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Shadows Light

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Everything posted by Shadows Light

  1. Really ASDF... well in that case .. I'll drink 20 oz. of pine-apple juice for you... sounds like you need the ummm... practice...
  2. I was about 12... that I remember. And as to Amore's comment.. this is not uncommon.. sounds freakish. But children will find themselves by accident... its a comfort thing. No.. they don't know what it is they are doing. They know it feels good. Have a few friends with children who found themselves at a young age... Yeah.. the idea freaked me out!! where did they learn that.. oMG...but then on further reading and asking questions.. these moms freaked too..and took their kids to the doctor. and were assured its quite normal. As with most socially unacceptable behavior.. you need to redirect your child..and tell him to go to his/her room. Not a good idea to tell them its BAD.. you might maim them sexually. Same as if you were teaching your child its not appropriate behavior to pick his nose in public or pass gas etc.
  3. OK... agreed.. when you first have sex.. its not all its cracked up to be.. just like.. drinking Champaigne.. wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. However... the evolutionary thing..the primal thing..keeps us in the game and keeps us wanting something..and everyone is talking about it, and everybody doing it, so you search and research... and Practice makes perfect. I think sex is not good in the beginning because you are not used to the sensation. You don't know how to please someone or what pleases you. You are reaching for something but don't know what you are reaching for. It gets better as you get more comfortable with your own body and your abilities..and your likes and dislikes...and learn how to DRIVE... lol... Analogy.. learning to drive a car... when you first started.. scared to death..and you paid attention to every detail with much trepidation... but after a while.. you become Mario Andredi..... lol As to taste... well I can only talk about MEN..and ya'll taste different...THANK THE GODDESS... or I"d never swallow again! Some...bitter and gagging.... and others.. hmmm hey.. not to bad. Not bad at all... lol. Some say diet is contribuiting factor... I was told if a guy drank a 12 oz pineapple juice in the morning...then it would taste sweet... will have to put that theory into test and let ya'll know.. he he he. And visa versa..... As to how I taste... well.. don't know.. try to keep clean. Try to trim the hedges and keep the lawn up. And no.. I wouldn't let anyone go down there if I could smell myself.. or something was going on... no way... and yes... cleanliness is important.. I am more comfortable after a shower... or if I had time to freshen up... lol. And... YEP... I like that too much... its a pre-requisite... BTW.. has anyone read DRAGON GIRLS posts on giving head on guy..and giving oral on girl.... very informative. Knowledge is power.
  4. ROFLMAO... this cracks me up... second degree self fellatio... omg.. ok... Wow... ok we're not talking swapping goo here.. thats ammm gross...but.. come on.... self felatio????? Yikes... lol... Thanks for the giggles...
  5. IT was crass... and it was rude.. and it was disrespectful...and he does not deserve any of your time... even to discuss why the grass is green.
  6. OHH NO... NOT NO BUT HECK NO... You are only 15.... Lap dance at 15??? Oral??? OMG... Look.. you are going to do what you are going to do.. regardless of what anyone says. Soooo... PLEASE protect yourself and use contraceptives... not just as birth control..but to prevent disease. Next... I know you didn't ask advice on should you..but HOW. When.. you get to be the ripe old age of 20... maybe I'll tell you. Because you are NOT ready at 15.. physically, mentally & Spiritually.... for this type of SENSUALITY or Eroticism. IF you allow yourself to be used.. do not allow yourself time to grow into your own skin...and to allow mind, body, and spirit... to fuse. You will have done yourself a great disservice. And miss your potential. A young boy will rob you of this potential. HE doesn't know how to VALUE you ... nor will he VALUE you. Sooo please think about NOT giving him head... or giving him a lap dance. Reserve this GIFT... and it is a GIFT.. for someone special.. down the road. Who is deserving of this type of attention and love.
  7. Slow or fast... BEG TO DIFFER SAPPHO.... There are 2 ways.... Ok.. quickies can be quite quite gratifying.. doesn't mean you don't care about each other.. means that you are soooo flippin hot for it that... you can't wait to tear each others clothes off. There's a time and place for it. Its lusty.. its an explosion of PENT up energy... and WOW combustable.. if two people have been toying each other with build up... lots of build up... LOL. Even a friend with benefits.. I care for... I wouldn't be there if I didn't care. Slow and easy..... 8) Savoring the moment.. taking your time... the build up.... giving someone else pleasure unhurried... slowly... sensually... or recieving... sloooow and easy... YEP.. definitely a time and place for this one. And yes... I'd call it making love, raising the energy... creating Magic. And this one you do definitely care more for... because the greatest gift is giving someone your time.... and yourself. Your entire attention.... with every nerve and fiber of your being.
