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Everything posted by pi_anochik

  1. Tell her that she's really crowding you and that you want some space. Also, tell her more firmly (not harshly, but firmly) that you aren't interested in her.
  2. Just tell her the truth. Tell her you want some space. You want to have new experiences, but think that being in a serious relationship is keeping you from doing things you want to. Tell her you would like to keep in contact and you still really care about her, but that you just need some space. Hope everything goes well for you!
  3. Be her friend then...you never know...it may escalate to something bigger! The last guy I dated had been a close friend for a long time and then we started dating AFTER we decided we were friends... Also, I was in a two year relationship with my best guy friend. We were also friends first, then decided we wanted to try something bigger. Keep hope, there's a great chance that it will grow, especially if you already like her!
  4. She's definitely interested in ya! Go for it and good luck!
  5. Just be sure to not go overboard with the sweettalk! We know when you're being sincere and when you're bullshitting/just trying to get us. Ask her about what kind of music she likes, what instruments she plays, if she likes to read (if so, branch out! ask what kind of books she likes to read) Ask her if she likes animals or something. Also you can ask about things you like. Anything can spark a great conversation! You may also find out that you two have a lot in common!
  6. Okay...there is this guy that I REALLY REALLY like (ya I know...cliche...but please keep reading and offer advice!). He's about 2 years older than me and best friends with my older cousin. I havn't really talked to him much, but from what I have talked to him about/noticed, we have a lot in common. We like the same music, we do the same stuff, etc. I really want something to happen between us (that may sound stupid...I just want to really ya know talk to him and get to know him...) , but I don't know how to spark a relationship. I have no clue if he likes me or not. I just don't know how to talk to him and I'm really afraid that he'll think I'm just some little kid and won't take me seriously or something. I guess I really want to know how to approach a guy and what seems dorky to you guys and how guys like to be approached. Please help!!!
  7. Oooothis should be fun! I can tell ya what I like, but not what everyone likes! I want a guy who won't judge me and is caring. We'd be able to talk about anything and confide in each other and I'd always be able to go to him when I'm sad or lonely and he'd comfort me. I also want a guy who is daring and not a coward. I want him to be willing to take a chance and have a good time! Doesn't have to be some full time party-boy, but I want someone that I can go to clubs with and stuff and just have a good time. He also needs to be confident, but not overlly so. I don't really like conceited guys who always talk about themselves and brag. Cleverness, however, is VERY sexy. I would want a guy with wit and a sense of humor. Laughing is a great emotion^.^ As far as looks go, doesn't really matter. If a guy has all that going for him, he's gonna look cute whether he really is or not! Besides, the way I see guys, I always see something cute. All guys have cute little quirks. Spiked hair is cool though. So that's what I like/look for in guys! Hope that helps ya any!
  8. All of my life I've been really shy. I really want a boyfriend, not to say that I have a boyfriend and flaunt him around and crap, I want someone to lean on and support me and vice-versa. But, I can't approach or talk to guys at all. Whenever I want to say something I just shy away with it because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me. I'm just really insecure when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm also not what you'd call pretty and that just makes my insecurities worse. Should I worry so much about what they think? How can I get over my insecurities? How can I learn to talk to guys? Please help me!
  9. If you really like her, then you already know the answer! At least try to stay with her. Talk to your parents. See if there is any way you guys could get together and spend a day at the movies or something. If you guys fall out, then it wasn't meant to be. As miss_angel said, you'll have your license soon too, so you can go see her then. Good luck, and I hope things go well for you guys!
  10. I'm not sure that punishing him by never having sex with him is such a great idea. In fact I'm positive. Sex is a beautiful thing between a man and a woman that truly love each other. It's supposed to be a deep experience that brings a man and woman close together. You'll hear a lot of couples talking about how when something truly traumatic occurs, making love helps the soul heal. No, punishing him this way would not help at all. Also, it would be punishing you as well Not to mention, if the man's not getting enough sex, he's gonna look for it somewhere else. He might end up having sex with the woman he was talking to, which is what you have been trying to fight.
  11. I think it is very possible for people to change, because I know I have. But even if someone changes, it can't change what they did or said. The problem is, alot of people try to use their changing as a coverup for things they did wrong in the past instead of appologize. I guess I just don't believe in "forgiving AND forgetting". I believe in forgiving, but there are many things that not only can't be forgotten, but SHOULDN'T be forgotten. For instance, if you "forget" that your boy/girl friend cheated on you, you aren't being honest with yourself. It's denial. You should, however, forgive them for it, because everyone does things wrong and should be forgiven. Forgetting things that have been done against you is denying that it ever happened. I don't mean like "it slipped your mind" or you just "casually forgot" it, I mean you tell yourself that it didn't happen or that it's all gone away now. Denial is a form of lying, usually to yourself. Forgiving is a whole other story. Forgiving is very important in life. You can't be happy if you can't forgive people because you will dwell on your anger. Forgiving is the only thing that truly releases you from pain. Forgetting just pushes it to the back of your mind. Also, everyone makes mistakes! It's just a fact of life! Because no one is perfect, people SHOULD be forgiven. This does not mean, though, that it's all better and everythings gone away. You can put neosporin on a cut, but it won't be gone the next morning, and if it's deep enough, it'll leave a scar.[/b]
  12. Yo, Take it from a girl, there is nothing sexier than a guy initiating conversation! Well, since you see her on the bus, that's a good place to start. It may sound cliche-ish, but my best friend met her boyfriend of 8months on her bus route. Sometime maybe if she's reading something or listening to her cd player, if you sit somewhere near her, just casually ask her what she's reading or listening too. Go from there. Once you start a conversation, if you have chemistry or something in common, everything should go smoothly. Or if you'd feel more comfortable talking to her in the halls, then do it there! If you see her, just casually walk with her and ask her what class she has next. who knows, maybe you'll start a conversation. After the first convo, if there's chemistry or things in common, it will be easier to talk to her again. Sometime while talking, casually ask her for her digits or email address or something. Basically, just casually talk to her sometime. Questions are great ice-breakers and also let you get to know someone better. Keep cool and try not to be/act nervous. Don't act conceited or cocky though. she wouldn't take you seriously if you did. I hope I helped some and GOOD LUCK!!! Go get her, tiger!
