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Everything posted by Kadillac

  1. I just wanted to know if you guys would like this from your girlfriend on Valentines day. I was thinking of getting a jar and painting some heart on it. Then inside filling it with 100 hersey kisses with i little note on each of reasons on why i love him. Then on the front writing a label with RX: 100 Reasons why I love you. Dosage: Take one a day for 100 days. For optimum effect kiss your girlfriend. Now if you got this from your g/f would you appreciate this or just think of it as nothing special?
  2. You are in a hard situtation. You love someone that hurt you. And now she is potentially going to hurt someone else. I think as much as you miss her now you shouldn't get back together with her now. The reason why it is so much harder for you is because she wont let you move on with your life, she is keeping thoughts of her in your head. You need to stop letting her control your thoughts. If she calls don't answer don't read her emails don't respond back to her. She definitely has a capabilty of cheating and she isn't proving herself much when she is cheating oh her current b/f with you. I know people can change but she isn't changing. Don't put yourself into another bad situtuation let her prove herself to you more. She needs to earn your trust back and quite frankly she isn't doing a good job.
  3. It sounds like you've had a rough childhood. But look at you now. You excercise you get attention from men. There are men out there who will find your inner beauty. Have you ever gone to counselling about your childhood? It might help you gain the confience that you need.
  4. Breaking up with someone is never easy. It is normal that you think about her and wonder how she is doing. You probally spent alot of time with her and became close and you didn't only loose a g/f but you lost a friend. I still wonder how my ex from highschool is doing and I'm 27. But that doesn't mean that I want to be with him. I think you should continue being with the girl you are with. She makes you happy and that is so important. Thinking about your ex will become less and less. Something probally reminded you of her and you started to remanise and thats normal. But if you feel that you can't give your new girlfriend what she needs and you want to get back together with your ex then that is not fair to her and you should let her go.
  5. Well you obviously have trust issues with your boyfriend. Why do you think that he cheated on you? Has he been acting differently towards you? Have you been cheated on in the past and feel that everyone cheats? Accusing someone of something they are only going to get defensive but if you ask them all they can do is answer. Then you have to take there answer and judge for yourself. But if you straigt out accuse him without any evidence only on a hunch then he will get defensive. And usually when people get defensive they say things out of anger. Not everyone cheats and you can't be in a relationship thinking that it is so easy because then you will think that for every relationship that you are in.
  6. OK here it goes.. Me and my guy have been together on and off for a little over a year. It is now on. We are both very much in love with eachother. I had an abusive ex that wouldn't leave me alone up until 3 weeks ago when I finally got the police involved. Well now my ex has created a problem for us because my guy is parnoid of us going anywhere in public and me coming to his place because 3 weeks ago my ex showed up at his house with a gun (very long story) and thats how I got the police involved. He has a warrant but is not found. Anyways my guy decided that he wanted to keep things going with us even though now it is going to be really hard. I have the patence and thats fine but now I'm getting the feeling that I have no say in this relationship. He keeps telling me how its my fault that we are in this, that he doesn't deserve this and that I need to prove to him what kind of person that I am. My guy has known about my ex the whole time. He has known about his abusive harassing stalking behavior. I am not denying the fact that yes it was my ex and I should have gotten the police involved a long time ago but I feel like this is his choice to be in this relationship with me from now on. Its like we only talk or see eachother at his convenance and I feel like my feelings or thoughts don't matter because everything is my fault. I keep telling him that if he keeps bringing up what has happened over and over again we are not going to be able to move forward. And trust me I let him vent and he has said alot of mean things but I let him get it out but now i'm getting frustrated because I can't handle him constantly using what has happened as an excuse to make me feel bad. i feel like i have to be walking on egg shells everytime which is really hard because i'm the type of person if i believe in something i stand up for myself. I want to be with him and if he can get over this and move on then i'm the happiest girl in the world but if he is going to use this against me all of the time and never let it go I can't be with him. Any advice?
  7. Well next time your watching a movie and lying on the bed why don't you try play fighting with her, wrestling. Try joking around with her first and say how she couldn't wrestle shes just a girl and she wouldn't have a chance. Hopefully she would be like oh ya and try to push you or something. So play around and when its the right moment and your looking into eachothers eyes, lay one on her. That way its not this hugely awkward moment like at the end of the night, its more of a natural kiss.
  8. If you feel truly in your heart that he is not lying and that he was raped then stand by him. Your friends are trying to protect you because they care about you. Don't get mad at your friends. You have to remember that your friends are on the outside looking in and they are trying to protect you. But you have to tell your friends that regardless of what they think whether he cheated on you or not you are still going to be with him. Tell them that they may not agree with the decision that you are making but its not their decision to make and if they are your friends they will stand by you. Tell them that your are grateful for them looking out for you but you need their support more. If they are your true friends they will put their opinions aside and help you.
  9. The one thing that all women find attractive in a man is confidence. You need to stop saying that your unattractive and being negitive with yourself. If you think your unattractive then do something about it. Go shopping, get a hair cut, go to the gym these are all physical things that will not make other people think that your attractive but it will help you gain confidence in yourself and that is what truly people find attractive.
