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Everything posted by imagi

  1. I think that relationships are important to growth because we need to learn how to interact with people on an intimate level.. it's part of life. However, I do whole heartedly agree with your theory here. I've watched so many of my friends who *have* to be in a relationship or they don't know what to do with themselves. They can't be happy unless they have that with them at all times. When they're relationships break down they fall to pieces completely because they have no idea what they're going to and their whole life revolves around having "someone". So, to add to what you've said. I think it's important for people to be alone in order to know who they are, and to be emotionally stable.
  2. I didn't look at the website.. but I'm a really big nerd when it comes to knowing random things about psychological disorders. There's a hereditary component to bipolar disorder, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have it. People who are related to people with bipolar also have a high chance of 'having' unipolar depression (without the mania). It's just as strong a link between bipolar and depression as it is between bipolar and bipolar. But don't presume that means you'll have bipolar disorder or even depression. It increases your chances, but doesn't necessarily predict it.
  3. Is there any way that you could take a part time entry level position somewhere just to keep yourself afloat? Or would that be way too much to handle? If you're really serious about working your way up to bigger and better contracts stick with it, but do what you need to do to be able to suppor yourself. Maybe you could look for living arrangements which cost less or otherwise to save each month until you can get yourself on your feet. If it's something you believe in.. stick with it.
  4. Just try to slip it into conversation. If she brings something up about her friends or whatever you could say something corny like "oh yeah, I know you have tonnes of friends.. you left your myspace open one day. WOW lots of friends" I don't know though. It sounds corny in my head and when I typed it out, it sounded cornier still lol Just.. keep fighting those urges to blurt something like that out lol. It was good that you didn't. I'm proud. My friend is going through a similar thing with one of her cousins too. I told her the same thing.. just to take things slowly and let the girl make *some* mistakes.. just be there for her to try to help her turn things around before they get way out of whack.
  5. I'm really sorry to hear that you've lost so many people close to you. I can't even imagine what you're going through. I don't know what to tell you to make it feel better. Losing someone always hurts. I'm here for you though if you ever need to talk. I'm sorry again.
  6. Hey, If you're really worried about your cousin (which it's obvious you are) there's always a way to bring it up with her. You could use the myspace thing as an opening. Don't talk around her though. You want her to trust you. So you could bring up that you accidently flipped to her myspace account, and you wondering what she's been up to recently. I'm probably not the best person to be giving you advice.. I tend to be very confrontational about things, but that might not be the best way to be dealing with things. You and your cousin are close in age though. If I were you I would just try to get her to confide in your more so that you can try to guide her out of the situation she's getting herself into..
  7. I'm a huge music person. I don't know what it is about music.. but it envelopes everything in my life. To answer your question though, yeah I think it does influence your emotional state. When I'm upset or happy or angry etc I put on music that suits what I'm feeling. Listening to something thats close to what I'm feeling usually heightens that feeling.. intensifies it or whatever. If I'm angry and I don't want to be lol I'll listen to something not angry in hopes of moving away from it or what not. Most people don't feel the same though. oh well.
  8. Don't go by guidelines. If this feels right for you do it. If you're going to enter into another relationship so soon though, be careful and go slowly because you did just get out of a relationship. But, if it feels right and it feels like it could work.. don't second guess yourself or you'll regret it.
  9. I think Falucchi really hit the spot there. You aren't any of the things your mother says you are. Obviously. You're 115 and 5'7? I can only dream. lol 3.5 gpa in ENGINEERING? That's insane. I have friends in engineering and they're exactatic with their 2.1's that they barely get. You're mother is in the wrong to be treating you this way. She sounds like she's got a lot of issues. That's gotta be tough, especially if you need her to be helping you with school.
  10. My friend and I were actually just arguing about this the other day. I find it really annoying when girls do this sort of thing at a bar for attention or what not. Women (and men for that matter) who are bi or gay are stigmatized for doing such thing. If a woman is average or not attractive (by the 'typical' standards) it's looked down upon because it's no longer 'appealing'. I know for myself and my other friends who are bi or gay, they've had to deal with sooo much stigma because of the choices that they make, and then people do it for 'fun' and it's fine and sexy. I don't think I'm really articulating my point very well, but yes. Sorry, I'm done ranting now lol.