  8. Ohh not fair.. I was going to say.. "When Harry Met Sally".. lol.. this question comes up in the movie..Billy Crystal tells Meg Ryan.. he KNOWS when a woman fakes..and she said..oh no you don't...and she shows him an ORGASM... and fakes the moans and groans and hair tossing...LOL I beg to differ with one of the posts... a HARRY MET SALLY orgasm... is POSSIBLE... lol... if you are with the right partner..that knocks your socks off. LOL. How can u tell??? I have a friend that knows his wife is faking.... because she is missing that little quiver...she used to get from a certain touch... and he just feels it. He feels she's not there anymore. Soooo sad. However... why FAKE it... I mean.. if you fake it.. how will you ever make it BETTER. ITs better to be honest about it. FAKING it doesn't get you anywhere... doesn't get the guy to change it up. As far as he's concerned he's doing all the right things..and guess what... if you fake it... HE'll keep doing those things..thinking its RIGHT. And you will never have a big "O" BUMMER!!! You only cheat yourself. I say.. tell him.. direct him.. show him... because most men who will take the time... want to make you happy..they want you to have a "HARRY MET SALLY" orgasm... Ok.. not everyone is this boisterous... some women are way quieter I am sure.. I just don't happen to be one of them. So be honest ladies.. .and let them know.. what and when... let them know what makes you tick.. life is too short to FAKE it.
  9. Hey... always willing to lend a helping hand... or limb... or any other body part that is needed....
  10. Not at all side-hop. But in most every country in the world he would be consdiered an adult. I understand the culture thing. And when in Rome.. you do as the romans do. Within every household there are rules...for the greater good of the family... and he broke them. Fine. If he finds that these rules are confining..then he needs to make the move and spread his wings. I'd be interested in an answer to the question... is there a cultural thing here going on???? my guess is..that he's following the HOUSE RULES. Which again.. are for the greater good of all.
  11. ROFLMAO.............. OHhh thats good.. I'll have to remember that one for when my yearly review hits with my boss..and I need to keep a cheerful dispositon... good one.. thanks.. LMAO
  12. Totally agree with KAYRAY the post in its entirety... If you have tried and tried...and it is an important aspect of a relationship to you..then do not cut yourself off. You need to be happy too. And fair to yourself. Does she know how you feel?? how important it is to you??? she may feel guilt over it herself..and just can not help it. The way I feel about it is... if I love my mate.. I'd want him to be happy. I'd want for his happiness. So... don't guilt over it. You need to do what you need to do.
  13. RAK... welcome to ENOTALONE. No.. your not crazy. Many people need both the mental and physical stimulus. I guess it would depend on all your criteria of your perfect love of your life. Can you find the one that has ALL of the attributes you so desire. Yeah... but it may take longer. Or.. do you compromise.. because you realize that no one and nothing is perfect. And you.. I hate to use the word SETTLE because it has negative connotations. hmmmm... well.. you will be hard pressed to find the ultimate all around knock your socks off and make your brain go WWWHHHOO HOOO.. gal. RARE... very rare gem. In my opinion. Now... sounds like you really dig this girl. So... is it possible to get the mental stimulus otherwise....I can't believe you can't talk to her.. or find that happy medium??? is she well read??? does she read?? what are your common interests besides SEX.???? what does she see or value in you??? Is it possible for you to introduce her into your world...and jump start her brain???? a little bit of teaching or coaching??? I don't know... I've always exchanged reading material with others...and it gets conversations going... lol. An asside: This gets funny when they tell you they read it..and you know they didn't.. I do the same thing.. have a difficult time with certain genres of litterature. Look... you've got 2 choices... walk and be done with it. or.. stay.. and see where nature takes you. You could luck out and she walks... takes the decision right out of your hands...she decides your too smart for her and she can't relate. (KIDDING). To me.. personally.. YES.. I've got to have the mental and physical stimulus.. I couldn't be with NEANDERATRHAL MAN... I"d have to club him to death.. lol. Its just personal preferance.. you decide what you will and will not accept. And go from there. I'm sure.. there are good looking, knock out, BABES with brain cells in your area. ok???? I don't know if I helped or not. I try.
