't punctuate some things in your post right so don't use that against her. It's called a TYPO. Everyone makes them. That was rude and uncalled for.
  25. I know how you feel. I'm there right now. I've started to not wnat to talk to my friends, I can't get any guy to ever be interested in me especially not the one I want, I've started to drink more than I should and I've also smoked happy-grass. I know that I'm falling, but it's hard to get up. Just hang on, and always remember the things that matter. Remember your parents and how you don't want them to hurt like that, always have hope that it will get better. That's key. I'd be dead already if I'd given up hope that it won't get better. Also, if you have siblings, especially younger ones, think how it will affect them. You'll see that it's not worth it. Also, know that killing yourself will only solve your physical problems, your earthly ones. Your spiritual ones will not be solved. Above all, hold on to hope. It's kept me alive, and I think it'll help you too. I wish you all the best.
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