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Everything posted by Iceman26

  1. Well first off man, you shouldn't harm yourself over a chick. You can always go out and get another one. I think you need to make her understand how much this bothers you. Ask her how she would feel if the situation were reversed. The key to a relationship is to treat your significant other in the way you would want to be treated. So ask her how she would feel if you were best friends with a chick that wanted to be with you and see how she would feel about that. I think its disrespectful to you that she hangs out with a guy that is only there to get with her. Shes probably friends with him because she loves the attention.
  2. Oh I didnt know you were going to the other side of the world, my mistake. Yeah, a couple of emails sound like a great idea.
  3. I might give her a couple of phone calls while you are away, what can that hurt?
  4. Yeah, tell her you like her and would like to take her out.
  5. Just be yourself and dont get to emotional. Try to be the friend you were before you guys had problems, and if things happen, then they happen, you know?
  6. I dont know what she is thinking about, I only know my opinion of what you should do to solve the problems she has been having with you.
  7. You cant control her or what her friends are doing. You can control what you are doing, and you are doing the right thing by not calling, being pleasant and saying hi to her, and not drinking (as that was a problem of yours). You know what to do man.
  8. The only things that are "absolute" in life are death and taxes my friend.
  9. Yeah online dating is bust man, dont do it. If it makes you feel any better, when I was younger I had a couple of girls turn me down because they said I was too tall!
  10. Dude, what her mom doesnt know wont hurt her. Take her to Planned Parenthood, its all confidential.
  11. Yeah my only guess for her motives is that she is keeping him around in case things dont work out with you two.........it just doesnt make any sense that if she loves you, why she would let this guy talk to her in such a manner, you know? It sounds like this guy wants to be more than her friend, and thats disrespectful to you. Its easy for her to tell you not to worry about the situation, I wonder how she would react to you if your ex was writing you emails like that! Ha, sounds like you and I have the same temperament. I always put with stuff until I blow my lid. Sorry if this isnt what you want to hear man, but your post struck a chord because I went through the same thing.
  12. Man this is a rough one, sorry to hear all this has happened man. Well your options here are that you can go and see her, or you can just let it go and move on. I personally feel its messed up that she loves 2 different men and is still getting married to this other guy. I'll bet this other guy doesn't know that she is talking to you, and if he knew what was going on, he may break off the engagement. I know I wouldnt marry a girl that told me she loved someone else too.
  13. I am sorry that this has happened to you, but it sounds like he is being just plain honest with you. I think its obvious he has lost interest, because if he had interest, he would still be with you. How old is he?
  14. You were right about the inconsistencies, and I dont really find fault with you checking the emails, as you are invested in a house/apartment together. How far are you willing to take this issue with her?
  15. She is keeping the ex around in case things dont work out between the two of you. You obviously dont trust her, since you are checking her emails. Not that I blame you, I dont date nor trust anyone who maintains the form of contact she has with her ex. I think almost everyone is a hypocrite, but your girlfriend is our hypocrite of the day for telling you to tie up loose ends while this guy sends her emails that sound like a chapter out of Lady Chatterley's lovers. You should tell her that you wouldnt want her to end a friendship. However, you should also point out that this guy isnt interested in being her friend. He obviously wants to get back together with her and he has pretty much stated it plainly. If she says she loves you, and this relationship she has with her ex is hurting you, then she should end it. Love = sacrifices. You made sacrifices, kept your end of the bargain, tied up "loose ends" which we all know means, booty calls, f buddies, whatever. She didnt. Her living in LA with you doesnt mean crap. OC is just 30 minute drive away. Plenty of spouses cheat on each other and they live together, so whether she lives with you or not is irrelevant. She is basically telling you that if given the choice, she would rather be in contact with him rather than be with you. You said it yourself, she would do anything for you besides end her friendship with him.
  16. There isnt much you can do about your parents reading the letter. Unfortunately, they are your legal guardians until you are 18 and they have that right, and it sucks. I know what you are going through. With my ex girlfriends, I always felt that they needed me too, and I liked feeling needed. However, they needed me for the wrong reasons and it was too late before i figured it out. What kind of trauma did the girl suffer? Your parents may be afraid that whatever trauma she has will be taken out on you at some point. My mom used to read through some of my mail too (one time a girl sent me some very lewd pictures and my mom opened it) and I didnt really care if she did. If you want some privacy, get a PO box or do everything through email.
  17. This is a relatively simple problem. Your girlfriend can't stand it if people talk bad about her or dont like her, she wants to make everybody happy, etc. It's called low self esteem. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about it. You sound like a good guy, let her hang out with her silly posessive friends and dont make so much time for her. If she wants to waste her time trying to make other people happy, shes in for a pretty crappy life, because no matter how good of a person you are, there is always someone who is just not going to like you. I agree with Ilse, and I also say let her come to you if she wants to hang out. That is, if its ok with her friends........... Good luck
  18. If she is willing to see you, then dont talk about the relationship when you see her. Be true to yourself, and means being the guy that she decided to get in a relationship with, and the guy she was friends with for 4 years prior, and let her see that you are backing up your words of improvement to her with action. Good luck to you.
  19. I agree with Ray. Remember though that when you eventually choose a life partner, religion is going to be an important issue, because say you have kids, what happens then, you know? Just something to think about. I am a deist, and my ex was a christian, and it caused us problems to no end! She wouldnt leave me alone about what I believe in and I got fed up with it and we would always fight. So, I now personally make it a point to not date extremely religious people, or people who try to push their beliefs off on me, and avoid the headache entirely.
  20. Man, dating in your early twenties sucks. Girls are usually lamer than guys at that age, once they turn 21 and start bar-hopping and getting attention from every guy in the bar/club they ride a huge ego trip into their mid twenties until they figure out that 99 percent of the guys in clubs and bars are only looking for a piece, then they decide to get serious and settle down. Of course, there are always exceptions. I can sympathize with what happened to you, the same thing has happened to me a couple of times. Also, most women her age love guys that treat them like crap. I dont know why. As you stated earlier, I think they love the challenge and the thrill of the hunt. You need to ask yourself a couple of things: 1) Would you really want to be dating a bar fly anyways? 2) Would you be happy being just "sleeping buddies" with her? My advice to you is simple: Don't ever call herand move on. If she calls you and wants to come over and hang out and do the deed, its up to you if you want that kind of relationship or not. I wouldn't extend any effort to making plans with her or calling her. If you do decide you want to do the sleeping buddies thing, make sure you wrap the tool, because you dont know what shes doing. I wouldnt ever bring up getting back together with her. Let her do that, and make sure she is serious if she ever says it. I have always found it amusing that people use the term "I want to experience new things" and what they really mean sleeping and dating other people. Because honestly, there is nothing they couldnt "experience" in a relationship besides that.
  21. I think you should tell her exactly what you posted. I would say to her "What do you mean you can't wait anymore, you dumped me?" Why did she break up with you?
  22. Hey anon, I know exactly what you mean, I always felt a pressure to get this perfect girl and almost every girl I dated, people would always tell me I could do better. Friends, family, they always told me I was underachieving with women or made me feel that way. In the end though, the only one dating the girl is you and you have to go with what is going to make you happy, the hell with everyone else (as long as they treat your family and friends with respect).
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