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Everything posted by Iceman26

  1. Yeah she needs to tell someone at school, as well as her parents, before something worse happens.
  2. Good luck man, you can do it. Make it happen!
  3. I am sorry that has happened to you, I went through the same thing a little over a month ago. All I can really rell you besides that was that its not your fault. If he had really loved you he would have tried to work whatever issues you guys had out together instead of running to some cougar. You sound like you deserve better. I agree with DBL, tell the husband and maybe he'll kick your ex fiance's behind. I find that sometimes people never learn anything until they get a good butt kicking.
  4. As far as what she is thinking, nobody but the girl could tell you what she is thinking. I agree with Ticklebug..........if you want something you have to go and get it. If she doesnt know you exist, then its time you show her that you exist.
  5. Yes you are right, that was Biz Markie. I used to sing that song back in the day at a Karaoke bar after I had had a few drinks.....ok after a lot of drinks.
  6. Hey DBL, are you talking about the song that goes "But you say hes just a friend"?
  7. Why not go bowling after the dance? Bowling alleys are open late and that is a great place to talk and hang out.
  8. Thats true twiggs, better you find out now rather than later. You know what you have to do man, keep me posted on what happens.
  9. Hell even if shes off limits, the guy will still think about it.
  10. Do your really want her back now that she dumped you for another guy? Do you think this guy magically appeared right after she dumped you? People just dont get into relationships in a matter of days man, unless ther are 13-16 years old. Chances are she was cheating on you while you guys were together bro, and I think you know that. Even if you got back together with her, you would always be paranoid that she would do it again, and history repeats itself.
  11. I think you should wait until you get engaged. Enjoy getting to know her more, and developing an even stronger bond, while still enjoying the pleasures of living without your significant other.
  12. Yes, I believe they can be, I dont think it is a common thing though, because I think many guys/girls hide under the pretense of being a friend because they have intimate feelings about the other person they cannot or are scared to reveal to their friend of the opposite sex.
  13. I knew the phone calls would mess you up man, thats why I suggested you cut them off. Why put yourself through the pain, you know? Ask her why she keeps calling. If she says its because she cares, shes full of shiza. You are a better person than I am; it is better to be short than it is rude. I myself prefer immediate results that sometimes I can only get by being rude. For example, when I dont want someone to call me, I am rude.
  14. No those arent hoodies, the ones with fur around them are called pimp jackets. j/k! Boobs have been and always will be in!
  15. Hahaha the only girls that wore "hoodies" back in my day were called "skater girls". Out here in California anyways. Now I guess everyone wears them.
  16. Sure, put some laxatives in her tea or coffee. That should keep her occupied. Seriously though, tell your mom the truth. Tell her you want to have alone time with him, and tell her why. See what she has to say to that.....parents can be surprising sometimes.
  17. A hooded sweatshirt. He is talking about skater girls.
  18. Oh ok. I agree with you completely on being confident and a man about it.
  19. It sounds like he may need to talk to a doctor about the sideeffects of the antidepressants, and about not being able to achieve full erection.
  20. He could be sincere or he may have met somebody else....only time will tell. My personal view on breaks is that they are not healthy, and they cause mistrust and suspicion. To my mind the two people in the relationship need to figure their problems out together, not separately.
  21. Yeah let us know what happens and if you have any other questions we can go from there.....I would hold off on any heavy physical contact in case he is just trying to get laid over christmas break.
  22. Out of curiosity Steve, who are you referring to that has no practical experience? I do agree with Steve about not getting hung up on one girl, and agree that you need to have confidence, but I am not a big fan of the brusque approach unless all you are trying to do is get laid.
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