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Everything posted by miserableme

  1. I'm my experience with penises, it appears to go with height. Taller guys tend to have longer ones and short guys shorter ones. It's mostly proportionate ( I did come accross one guy who was average height and had a tiny penis though.) I'm not entirely sure if the african american population is generally taller than whites but if so, then it's possible they could have larger schlongs.
  2. Just out of curiosity, how much does religion play a part of this for you two? I read something recently which, suggested that women who wait for marriage to have sex tend to marry at a significantly younger age than the general population. Often leading to divorce. Personally, I couldn't do it. But I have no religion to stop me. I haven't regretted any of my sexual encounters yet. Not all were pleasant but they all allowed me to learn. Anyway, best of luck to you all.
  3. Definitely one of the least healthy diets. If you want to lose weight an be healthy, then you need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. The Atkins diet restricts these and that is bad. In you continued on it, you would end up getting gas, constipation, bloating, that sort of thing. Any diet that lasts a week will only have water-weight loss. It doesn't sound like you have much weight to lose, so why not start doing a bit more exercise and cut some of the crap out of your diet. You'd be amazed at how far that can get you.
  4. All vagina's are ugly (some refer to it as an "axe-wound"). If it really bothers you, I would see a doctor to make sure you're all normal and there is no unnatural swelling etc. Don't worry about anyone that laughs at you. Most guys would be happy just to get some action. The guy who laughed is just a jerk. Not all of them are like that, no matter how much it seems that way.
  5. I don't have anything to say about your situation but I will say this... Both of you are incredibly good looking! I am really jealous that you are gay. Why does that always have to happen?
  6. I've only ever kissed guys and I've had both good and bad experiences. It comes down to the persons technique, not gender. I have to say, I would not like to kiss a girl. Very off putting I have to say.
  7. That's one of the many holes in religion. I'm not going to get in to it but I believe in the ape evolution theory. There is also much more evidence to back this up than "Adam and Eve".
  8. I think cardinal is a bit turned on ;-) As for wanting her to cum...If she knows you're pressuring her to, then it will make it so much harder. I get so annoyed when guys ask me "are you close?". It makes me feel like I have to hurry up and then it spoils the mood. Just take your time and enjoy yourself. If it doesn't happen the first time, don't stress. If it does then that's great.
  9. Make sure she knows you actually want to do it. Make sure you don't have stubble on your face. If she doesn't cum, don't feel bad, try again next time (she'll still love you for it). leyla covered the rest pretty well.
  10. My theory of drunkedness is: You know what you're doing but you don't think it's wrong. This doesn't apply to completely blind drunk though. So drunk that you don't remember anything that happened the night before type of thing. It still doesn't excuse anyone for cheating.
  11. I have had many guys ask me for their number and I have never once called any of them. It's not that I think there is anything wrong with them, it's just not for me. Lots of girls are like this. I prefer them to call me. I feel more comfortable giving them my number. If I give you my real number, then I think you're cute.
  12. Enjoy it while it lasts. Once you get to 30, your metabolism is likely to change and you will be wishing you were 17 again.
  13. The inner part of the elbow, back of the knees and right between the boobs. That's where I miss getting kisses.
  14. It is NOT legal in Australia. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I think incest is very rarely completely consensual between both parties.
  15. Myuu is not real. You desperately need to talk to someone about this. Are you seeing a therapist or anything? They should know. If you get help, you won't have to feel like this anymore.
  16. Yeah, this was also the guy who loved performing oral sex and wondered why I wouldn't let him do it. It felt like someone was * * * * *ing me with a thousand needles.
  17. Things I hated: -he drank, smoked and did a lot drugs -he gambled his pay away every week -he never kept promises -unreliable -irresponsible -cheap -Just about everyone in his life was above me -lazy -bad dresser -liar -overweight and blamed me for it -couldn't look after himself -slave to his parents -he only shaved once a week and always wanted to kiss my neck -his appologies seemed to real-they weren't -he would spend an hour in the bathroom every morning, just to get away from me. -he wasn't very smart, in fact he was barely literate. -he would only eat terrible food -he would take, take, take and never give -never finish anything he started -he'd ask me to come over and then not be there until 3 in the morning -he was a bad driver -for 3 years I went to his house 3-4 times a week and he lived 45 minutes away. He came to my house no more than 10 times. What I loved about him: -he was the first person to tell me they loved me. Why wouldn't I get back with him -self explanatory Believe it or not, he broke up with me!
  18. Not yet! I intend to call tomorrow. I tried on Sunday but it was closed. I'll let you know how it goes!
  19. You are definitely not overweight. All that means is that you have small hips. Being an apple shape is only a problem if you are actually overweight. Storing a lot of fat on the abdomen can put you at risk for diabetes, heart disease etc. Don't stress, you are actually very slim.
  20. From some quick googling, gender reassignment surgery costs around $11,000 for the basic procedure. This escalates with all the extras. Not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, but if you must have it then I'm sure you'll find a way. good luck
  21. I'm so sorry about your cat. I work at a vet clinic and I help out with the euthanasia process. I have to say, it does not get any easier. When you're standing in the room while the pet's owner's heart is breaking, it's awful. Your cat is free from pain now. He would be happier that way. 15 is fairly old for a cat and I'm sure he had a great life.
  22. The doctor didn't tell me what grade it was but she let me hear it. It was noticeable. I'm going to look into getting a cheaper deal somehow. and mythical suicide- You're right. I didn't really think of it like that. Thanks for the push guys. I'm convinced.
  23. I have insurance but I don't think it covers much. I'm a poor student at the moment and I'm earning peanuts. and surgery...how nice I guess I'll have to figure something out.
  24. I went to the doctor a while ago for a general checkup. She told me I have a hear murmur and that I need to see a cardiologist. I kind of blew it off because I can't afford it right now. Now she has called me every day for the past week and left messages telling me I need to make an appointment. There was urgency in her voice. I'm getting really worried. Has anyone else had any experience with heart murmurs? Is there anything you can do about it? I don't want to spend all that money and then find out there is nothing I can do.
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