  14. You really need to move out on your own. You are 24 years old for goodness sakes. OK... said you were addicted to Playing computer games.. and now you feel your head is burried to deep into sex. (no pun).. Sounds like you have some obsessive compulsive behavior. Gotta love modern terminology.. they have a name for everything today don't they. Ok.. redirect your energy. REDIRECT IT. Get yourself a piece of paper and start writing friend. WHAT will it take to get you out on your own????? A JOB. ok.. go find a job. goal is to get money to get out. To get out to have more sex. So... direct energy to that end. Second.. once you have enough money... what wil you need to get out... where ???? etc etc.. then let that be your obsession. ONCE out.. guarenteed... you will have to spend energy to exist on your own... to house, clothe and feed yourself.. your computer obsessions will be minor. Once you get up and out... then you can find your self the real deal... and then romance the HECK out of her... REDIRECT and channel your energies elsewhere. And if you seriously seriously thing its a problem ..where you can't kick it alone... then start looking for info on SEXUAL obsessions... or the like. There are groups like AA groups for SEXAHOLICS. And they will help you find ways to REDIRECT.
  15. I can see your point of view.. but the centerfolds in PLAYBOY CAN be displayed as works of ART. There is some artistic value in the style of the poses in playboy. I can make a distinction between Soft Classy Playboy vs. Hardcore Hustler and down the line. (want to add an annotation: NOTHING against these publications just a commentary and used as an example... ) Playboy uses a softer more artsy tact in photography. But I can see exactly where you are coming from and agree to a point. ART has always been in the eyes of the beholder. The sistine chapel for instance had many nude angels. And Nudes surrounding the alter. These works of art for its times were considered risque and inappropriate. They were hence covered and clothes painted on. I believe Adam and Eve also were covered by the Fig Leaves we equate with the story today. LOL.. nooooooooo I'm not going to say MichaelAngelo is on the same level as the photography in Playboy.. but for his "times" he was considered quite the radical and misfit. As was DeVinci. Sooooo... what we see today as questionable ART.. maybe viewed in future generations as something else. BTW.. old old copies of Playboy are quite Classy. The women were shown in more of a light that revered the FEMALE form...than it did to just reveal it. But thats just my opnion.
  16. Well thank-you... that certainly is good to hear. There is a ray of hope..and sunshine amist all this chao's and confusion. Thanks.
  17. If one of you is not happy..then there is no marriage. I don't think it is very healthy to stay for the childrens sake either. My "X" was verbally abusive and had drinking issues. Much like you... when things are good they are good...but when they are bad..they are Very Bad. And with us.. things just kept sprialing and the stuff under the rug kept getting higher and higher. I don't know if there's a gentle way to bring him there. Mine... I'd threaten during arguments... beg.. "what will it take?? how much do you think I can take???" and the verbal abuse continued. Every situation is different. I finally just let mine have it and let 'er rip. Could I have done it differently... ya know.. I made the best decision at the time with the data I had. And whats done is done. Go get counseling. You need to be strong, physically, emotionally, and spritually for the journey you are about to embark on. You need to be strong. And you will need the support of your family and your friends. Isn't it funny... I can hear what you are saying.. "you are tired of mothering him..." and yet... in the end, you are "mothering him..." wanting to bring him through gently with the least amount of collateral damage as possible. Let me ask you??? whats missing for you?? is it that you are tired of being the care taker?? and you want somone to love you and take care of you for a change??? I know... you are tired. A kind of tired that is exhausting. Go talk to a counselor and get yourself pulled together. If you don't hit it off with your first counselor.. go to a second or a third...sometimes it takes a few tries till you find someone you click with. And feel free to PM me at anytime. I'd be happy to listen..and offer any insight into what I went through /am going through... that may help you in your situation. Bless you...and keep strong. You'll be ok.
  18. Pending... I appologize for being so stringent. As a mother and as a woman this is a very touchy subject. It is truly not the end of the world. And you do need to get a "grip". Can you talk to your parents?????? are they open enough for that?? Is there any other guy in your life that you can talk to.. I'm sure this is a universal concern and others have walked this line before you. First and formost... you are not in it alone. Your "x" is scared. And she's as scared as you are right now. Since its her body... probably more so. And you need to be to be the stronger one of the two right now. Call planned parenthood for yourself.. if you are not going with her. They'll be there to talk to you...and tell you what your options are. And they also help guys out with information and contraceptives. The more education you have and more knowledge you have... you'll be able to best protect yourself and your future partners. Intimacy is a wonderful and beautiful thing. And unfortunately it has its consequences. I'm sorry that you've hit on one of those road blocks. If it turns out that she's not pregnant.. breathe a sigh of relief..and then protect yourself in the future. Even if your GF says she's on the PILL... until you know you can deal with the fall out of an OOOPSIE... protect both of you. It really is ok... your not the first.. you are not the last. Call her. Calm both of yourselves down. And yeah... relax. Whats done is done. Did she take a home pregancy test????? how late is she????? Maybe you can have your parents call her parents.. if its already in the open... and offer to pay for a pregnancy test... tonight. Enough blame to go around... so ... no blame game... done is done. Just take responsibility and consider your options now. Breathe... Relax... and it will be ok.
