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Everything posted by miserableme

  1. I've waxed it all off since the time I first got hair down there. I grew up near the beach and it was convenient not to have hair poking out of my bikini bottoms. I feel much cleaner that way. I also prefer the look. Maybe I just don't know any different. As far as guys go, I've never had any complaints and I've definitely had some compliments. I have a very feminine body type (big boobs and tiny waist) so there is no mistaking me for a pre-pubescent child. I guess if you were flat-as-a-board, it might look a little odd.
  2. I had an accident 6 months ago. It was in my brand new car. I was going around a round-a-bout and this old lady ran in to the side of me. My car was destroyed. Had I been in my old car, I probably wouldn't be here today. I was so shaken that it took 2 weeks before I'd get back in a car. Now I'm so paranoid when I drive. I get one of those horrible adrenaline rushes at least 3 times everytime I get behind the wheel. I freak out. Not that any of that makes you feel any better but at least you know you're not alone.
  3. My ex never had msn or myspace but I think this would be a good thing to delete them. That way if they are online you won't be wondering why they're not talking to you, that sort of thing. It's better for the no contact. I'm no expert but this is how I would feel.
  4. It sounds like whoever wrote this has some serious insecurities. Plus, so many of these are just not true. eg. # Not using your penis by getting laid might cause it to shrink as well. If I had my choice of how big my man's penis would be, I'd chose average. The long one's hurt too much when they hit the bumper stop. But it doesn't really matter. I'm adaptable.
  5. If I found out early in the pregnancy I would terminate it. If I found out later I would keep it. It would also depend on if I had the resources at the time. Money would be a big issue here. If the father was in the picture then he would have some say also. The less supportive he was then the less likely I'd keep the baby.
  6. If the acne is severe enough a doctor should be able to prescribe accutane or an antibiotic, depending on the cause. I would go back to a dermatologist and ask them to give you something. They deal with this sort of thing all the time. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. There's no doubt that bad skin can lead to depression.
  7. I wouldn't be able to do that. It does sound special but I would always be wondering what else is out there. I love experiencing new people. I would like to settle down eventually but in the mean time I'm happy with experimentation. You shouldn't get jealous that the person you are with has had experiences with other people.
  8. I don't think it's necessarily the case the you were "too easy". I've had sex on the first date on a number of occasions. One of those led to a 3 year relationship with my ex-boyfriend. It didn't end pretty but he wasn't disinterested after the first time we had sex. He was thrilled and wanted more. I think in some cases, the "chase" can be an emotional chase. If he's after a girlfriend then he might be more interested in your personality, rather than whether or not you've had sex with him.
  9. I like it natural on guys. A bit of a trim doesn't hurt but I'm not into bald.
  10. I think that he thinks you're not interested. You didn't really talk to him at the bar and then you didn't want to go to his house afterwards. To me, that would signal: not interested.
  11. 1. Unintentionally funny. 2. Good kisser 3. Spontaneous- I like someone who doesn't have to think hard about things before doing them. 4. One woman man- has to be me and me only. 5. I have to like his friends and vice versa 6. Mysterious- keeps me guessing. 7. Loves animals and nature 8. Can't live with his parents- I put up with enough of that with my ex. 9. Has to like his job 10. Needs to have nice teeth (otherwise I won't want to kiss him).
  12. Just how you said his nails were long and filthy. I'm not laughing at the injury. I hope you are ok. Infections can get serious.
  13. Try not to let it bother you. Just don't wear heels on the date. If you like him then it doesn't matter.
  14. amanda catherine and 2hott2handle- I take it you are the same person. Why would you do that? Just curious. This is so mind boggling.
  15. It's great that you have such an understanding girlfriend. I don't think it matters that you can't have sex, as long as you take care of her needs as well. Does she allow you to perform oral sex on her?
  16. hahaha. This is hilarious. I hope it's not infected. Have you got a cut?
  17. I would strongly advise against diet pills. I tried trimspa recently. I lost quite a bit of weight, mostly because they made me feel too sick to eat anything. I had a doctors appointment a few days after I started taking them and had blood taken. Despite drinking bucket loads of water, my sodium levels were up really high, which means dehydration (another reason I could have lost weight) I also had a heart murmur which hadn't been heard before (I don't know if it's related). I was only taking half the recommended dosage. I also couldn't sleep. I was restless, I felt drained, sick and headachey. They are full of caffeine which is not good for you.
  18. Lately, I have been fantasizing about the ex. He wasn't even that great in bed but I miss being able to have sex whenever I wanted it. Although, most of my thoughts about it are from when we first got together.
  19. First of all, your mother is not going to mind paying for a hospital stay if it means keeping you alive. Second of all, get the help you need, no matter what it takes. No on should have to feel like that.
  20. Call an ambulance! NOW!
  21. -we fought too much -we both wanted to experience other people/other things -he didn't care what I thought about anything -his parents talked him in to it.
  22. Ofcourse it's normal! It doesn't matter what you think about to get off. Whatever does it for her. Celebrities don't do it for me but I'm sure there are a lot of girls who it does work for.
  23. Hahaha. Sunscreen in Canada. That's so cute.
  24. I've had sex with 4 people, had oral sex with around 10. I have to say, I do compare! It's not necessarily good or bad that I'm comparing. There are just so many different types of bodies and I love to see them. Of all those, the only penis I didn't like was one where he couldn't get hard. He had too much to drink. Technique is probably the most noticeable difference. I tend to prefer being with the guys that don't spend all their time playing with my boobs.
  25. That's true spug. I remember one time I made my ex cum 5 times in a row. He told me afterwards that it made him feel really sick. Then he slept for the rest of the day. After that the most I could ever get out of him was 2 or 3. He always said it was quality, not quantity that mattered.
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