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Everything posted by Opiate

  1. Have you ever thought about making this poem/story into a song, its touching and yet for alot of people the truth.
  2. Also my father has made up most of the money already, he only has a couple more hundred to make up, which i am very happy about...and i didnt get offered to live with him from him, my sister suggested i got and give him comfort and i talked to him about it and he said he dosent care, i can live with him or i can just stay where i am but i dont know what to do , i feel in some way i should go over there and stay with him for a while so he can have a buddy, but also i feel i should stay away and let him get over it himself and have a good time with his girlfriend... but i dont know what to do.. PLease someone give me some advice
  3. My advice is, dont let go.....you love him and he loves you...its not too much longer that he will be out of jail and be with you for ever. You should go out, make some friends and go have a good time. If your love is that pure with him then everything will be allright.
  4. My father just had a Divorce with my step mother. They have been married for 12 years and then on one of my step mothers business trips, she went out and married one guy, and then got engaged to another guy. My dad got word of this and was disgusted with her and divorced her. What really happened was she went to canada, married a guy, then went to michigan, and was engaged to another guy and my dad got a call from this detective. The detective told him everything that was going on and my father was Mentally crushed. He started drinking heavily for 3 months and then finally divorced her. Also she withdrew $18,000 out of my dads credit cards ( yes thats right 18,000 dollars). Anyway he now has a girlfriend and they are getting along fine. But i cant help thinking that he needs another guy ( his son, me) up there to comfort him and help him get through this. He says he has gotten over it but i have a feeling he hasent. I have been offered to move over there with him but i dont know if i should let him be and let him live his own life, or go live with him and help him through his difficulties. I have a great life where i am right now but i cant stop thinking about him. any good advice would be great.
  5. i say forget her, if she has enough time to see her ex's but only soo little time to see you than something is wrong in that relationship, you deserve better and i bet a guy like you with a comittment level like that, youll have no problem finding the girl of your dreams.
  6. It shouldent matter the age difference.... Yeah it might seem like a big gap, but if you think about it, the older you get, the less the gap matters, just folow your heart. You shouldent care what other people think. My sister is 21 and she is going out with a 34 yr old, yet i have seen them both and they are perfect together. Now as far as legal goes, yes your relationship is good but the having sex ordeal is different. I say if u havent already have had sex then wait till your legal..... That will give you time to see if the relationship is going somewhere, it wil also give you time to see if he is really into you or if he just wants to have sex. By the time your legal and your still with him then he is really into you, but if he breaks up with you b4 your legal, then he just wanted to have sex with you. Only time can tell. If you choose to be with this guy then good luck and i hope you and him have a great relationship.
  7. Well have fun the next time you see her but heres some advice, dont drive with her in the car lol
  8. Wow, my advice is to go to the site that DN put up for you, contact them and tell them your situation. Im pretty sure they will whatever it takes to help you and your parents out. Just do everyone a favor and DO NOT turn out like them. Now that u know how addictive alcohol is you know better than to turn out like them. You have a great oppertunity to change your life around, mabye not your parents but you can. Never give up, there is always a way to make things better, you just got to find the right cure. I wish you and your family good luck
  9. Follow your instincts, ask yourself what u really want. Dont come crawling back to him. Tell him that if he wants to get back with you then tell him hes going to have to earn your trust and respect back, if things dont work out then there are plenty more oppertunities out there.
  10. I have expierienced this problem as well but if you look in the newspaper there are just that are available there all the time. If you see a job and you like it call them and tell your situation about the trasportation, they will more than likely find a way to get you to work and back, trust me i have dont ir for a year until i wa able to afford my own car. as far as family goes, all families have their ups and downs. If your bro or dad ever say anything remotley disgusting to you and you know its not true then disregard it. Who cares what other people think. Its what you think thats important.
  11. Well, he did call you to tell you he was coming back to town, that means he has been thinking about you, unless you guys are still really good friends after the break up, but you still know that he thinks about you, and when you get all dressed up nice and pretty, and you see him, talk to him like your normal "how was it" "how are you doing" kinda thing and when you find the time is right, explain to him how you feel, the worst that could happen is he could say no im sorry i dont want to get back together, but youll still be friends. Just, b4 he get back in town call him and tell him, i miss you and i cant wait to see you and whatnot.