  19. Cowboy up.... its ok. Call her.. and make sure she's ok. Tell her that you'll hold her hand. And you'll work through this somehow together. You both messed up. Its not the end of the world. Really. Just a little bump in the road.
  20. ok... I've been to a topless beach in europe... and it might as well have been nude because people wore thongs...male and female..and some of these people "really" had no business being on a beach in the first place much less a thong.... Nude beach... well if I asked my BF to go to a nude beach.. I think it'd be out of something to do.. together. Maybe a tittalating taboo experience. Am I worried about people gawking at my body... HECK no... everyone is nude.. seen one...seen em all. lol. incidentally... I don't think I'd be catorgorized as something that had "no business on a beach to begin with" or I wouldn't suggest it in the first place. I think it'd just be tittalating to go... and if I went... I'd want to go with my S.O. Why not. Confidence booster... yeah.. I can see that... takes a set of Calzones to take it all off in the light of day in public. lol. It'd be a confidence booster all right. Why don't you give it a whirl. Try it. You can say you've been if nothing else.... lol. Its like joining the Mile High Club... lol... titilating. Hey.. .consider yourself lucky.. you've got an aventurous little lady there.
  21. Here's the deal. Been invited by a GF to go to a Social Gathering that I know my "X's" friends will be at. Ugggghhhh. Don't want to go... don't want to be there. To make matters worse.... GF is bent on having a good time and go TROLLING. Am not up to it.. don't feel like it.. don't want any part of it. Have already broke 3 dates with her making excuses of why I can't go out. Is there a question here? hmmm yeah... how does one handle that? Being out and about with "X's" friends up in your grill. And at a place where you will surely get hit on.... and don't want any part of it just because.... and if your rebuff said..."Hits" then if "x's" friends see this... they will take note to report back..."you still have a chance man...she's on the make alone and rebuffing everyone of them".... Why do I care????????? I like it the way it is now. He's left me alone..for whatever reason...Thank-God... and I'd like to keep it that way. Yikes. I need a
  22. You have got to get him OUT of your life and OUT of your mind. NC means NO CONTACT sex included... especially if you are going to go off like this seeing him w/ someone. I know a guy who just told me that from time to time he knocks on his EX's door for SEX...and he gets it. Just because he can. And its like a little ZING for him because he can "F###" her anytime he wants. How sick is that? Then I know another guy whose in a relationship with one woman...but he's still getting it from his ex...when ever he can. Because he can. And I'll bet my last shilling No. 1 doesn't know about No. 2. I'm just perplexed by this...and why they tell me this stuff is beyond me... because there's nothing heppening here..thats for sure. But as a woman... you hear this stuff and it makes your "BLOOD BOIL" and wanted to lash out at everything with testicles. LOL. You've gotta move on. He's an "X"... you have feelings for him and the only way he's recipricated is in physically using you for bed-sport. Love is more than bed-sport. Yes... being SINGLE SUCKS... and one does tend to think that drugs and numbing would help. It doesn't. Put up the NC rule..and that means.. no calls, no email.. no face to face...and absolutley no comfort sex.
  23. I know where you are coming from... things he says...and things he does... and the math doesn't add up. No matter how you look at it. It doesn't add up. So then you beat yourself up over thinking... the worst. Ok... so you have a few things you can do. Talk to him about it... which you already have...and he gets angry because of the TRUST issues. Or...you can give him room... and don't call him... don't contact him... let him come after you. Move on. Personally... I think I'll take my own advice here...because you've just answered a question on my mind. Thanks.. gotta love it.. give someone else advice and light bulbs go off.
  24. Yes. I agree. Lasting love looks toward a future and the road ahead. Where do we go from here...and how do we get there. Lasting love is weathering the storms and the struggles "together". As one heart.. one body...going in the same direction. "Propogation Therory" yes.. I can agree with this. Marriage and mongomy and all those laws are man-made... look at the animal world... they don't have a piece of paper saying "Mr. & Mrs. Wolf".... Do you suppose there's infidelity in the animal world??? hmmmm. (joke). We are animals afterall... albeit with a caveat.. we are thinking animals. who rationalize and think. "DeCarte" - "I think thereforeeee I am" Personally... I don't believe in the whole Marriage piece of Paper thing. WHY? What is the purpose??? What purpose does a piece of paper serve??? TAX BREAK??? Sorry.. I think that I make out better shacking up living in Sin and filing single. Or I got a better idea... if I stay SINGLE...and live on my own... we each have our own lives... He WON'T disapoint me. He won't cheat on me. Or if he does.. I'll be less likely to know about it and SNAP.
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