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Everything posted by Spawn

  1. she is gonna find out and feel probably the same way as i am now....
  2. i just don't feel right about contactin....she says stuff that hurts me a lot and she doesn't care a crap about me when we broke up the way we did. If she says somethin crap i will be hurt cause i was nice to her and she never believed me....it was toxic Beec.
  3. you serious on the leave her a message thing....she is committed and in a relationship with a guy whom she couldn't get over with while she was goin out with me..... won't that flare things up...she already called me names cause i told her not to contact and to work it out with her ex.
  4. Crap.....its my fault i shouldn't have searched ner name, didn't think she wud be there, i saw her ex there and she is with him now profile says committed, she still stays where she was, workin as a teacher and also studying. One thing led to other and she is perfectly fine talkin to many guys for friendships and what not...no problem but why did i look into her friends list...hate this. i am not jealous but i am really hurt by me now....shouldn't have bothered at all, i am not healed fully... to make matters worst she will know who visited her profile, logs always show up on the front page. ahh how can i be so stupid...i am shakin now. Sorry all... Hate this...i have let down myself.
  5. guess i wud have to say bye bye to internet dating scene for long now...
  6. well yes....sometimes makes you feel are they really over them if they go on and on about them. Exs have no place in the start of a datin phase leave alone later.
  7. Hey people... ok i dunno what the title means anyways i thought i really started likin this girl and then came the bomb, please don't book the tickets to meet up, i will have to ask ma parents if there will be a problem. Reason: We both from different language but indian and her parents don't want anybody to deal with outside their community . She had a talk with em to atleast allow her to meet up with me and see if we both like eachother....the parents won't agree for even a meetin let alone takin it any further Its funny how me and trouble always remain together no matter how life wants me to run away from it. ahhh well....i had connected with this girl real good and now this... she won't go against her parents wish....she is gonna talk to her parents again this weekend, if they agree she will let me know else no contact from her side...sounds ok atleast i know its over whatever small thing was there if not contacted. i told her i will respect whatever her and her parents decision will be...as long as everbdy is happy whats the purpose of dancin alone to the tune of eminem( i talk solid crap don't i, sometimes too much) well this is a small rant about likin someone......
  8. why not communicate with him in a calm yet firm manner that you didn't like it and that perhaps you would have liked it this way Sometimes talking it out helps a lot cause understanding eachothers likes and dislikes is also important. Let him know this but don't make it an issue...take it easy.
  9. in my case it was weight loss and hair loss, no sleeps for days, obsessed about the phone ringing in the middle of the night, no gettin out of bed, hated to brush, clean my room, ahh well....so ya it took a toll on me I coped by cuttin all contact from my ex and concentratin on me each day lil more....and also that means strict no contact, i didn't see a future with this lady. Getting back wud have been cause of pure insecurity. so its normal for anyone, hang in there cause its temporary and don't feel bad about yourself or this phase of your life ....cause life is very short for all this.
  10. if you are going to a date thinkin you will "click" on the first date itself.....think again. second shot might be full of surprises you never know...
  11. Iron....you can take it from me, you have the looks. boy if you had been here where i live there are girls who only go after looks nevermind what crap comes out of the mouth lol I had my first gf at the age of 27...so just don't think you are old enuf to not have one. I was shy and very reserved and by the time i was 25 i realized there were lot of girls who really wanted to go out with me. Some good articles here: link removed Good luck
  12. Spawn


    4-5 is normal....only technique will help you...be calm and enjoy and use google lol
  13. ok i must agree on that most of them are taken... and these days i only smile at singles.
  14. am probably medium to intermediate there are times when i have stood before a mirror and said ok the guy in the mirror looks better than me with his hair nicely gelled. cud it have a better brain to?
  15. hmm how long have you guys been dating? every relationships has its ups and downs, if you don't take the risk....somebody else wud. Don't be afraid be bold & strong about this... Are you lookin for an exclusive relationship with this guy cause if you have spent lot of time together probably you did want to talk to him about this.
  16. well think of it this way is it worth that much to go through the pain again?
  17. simple means she is not interested in a relationship. The bf gf thing.... comeon there cud be many out there, don't keep your expectations high cause you might lose out on good girls in the process. Go ask some other girl and have fun!
  18. ye Ron, i still remember u being the first listener to ma problems....thanks to you too.
  19. arrogance and no humour, not payin attention to what you talkin or lookin elsewhere.
  20. Hey! all I just wanted to write somethin cause i feel nice about some good things happennin in my life offlate. First of, i finally got selected as a "technical consultant" in a good company and they are payin good for starters. I dunno whether i would be able to deliver cause the job profile is huge for me.....cud be a nice experience if at all i make it there. The girl that i contacted we finally talked, she actually thought this would never work out cause of various reasons. We have decided to take it slow....cause she has been hurt a lot in the past cause of her skin color. She is cool works as a technical writer in some reputed company. I got a nice friend in lilac_indi, she finally got thru a tough time with her breakup and made it thru in her exams, i am so happy for her.....way to go tutu. I hope you do get your psychatrist thingy....get ready for the uni & have fun. Be what you want to be, lifes short so make most of it... I still remember vaguely how we were both a emotional wreck ( cause of our sweet exs) when we chatted for the first time.....thanks for being there indi, you are the bestest. She is an aunt( i think a massi in punjabi right indi?) again now her sister just gave birth to a cute lil boy....yay possibiliti, you have always been a nice friend and i hope you find your man soon, you know it deep down you deserve better babe....gosh breakups are so hard to handle but things do eventually work out if we want ourselves to let them go and start doin stuff for us. Gettin back together believe me doesn't always work, we go back for most of the time cause of fear and insecurity, have been there and done that. I have learned a lot from enot, the members, their thoughts, their experiences, they have been absolutely great, i hope the community stays forever for the people who need em. Thanks for the laughs, the advices, the tears, the joys, and most thanks for listening to my crap when i needed someone out there. Thanks for everything....
  21. Spawn

    NC screwed

    good reply....now go back to NC and start that pilot thingy, don't you have a pic with you in the cockpit?
  22. Jake this is not a healthy relationship, you know it and probably she knows it too. Don't judge her with her past. If she hasn't done anythin while being in a relationship with you then i don't see any reasons why you shud think about her past and try all this stuff to get over that period of her life. Anyways, life/relationships shouldn't be so complicated anyways...staying together and thinkin cheatin would help get over others mistakes and committin mistakes in the process doesn't sound right. You will be hurt in the long run Be strong and take the right decision here.
  23. you need complete hardcore NC....just dissappear from his world for a long time and start doing somethin for you. I have been in your situation before, nuthin helped me better than cuttin all contact, no hanging out at the usual places no nuthing. Take it one day at a time and try doin some stuff for you for a change each day.
  24. i luv this thread....please keep on postin people. lol
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