  13. You're not a sucker for taking him back. You showed immense strength by kicking him out. Alot of women I know would've given up and cried. I think you did the right thing! You showed him that it is NOT okay and that you WILL NOT just sit back and let him do that to you.
  14. Just watch her! Take it from a girl!!! The main ways I show guys I like them is usually when we're together I end up sitting very close to them. If she touches you, whether your legs hit when you sit or she puts her hand on your knee or she puts her arms around your shoulders, just look for the little things! Do you guys joke and tease each other a lot? That's a major sign of chemistry. Also watch her eyes. Does she make eye contact with you alot? Another good sign. Here's one method you might try to see. Look deeply into her eyes. If her eyes flit away nervously, she might not like you as a boyfriend. If she looks into your eyes and matches your gaze evenlly, good sign! If she gazes deeply into your eyes and then all of a sudden turns away and blushes, she definitely feels something for you! Hope that helps!
  15. Well, I really think you need to talk to her. Ask her WHY it would hurt her if you went. Ask her what the Real reason for her not wanting to go is. I can't really tell you which to do, but listen to your heart. Listen to your brain. Do as they say, not as your ex-gf says. If they say go to her house, go. If htey say stay, stay. If they say go to the game, go to the game! Take a hot shower and weigh the pros and cons. Just mull over it for a while and I think the answer will come to you. I think you already know what it is, you just need to give in to YOURSELF!
  16. Hey, missing something we just lost is human nature! (I still miss my cat that I had to give away several months ago ) Also, you need to realize that you are better off without her! You don't need people like that in your life. Anyone who makes you feel that miserable is not worth dealing with! Just stay away from her for a while. Date new girls, meet new people! I can almost assure you that you'll find yourself a better girl out there somehwere and when you do, you'll realize how much better off you are without her! You're FREE now! You can do what you like without worrying about what she is going to do to you or how she is going to react! Take charge and life! Just get your mind off of her, and keep it there! I know it'll be hard, but if you ever want to be happy, ya gotta! Good luck!
  17. The point is, you did say those things. You said extremely hurtful things and then just expected her to "forgive and forget" because now your in a good mood. It shows carelessness. What's so bad about saying that is that you lied to her. She no longer has any reason to trust you, so she doesn't. Put yourself in her shoes, how would YOU react if someone told you those hurtful things? Chances are you wouldn't like it one bit. So basically, you hurt her. She doesn't want to let you close because she's afraid of being hurt again. And I'll agree that we do all say things in the heat of the moment, but we also have to take responsibility for them. You aren't taking responsiblity. The very least you could do is appologize to her, instead of trying to make excuses for yourself. Hon, YOU broke the camel's back. YOU broke up with HER. That alone will have a girl upset with you for a while, especially if you are teens. Teenage girls have very wild emotions. You also said hurtful things while doing it. Whether you like it or not, it isn't her problem, it's yours.
  18. I think you should start by talking to her. Chances are that's she's willing to take the next step into a relationship which would probably be talking to her parents. I think that you guys will probably get over the shyness quickly, but her parents are probably the real problem to your relationship. I would highly suggest you and her just sit down with her parents sit down and talk about it. Don't exaggerate yourself, brag, or shower compliments on them because that may make it seem that you aren't being sincere. Just be yourself. Come up with responsible dating scenarios, such as a group of people (both her and your ages). If they still are reluctant, say that you'd be happy for one/both of them to go with ya'll to be chaperones. (Ya, ya, I know. But still, if it's the only way, just sit a few seats away...lol) If you think it's not worth the trouble, then maybe it's just not meant to be. Either way, give things a try, and good luck!
  19. Hey dude, just ask her out! Trust me, if you ask her out, chances are she will say yes, ESPECIALLY if you do it confidently and by yourself. There isn't much that's sexier than a guy who can just come flat out and ask us out. DO NOT get a friend to ask her for you. Not only does it reduce your chances, but it also makes us feel uncomfortable/awkward. If you, like me, are too shy to ask someone out, then flirt like hell! Girls love being flirted with. Try to bring up asking her out casually in conversation or something. Making the situation as comfortable as possible will increase your chances drastically! Good luck!
  20. Thanks! I really appreciate it, and finally advice that looks like it would work!!! Don't know why I didn't think of it, but thank you for the tips^^
  21. There is this guy that I really like, but I don't know him very well at all. He's a friend of my older cousin's and I'm at their house a lot to hang out with his (my cousin) siblings. I've liked him for quite a while and it just feels right when I see him, but I don't know how to let him know that I like him. He usually raises his eyebrows and gives me a smile when I see him, does that mean anything at all? Basically what I really want to know is... Guys-What are the best subtle-ish hints for girls to give you to say that we like you and want to get to know you better? Girls-What do you do/say around a guy to make them get the hint that you like him and want to get to know him better? I've tried to just flat out tell him, but I've always been shy about matters of the heart. Please help me if you can.
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