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Everything posted by miserableme

  1. I just feel like I can't let go. He said to me the other day, I'm the only girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He just wanted time to figure out who he was. We were being very mature about it until last night, I've ruined everything.
  2. I know I shouldn't have hit him. It was pure rage. I've never had that experience before. It was like a few moments of insanity. I guess I fought for him because I really love him. I'm not over him. If he hit me it would be over in a flash. I'm also a small girl. It wouldn't have hurt him that much. Doesn't matter I guess. I feel like * * * *. A break sounds good. I'm going away for 2 or 3 months in 2 weeks.
  3. My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me 2 weeks ago. Since then we have seen each other a couple of times, casually just to talk. It was fine until last night. He called me telling me he was at a strip club, I started crying and telling him I miss him etc. Then he asked me to come meet him there. Stupidly, I did. When I got there it was fine, he bought me a drink, we talked. I kept saying to him that when the next strip show comes out can he please stay with me on the other side of the room. He said he would hug me the whole time. The next thing you know the stripper comes out and asks him to come on stage with her. He jumped right up there. I tried dragging him down but he wouldn't. So i through my drink at him and got it all over the stage. I then stormed out and thought he would follow me. He didn't so I went back in and charged at him. I was punching, hitting, scrating him. The bouncers dragged me off him and through me out. THEN he decided to follow me and the bouncers (bikies) started punching him in the face. He came outside and yelled at me, then passed out. I took him home and he asked me to stay. In the morning he kept touching me and wanted to have sex. I told him no, because he can't just use me like that. Then he started yelling at me for coming over in the first place. He started crying and saying things will be different now. The thing is ,I made it perfectly clear that I didn't want him to be near the stripper. Does he just expect me to stand back and watch?
  4. I would go and see a doctor. Ofcourse I'm not a doctor, but I think the benefits of natural antidepressants are minimal if any.
  5. I'm glad you're getting help. Maybe you should try AD's. They might help you cope a bit better, but won't be the solution.
  6. I would recommend seeing a professional who might prescribe you antidepressants. They can help numb the pain a bit but you really need to work on the cause of the problem and get help moving on. I hope you are ok. It must hurt a lot.
  7. My most recent boyfriend was not circumsized and it didn't bother me at all but in Australia only 10% of males are. Personally, I wouldn't want to put my child through that and it seems to be quite unnatural to me. Don't worry about it. It's easy to have hangups about your body, but if it's the right girl for you then she won't care. The other thing is, most girls are going to be more self conscious about themselves than you will be. Lots of us are worried about body fat, breast size, cellulite etc. It's just a natural part of learning about each other.
  8. Wow, she's 22 and has a curfew. That's crazy. I thought once you turned 18 you became and adult and had adult responsibilities. I would be moving out ASAP. Anyway, that doesn't help you much. If you really like her then go for it. If it really bothers you then I'm sure you'll find someone else.
  9. Chances are you are talking to an 80 year old man anyway. I can understand why she is upset. Maybe you could compromise by sending her naughty emails or something. This way you could get it out of your system and keep her happy. If it is because you want to cyber with other girls then maybe you need to give it up or face losing her? It depends on a lot of factors.
  10. Thanks for your replies everyone. I guess time is the only cure. I just spoke to him and he says since he has been with me he has lost himself. He is young and doen't want to regret being tied down so young. I was under the impression I had done something wrong. He assures me I haven't. This doesn't make me feel much better. I almost wish I hadn't met him that december night. I'm young also but he was my first love and I'm not experienced with break ups. It makes it so much harder. I don't know whether I could put my trust in anyone again. Not for a long time anyway. Iwantherback- I will try and find that book. It might help me put things in to perspective. Meanwhile, I'm taking some time off university to go and visit family overseas. I want to thank you all for your support. I didn't expect as much.
  11. My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me on Saturday. I'm 19 and he's 21. We had some rocky times during the relationship but I always thought that was normal. He just decided he doesn't want to be with anyone anymore and he wants to find out what he wants out of life. The thing that hurts so much is that he always made me feel so secure, like he was never going to leave me. We had planned to move in together and were hoping to start a family. I put all my trust in him. A couple of days later I called him and asked him if there was any chance of us getting back together. He said no. I felt like I was the best thing in his life. I was always there for him. He has money and family problems and I always thought I was his outlet. I was so happy with the way were going. Since he broke up with me I have been in the worst state of my life. I can't eat, sleep, function. I've been crying non-stop. My stomach feels like it's constantly being punched. Everywhere I look I see reminders of him. Birthday, christmas presents, etc. Not to mention everywhere I go it reminds me of him. I don't want to get rid of these things because I still love him but I don't want to look at them either. The pain is unbearable. He was my boyfriend and my best friend. When I talk to him he doesn't seem to care. Basically I was just hoping for some words of advice on how to speed up the healing process.
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