  11. I agree, she isn't single if she's acting that way with you. I would be lost right now if I were you too. If I were in your situation I would need the formality to feel comfortable acting like a couple. Tell her how you feel. Maybe she'll come around, and if you feel really strongly about it.. stop doing the hugging and kissing and just stick to being friends.
  12. I agree with everyone else. Put simply in my own words though: She may have realized that she's acting insane. I know I personally don't always see when I'm over reacting at first, but I usually pick up on it eventually. She might have calmed down because she realized that the way she was acting was a wee bit over the top. Take things as they come with her, and don't be afraid to reassure her when you can because even if she's decided to pull back the behaviour, the potential is there if she feels threatened or that you don't care for her the way she cares for you.
  13. If you're really serious about initiating NC, the next time she phones you just tell her that you need some time apart to move on from the relationship, and that she might be okay with talking, but you aren't. If she really cares about you she'll respect your wishes to take some time apart, and if she doesn't.. just be really firm that you need the space to have a clear head and get on with your life. Emphasize that at the end of the NC you two might be able to be friends.. but you can't do that until there's been some space between you.
  14. I don't know how old you are. If you're young and he's young, and you haven't had a lot of dating experience.. he was probably terrified about being that close to you and worrying about offending you or doing something strange to make you not want to see him etc. If you're older and both more experienced.. lol some guys get like that when they like someone no matter what you do.
  15. Exactly. Having some sort of gratification in the short sight makes it easy to give all of my attention to what I'm doing.
  16. Yeah. If you're comfortable with texting her just said something short and sweet. She'll probably like that you're being thoughtful AND respecting her wishes to not see her. Good luck with everything, and I hope things work out for you =).
  17. Seriously just bring it up and say something like "So, do you want to make this official" or "Hey, lets be exclusive". Something along those lines that fits into conversation. If she's thinking she's your girlfriend, she'll admire you for wanting to be 'exclusive' with her.
  18. Mgirl: That's awesome. I would be excited if I were you. I know even at 19, I'm nervous about starting a new career. I think everyone goes through it. I'm sure that you'll do fine. You have time on your side, and your probably much more mature than people my age going out into the job market. I know my friends at school put me to shame (kidding) when we go out to school related events lol. And thanks.
  19. I am turned off by that behavior, I do like this girl but I don't like this new behavior of hers. Yes we were only together less than a week.. and I think this is far too much. I mean she is bascially giving me an ultimatum, and I'm too proud to really take any ultimatum's from a girl. A WEEK? Wow. I didn't read through til the end of the replies because I'm shocked. I know we're the "more emotional" of the sexes, but that's a wee bit excessive.
  20. I'm a horrible person for this. I've found that I need to say, "Okay, I'm going to watch this show and then work for half an hour". If you keep your study times in small chunks and take frequent short (that's the tricky part) breaks, I find it easier to keep my mind focused because I'm allowing myself to take frequent mind wandering breaks. Seriously when I study I spend fifteen minutes or a certain number of pages or something and then I'll get up and walk for ten minutes or I'll get a drink or something.. and I find it easier to stay on that one task until I'm done.
  21. You guys are acting couplish yes. I agree. Just bring it up. You seem like you wouldn't mind if you guys were 'dating', so just.. ask her lol. There's no harm in it, and you know for a fact that she likes you!
  22. That's a really tough position to be in. If you go through with that, you and your bf's friend need to realize that there will more than likely be some serious consequences for their friendship. If you aren't happy with your boyfriend, and really think that it will work out with his friend.. be true to yourself -- just be prepared for the consequences.
  23. I've only met one woman ever that didn't enjoy receiving oral sex. I agree with everyone else though, if the guy isn't in to it, it's no fun.
  24. You just started dating this girl? My concern is just that.. she's expecting all of these things.. and you just started dating. She sounds very insecure with your relationship.. Maybe you could put a little more effort into the relationship. Call her or text her a compliment during the day so she knows your thinking about her or what not. At the same time.. expecting you to do that every day nonstop sounds a little excessive.. I'm really very torn. If I were you, her behaviour would have turned me off by now. There's a line between needing that reassurance and asking a lot of someone you want to be with.
  25. Grieving is a strange process. If she's saying that she needs space.. then give it to her. She's dealing with the death of her grandparents the only way she knows how. If you guys are right for each other, it'll happen, but she probably really needs the space right now. I'm not saying "wait around forever for her", but give her that space right now.. even though it's probably really hard for you to do so.
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