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  1. "If you want others to respest you, you have to respect yourself first." I hear this often, but what if you don't know how to respect yourself? How do you respect yourself? How do you speak and give opinions but not going too far that makes you self-centered? I have a second problem: Is being kind always the good thing? But what if people take advantage of that? What should you do? Be not kind? Sorry, I have a lot of questions. But I will be very glad if someone can help me.
  2. I can't concentrade while studying, my mind always wonders somewhere else. I've tried everything, including stick to a routine, find a quiet spot and much much more. But they have yet showed results. Why is it that? Second question, how did all of you overcome procrastination? Third question, why is being able to concentrade so important? I found that in the end I can still remember some of the stuffs I read, even though my mind is wondering. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for everyone's replies, they really helped. Honestly, I don't want to talk to him again, because I feel like it is wasting my precious time (very strange, right?). I am beginning to... you can say, hate him. But I still think of him. What is my problem?
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