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Daddy Bear

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Everything posted by Daddy Bear

  1. worse! at least on the couch they could get some "me time" (my 4th favorite position).
  2. how is that any of their business? you can be what you want to be. give yourself permission to feel whatever's in your soul.
  3. i know i'm not a gal but i would like to mention here that i did manage 7 in one day once. (no SxcLady, i was not alone, so don't ask.)
  4. you're probably doing 96--it's a common mistake.
  5. something is missing here, and it ain't 70!
  6. SL, congrats on your 300th porn post, lmao
  7. oddly, "chime" shows up in more active threads (113) that the word "wrong" (76). you may have a point. but let's keep this thread on topic. umm, what was the topic again?
  8. "I don't get mad, I just grow a tumor." -Woody Allen or maybe anger is simply our own depression turned outwards onto others. weights, jogging, dancing... anything to cop a good endorphin buzz.
  9. i feel for him, i feel for you, but i feel worst for his kids. can you imagine what they must be going through... you might do best to hang way back for now and let this couple divorce or work it out or whatever they need to do.
  10. that sends up a warning flag for me, MissMandaJo. he needs to try to chill as much as you do if you both want it to work. maybe you guys can have a sit-down and talk about how you both act too possessive towards each other.
  11. ok, even more reason to be a good listener and be there to help her over her issues. it's probably the greatest thing you can do for the girl you care about.
  12. my attitude about breasts is as long as there are two of them, it's all gravy! some women probably feel the same about men. wait, that didn't come out right! what i meant was as long as everything works like it should... i'm around average-sized but i don't recall any complaints from women about getting the job done right, and far more often than not they have come back for more, which matters more than what i think about it myself.
  13. it's natural for people over 12 to feel a little jealousy, we just need to be careful not to drive others nuts over it. if you're still together at 21/28 the problem will be gone because you can then go with him (or at least check up on him occasionally, if he forgets to invite you ) when he goes out drinking.
  14. she needs someone to talk to. be glad it's you. if she answers "thanx" to "i love you" then she's not in love... at least not yet. if you back off just one step, be a good listener and try to help her feel better about her family problems, you might just score a lot of points in the right direction.
  15. i don't know if i would use the word 'normal', although it is higher than average. there are those who jump in and out of relationships like they're on springs, but i know someone who was married for the third time at 23 and it lasted over 20 years.
  16. i was often the dumper when i was younger. sometimes a shiny new thing, sometimes maybe just insecurity. i didn't give much consideration to anyone else's feelings until the time a female friend described to me how a girl i broke up with pretty coldly had been very badly hurt by it. i never got to talk to the girl again so i carry the guilt around to this day, even though i'm sure she doesn't even remember my name. in the long run, the dumper ended up with all the baggage. more recently i was on the receiving side, which sucks pretty badly too. i really couldn't say which is worse. jumper, i don't know why you broke up but in your case i think the dumper and dumpee, if you want to use those labels, are not currently on the same page. if she acts like she's better off now, then maybe you will be too and you just don't realize it yet. don't stay depressed when you strike out in a relationship, because some people can just throw a wicked curveball. all you can do is get back to the dugout and wait for another turn at the plate. (i hope that metaphor makes sense to those who may not be into baseball)
  17. i feel you there. if you can't see her just as an ex then maybe you would be more comfortable passing on the meal. if you do go, be ready in case 'catch up' didn't mean 'make up for lost time'.
  18. hey sax, great simpsons handle. i have one question about the library incident, because i couldn't get enough detail to be sure where "Emily" was coming from. it does seem a little extreme that she would be so harsh on you, since you don't use any drugs at all. did she come out and actually say it was wrong of you to have tried weed once, or could it be that she's a pothead and that's why she said she couldn't go to the prom with you?
  19. hi, Laura. we don't hand out scarlet A's on this site, we just try to offer moral support and some suggestions that may or may not ring true with the people we're talking to. what i think is that there may have been some subtle or even subconscious meaning behind his little farewell comment to "be good." he might be wrestling with his own conscience about the feelings between you two and the fact that he made a vow to be faithful to his wife. my guess, if that is true, is that he won't be leaving her any time in the near future. he probably gets a lot out of being with you that he doesn't get at home, and doesn't want to lose that, but knows that his wife would be hurt if she found out he was showing affection to you, and he knows if he had an actual affair he would feel guilty and tainted. does that sound like it could be the case?
  20. it's impossible to know for sure at this point exactly why she contacted you or what she wanted. it might be best to be ready with a good plan B, in case it doesn't turn out like you hope.
  21. actually, you wouldn't have to leave until the end because it would be dark in the meantime.
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