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Daddy Bear

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Everything posted by Daddy Bear

  1. worked for me. i kind of felt a little hip-hop or rapcore flow in it.
  2. geez Lunabelle, i just can't take you anywhere any more just what are you trying to say there? lol i'm just here to back up our homey NoComply.
  3. Miss M, it's nothing but a delight to read your posts. i never thought for a second that you meant to shoo me away, either. i wasn't abandoning sweetheart's thread altogether, just hushing for a bit to get things back to normal. i apologize for my rudeness in implying anything uncomplimentary. what you have to say sounds like it could be very helpful to sweetheart, so please continue as before. and you're right, you do have lots of personality!
  4. aww, teacup. you're feeling all the things that nobody should ever have to feel, and you have my total sympathy. you are not dirty, etc. and no way does it make someone a bad awful person just because a bad awful thing happened to them. definitely stick with the meds and therapy, they're probably the best tools for helping you to dismantle those demons and get back to the calm, happy place where you belong. once you have done that, you should find that you have defeated your external tormentor forever as well. you can and will do it. so let us know how your progress comes along!
  5. aw go on, make her happy. what's the downside??
  6. yup, that's a pretty good indicator. he never asked about that? how could he not know? i'm not judging, btw. i could so imagine myself in your predicament.
  7. thanks for the clarifications, Miss M. yes, i do feel that i understand your sentiments. i will agree that there are misunderstandings inherent in the written format of a forum like this one, but i assure you that you have made your points clearly and in great detail. no, the aggressive guys are not the ones i would recommend that sweetheart230 pursues, although i do not agree with the generalized notion that all guys who make strong attempts to get to know pretty girls are necessarily "useless for meaningful relationships". the fact that a guy appreciates a girl's face doesn't mean that it's his main reason for trying to talk to her. some girls are gorgeous AND have a personality, am i wrong? yes, i missed Ta_ree_saw's disclaimer. i am prepared to stand alone in my view that a ready availability of potential partners is a positive thing. no, i don't feel mis-handled, just misquoted. thank you nonetheless for your kind assurances. yes, i would like the thread to stay on topic, and no, i'm not interested in a debate of any size. i still see a consensus of opinion in the areas that are important to sweetheart230. i'll yield the floor and let you do your thang.
  8. If you're a person who wants to be valued only for your external covering, looking for a lot of meaningless sex... then yeah, it's probably a very nice arrangement. no ma'am, that does not describe me at all. respectfully, i don't see such a notion suggested in any post i've ever made. i'm certainly glad you didn't react that way when Ta_ree_saw found this a problem to wish for, but it's good that you questioned me on it because i wouldn't want to leave the wrong impression with either you or sweetheart230. my point was that the resources she needs in order to succeed at her central quest of having a boyfriend (not meaningless sex, for goodness' sake) are all around her, practically beating down her door; and all she has to do to achieve her goals is to give herself the green light and practice not letting her shyness hold her back. that doesn't sound like a horrible thing. i would try to view it as a blessing and an opportunity. now that we've cleared that up, i hope you'll see that my opinions on sweetheart's situation are in harmony with the others on this thread: we all seem to believe that she might benefit by being a little more proactive. i prefer to leave it at that. regards
  9. dazed, how were you able to determine that "true love" was your son's biological father?
  10. what did she say when she talked about getting together now? what do you think are the chances of that happening again?
  11. i would probably call that your heart bonking you on the head. it happens to the best of us. so, who should your child believe is his or her daddy?
  12. it sounds like the girl has strong feelings for somebody else. maybe, maybe she could have them for you some day, but right now you have time to look around for something better for you.
  13. there comes a point at which a reasonable guy would decide that he has no hope of a sexual relationship (which to some is the same as a serious relationship, btw) but my limit would not be three dates. what's the rush? especially with a cutie like fishrrshortae!
  14. "True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." -Helen Keller "Give it to me straight, Doc. Am I going to live a lifetime of loneliness and memories of better days... or is Stanley going to die?" -author unknown good call on the thread idea, Tropigal.
  15. it is a great story, and it should be a lesson to fools who break it off with someone and think they can fall back on him/her later when the hot new thing gets cold.
  16. i don't see anything wrong with the guy having coffee with another girl since he had no commitment to you, but if you want to see less of that, step up to the plate and take your swings. you don't need to be aggressive, just assertive. in the free world, everyone has the right and the self-obligation to pursue their dreams as long as they're legal. count me in with the "good problem to have" crew.
  17. Butterfly, when a mommy dominatrix and a daddy submissive love each other very much, they like to show it by having a drawer full of riding crops and latex hoods. as i said... not into it. but for some people it's their reason for living and as long as they're both happy...
  18. wouldn't it be nice if two people always fell out of love at the same time? in almost every breakup there is one partner who wants out first, and often a good person who has done nothing to deserve it gets stuck holding the empty bag. it doesn't seem fair but it's life, and i think it applies here. the good news is that you don't have to deal with "a jerk and a liar" any more and you are now free to hook up with someone more compatible. lucky!!
  19. not really into bondage but the lively talk of handcuffs gave me an idea, and any two people with a rope handy could do it. lie down in 69 position, tie yourselves together at the waist and each take a loose end of the rope. nobody goes anywhere until we're BOTH HAPPY!!
  20. where are my manners? never mind, i found them... thanks lucia, great thread. better than HBO. guess i'm the only one around who likes peach-flavored JoyJel, tho
  21. lol i knew that was the one. she described it so nicely.
  22. i'm sure you'll think of something to say. what's the worst that can happen if you approach him? that he won't wanna go out with you? you're already not going out together! you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. if by chance you hit him up and he's not into it, you'll be embarrassed for a few minutes but at least you won't be agonizing over it like this. two shy people waiting for each other to get things moving is just painful. seize the day!
  23. i wouldn't even waste my time, Luvtax. posts like that speak for themselves.
  24. it's simple. you still care because you're a caring type person. he moved on so quickly because he isn't. but some guys are, and i'm sure someone like that will come along before you know it.
  25. irene and i have a lot in common. we're both hollow and full of hot air. (favorite position #3: whips, chains and bicycle pump. not.) seriously though, who around here who likes the motion lotion? the belly jelly? hot cinnamon? wild cherry? anybody?
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