  12. sorry, i thought you were a woman, but now that i know. I have had the same problem when i was first sexually active. Just dont think about it, when your "doing it" jut dont think about it as some kind of important thing, just tell your mind its just sex and u should have fun with it, your probably thinking way too much when your doing "it".
  13. well then you should talk to her on instant messenger and tell her your going to call her, when you call her, try to get to know her better and make a date
  14. Well, you should do like you always do, send him a message about your everyday discussions and when he starts talkin, carry the convorsation. As soon as you get the chance tell him how you feel and why u pushed him away, im pretty sure he will understand. Tell him im sorry i pushed you away the last couple of times we talked but i was trying to get over my las relationship, and now that I (you) have im willing to start a new relationship with you.
  15. Gilgamesh, your right and i agree with what you are saying, she needs to find out what she really wants and if she really wants him back then go at it girl, but the thing is if she does get back with him, and he cheats on her again, she will be even more crushed than the first time it happened, so like gilgamesh said, Ask yourself what u really want, just make sure u dont regret the actions you have made.
  16. Well my advice to you then is follow your instincts, if things cant work out then sorry, i know things like these are tough but youll get through this situation somehow, just remember, if things dont work out, this isnt the end of the world.
  17. Honestly, if he cheated on her, and she wants to accept him back, how can you trust him not to do it again. Some people say once a cheater always a cheater, but you never know, people do change, but it all depends on the guy. My advice is to confront him, tell him your willing to get back together with him BUT he has to prove to you that you can earn his trust, once you earn his trust, then go back out with him, but if your not sure, DONT. Follow your instincts.
  18. Well i can tell you one thing, i have expieramented with sexually active things and well the only advice i can give u is, tell your boyfriend to take some viagra, eventhough its for old people, i guarantee it gives him a 12 hour erection, so when your going at it you can do it for as long as you want until you orgasm. I have known women with this sort of problem and alot of the time its mental, but if its not mental for you then tell him take viagra, and then when hes UP ( if u know what i mean) then go as fast as he possibly can. This might be some very embarrassing information but i have tried viagra and i swear to you my penis has never been so hard for so long in my life. It will give you more than enough time to get your orgasm.
  19. Ohh man, staph infection is a very serious illness, but just because the outside of you is changing dosent mean that your heart is, you love your sons no matter what people think, its not the outside, its the inside that counts. Im pretty sure your a caring loving person, dont let your looks get to your emotions. I feel sorry and i wish the best of luck to you. Just dont do anything any sane person wouldent do, You have alot to live for, you just dont see that yet.
  20. Like Jetta said, Use the Cocoa Butter, It might not get rid of them, actually i dont know if you can ever git rid of them, but it will help reduse the way they look
  21. If you really have your heart set on this girl and you have been talking to her then you should just go over, give her a compliment like, you look great today, or something along the lines of that and then ask her for her number. The worst thing that could happen is she could say no. If she says no well then she missed her chance, but if she says yes, then have fun. Theres nothing wrong with trying. Just dont worry about what other people think about you.
  22. Well, the classic romeo and juliet life. Excuse me when i say this but that sucks man. What you shoul do is confront your grandmother, tell her how much you feel about this girl and tell her "if you love me you will allow me to live my life and see the girl that i am crazy about". Who cares what your family/ grandmother thinks. Its your life, dont let your grandmother controll it.
  23. Well, yes that is a fairly long post but i must say, this isnt the end of the world, this will give you a chance for your friends to finally get to know the real you, and if your friends are as loyal as you say they are then everything will be great. Your right, that might have not been the the right way to approach the situation, but like i said, if all goes well then great, if not and he and/or your friends reject you, well then too bad. You were just expressing the way you truly feel and there is nothing wrong with that. You can always make new friends and there are plenty more fish in the sea.
  24. Yes, i understand where your coming from. People like a person just like themselves because they believe that if they go out with a person that like different things, it will create confrentation, but also other couples go by the saying opposites attract because they like to be openminded and like to experience new things.
  25. Well, the problem is the fact that he is scared to break up with you because he knows that you will be emotionally crushed. He dosent want to break your heart but he also dosent want to be with you anymore. When he says he is going out with his friends, ask him where he is going and then wherever he says he is going, go there and actually see if he is over there. If he isnt then most likley he is seeing another woman. You might like or even love him but you dont deserve what he is doing to you. I would say screw it and break up with him, there are plenty more people out there. Remember there is more than just one guy that can give you a world of happyness.
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