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  1. You are doing the right thing in not giving up on the relationship and giving her some space. I'm not sure if anyone here can help you. I'm not sure that anyone can help her. Like you I am a christian and I believe that its in gods hands. It has been all along. You just have to be the best person you can be. Give her some space and god will guide you to what is right. Remember everything happens for a reason.
  2. what?!?!?!!?!?!? do you happen to live in the deep south?
  3. Well you just have a crush. A lot of what your thinking is in your head. You like this girl, but at the same time I bet 30 other guys at your school do too. I'm pretty certain she doesn't think about you. Over time your crush for her will go away. I can't really say how to forget her, but just wait for a girl closer to your age to come along. Good luck.
  4. buddy i felt the same way when i lost my g/f. i think some people are just prone to making up scneario's in their heads. as far as the dumpees go...i have never dumped anyone so i cant tell yah if they do feel the same way or not. all i can tell yah is that your not alone.
  5. well if she came on to you...then im not so sure she is that kind of girl that wants the guy to do everything. im not sure how to help. but maybe someone else could help yah. good luck though.
  6. I suggest asking the school nurse. I am from Canada....but I'm a guy and I have no idea how old you have to be to buy one. In Ontario, Canada the legal age to have sex is 16, so I'm guessing you can buy a morning after pill somewhere around there. But I strongly suggest asking your school nurser for it.
  7. Chris, all I can say is I agree with Echo in that you have to give her, her space. But you made a good point, if she really didn't want any part of you, she wouldn't of had wings, the moves.. etc. By the sounds of it, I think your chances of you two getting back together, are pretty good. So if and when it does happen, you gotta relax. She isn't cheating on you! And you. Yah gotta stop talking to other girls. Obviously if you want her back this badly, then you obviously really do love her. Forget other girls. That's what porn is for my friend. If your caught watching that, you can say its natural. Caz it is. But just lightin up a bit and you'll be fine.
  8. Hutch, I'd say a good way is to just say what comes from your heart. If its the fact your so nervous, and get to the moment, and words dont come out then I can help you with that, because I was once in your shoes my friend. Your young, you've just started the serious dating. Anytime you get into a situation where your nervous, such as this one, then you gotta just tell your self....oh what the hell?.....just do it! You don't wanna live your life not knowing what if? I know it's become a cluche. But it still means what it means. You gotta go for it! Just ask it. Doesn't have to come out all romantic, like it does in the movies or in shakespear. Just come right out and say it. Like for example...When I was 13, I had this girl I liked a lot! You know what I said to her? "Hey, uhhhh hi.....i was uhhh yah know wondering......u wanna like.......go out soon .....or sometime or yah know" I was as scared as hell. But you know what? Her and I went out for a long time, and are very good friends to this day. You gotta take a chance on this. It's young love. Enjoy it. As for princess2006's question, I'll be brief. I think as much as you like this other boy, your with this other guy right now. Boys come and go, don't just dump this one for another. Enjoy the times you have with this boy. If and when you break up, you know there is always another boy around. But don't just dump him now, caz you like someone else. You like your boyfriend now...why break up with him?
  9. It's tough to say not knowing how close they dance. I'd say if your boyfriend is being honest about something like this than that is possibly a good thing. I don't think he is cheating because if your boyfriend is this open, he obviously has enough faith in you to trust him. So try not to lose that faith you have in him. I am of course speaking from a guys perspective. But I don't think its anything to worry about. Hypothetically thinking, say he was cheating...would he even try to lead you on?? He enjoys going out with his friends and just meeting girls, but your still the one he loves, that's why he tells you this, because he trust that you trust him.
  10. Jason. Your doing the right thing getting help. Stop yourself from being abusive. Learn to live a better life. I feel that putting your trust in christ will help. Take some time to get yourself cleaned up. Maybe you can't meet up with her again. I wish you the best of luck. But I truly think its a mistake to forget her, if you love her so much. I know I maybe a little young to be giving you advice, but I seriously think, that putting your faith in Christ hands will help you live a better life.
  11. I dream of horrible things happening to me. I wan't people that I know and like now, to have sympathy for me in the future. I also dream of possibly dying in a comma or something. It's weird how we live off of these kinda things.
  12. If you really feel interested in this girl, ask "Person C" for the email. Whats the worse that could happen...she tells a bunch of people you liked someone who already has moved away????? I'm not sure how old you are, but you sound close enough to my age, and I say you should atleast ask for this girls email. But what are your intensions? Telling her that you feel bad for her, and be her friend, or are you looking for a long distance relationship? Anyway, if you really want the email, just ask. You got to take a chance.
  13. Well I hear you bud. It's tough to lose someone and then not know what they're doing when their thousands of miles away or so. Also not being able to see them, or go to their house. I wish you luck in trying to get her back. I hope it turns around well for you.
  14. I agree. If you really feel like this then you need to search your inner heart. If you find you really do love her, then give it another chance. You can't live the rest of your life, wondering if you really still loved her or not.
  15. that's b/s! its all a myth. a lot of the penis size stuff is all crap. though having said that, shoe size usually gives an accurate measure.
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