  10. I know that when you have pms your body gives off some symptoms as if you were pregnant. The only time you can get pregnant is when you are ovulating which is what your body goes through before you have your period. Ovulating is the egg going through the falopian tube and into the uterius. You cannot get pregnant while you are on your period. Your period is the egg leaving your body. You need the egg to get pregnant. There are lots of websites that will tell you about your period, you should check them out. People can give you advice but they are not doctors if you want advice and you don't want to go to a doctor then check out a website, they will have better information.
  11. I think you should give him the benifit of the doubt. I remember with one of my exs he was the same way, love em leave em. But I was different to him. I didn't give in to him right away and we had built a friendship and he got to know me as a person. I ended up being his first love and we were together for over a year.
  12. I have a fear of my ex boyfriend. He has made me so parnoid of him and I'm am constanaly looking over my shoulder. I also have a fear of never fiding true love and never getting married and having children. Snakes, rats, heights, closed spaces & death are my phobias.
  13. I think the best thing for you to do is be honest with your girlfriend. You are feeling guilty and less confident because you are keeping this from her. You see even though nothing is going on besides a friendship with this girl, now that you have kept it from her for this long when you tell her about it now she is going to wonder why you didn't tell her in the beginning and think that you are hiding something. If you decide you want to keep the friendship with this girl, which I think you should, if you hide it from your girlfriend, even if you back off and don't hang out with her as much and so on, eventually your g/f is going to find out and if she finds out herself and not through you she will loose trust in you for sure. If your g/f doesn't understand the friendship then include her in the friendship. Tell her there is nothing you have to hide and she can hang out with you guys. If she is open to that then she will see for herself that there is nothing going on with the two of you. And maybe become friends with this girl as well, you never know. But if you do this your confidence will return. The only thing that you are doing wrong is hiding this from her.
  14. No you don't need to seek help. Fanatsys are natural and everyone has them. Some people take it to the next level but alot of people just like to keep it to themselfs and let it remain a fanasty. But maybe your fanasty wasn't about her hitting you but maybe it was because the girl looked sexy the way she threw a punch or maybe you liked the fact that she was more dominant and aggressive and thats what turned you on. I really don't think that it was because you want to be beat up.
  15. I wouldn't trust him either. One thing is for certain, don't have sex with him anymore until he will commit to you. He is not being fair to you by making you think that something is going on, has sex with you, and then after tells you he needs to back off. I can understand why he wouldnt want to be in a relationship now because he doesn't have a job. Men are providers and because he dosen't have a job he feels he can't provide for anyone. But unless it is mutal he can't just have sex with you and let you to believe that more is going to happen and then tell you that nothing is going to happen. He sounds like hes just trying to keep you around for his convenience.
  16. I don't think that you should change your beliefs for someone else. I know you must care for him but there will be other men who have the same beliefs as you that you will care for just as much. If you decided to change for Jimmy you may resent him later on. I know its hard but I think your doing the right thing by ending this as hard as it may be.
  17. This is an answer for question 2. What you are hiting is her cervix. It is painful. There are certain positions that make it worse/better. Talk to her and find out which ones do/don't hurt her.
  18. This is an answer for question 2. What you are hiting is her cervix. It is painful. There are certain positions that make it worse/better. Talk to her and find out which ones do/don't hurt her.
  19. My suggestion is don't do anything at all. I don't think its right that you want to delibrately mess with her mind. Trust me what goes around comes around and she will feel the pain that you did. But if you do decide to do something I don't think you are any better of a person then she is.
  20. Something similar happened to me. I had a friend who basically tried to have sex with my b/f at a party while I was sleeping in the other room. She even told him that I wasn't good for him and she makes such a good g/f. She was extremely drunk. He told me the next day and other people who saw it told me. I basically called her and didn't accuse her of doing anything. I asked her if it happened. I had a very calm voice and just asked her if the different situtations were true. She completley denyed them. I told her that I understood that she was drunk and I wasn't mad I just wanted the truth and she still denyed it. I havn't talked to her since. My first dating rule in friendship is NEVER flirt, date, have sex with etc. with my friends b/f. I think its wrong and I think that if anyone does one of the above I don't think they are a true friend. There are so many men out there to choose from your friend can find someone else to flirt with.
  21. I'm not a psyic and I can't see into the futrue, but I know that I want you in my future.
  22. You didn't do anything wrong. But sometimes girls like a bit of a challenge. She might of felt a bit pressured with you telling her that you want to be her boyfriend when you guys didn't really date.
  23. Hello I'm new at this so bare with me. I have been in an on and off relationship for the last year and presently it is on. I was in a very abususe relationship before I met Bill (b/f now). Bob (ex b/f) would not let me go and harassed me. Of course that put alot of stress on mine and Bills relationship and thats why we kept breaking up. The last time we broke up was in Oct. After we broke up my ex made me a deal that if I hung around him until a certain time and I didn't feel anything he would let me go. I know it was the stupidest thing to do, but I hung around with him a few times. I told him I can't do this anymore after hanging around him about 4-5 times. And me and Bill got back together shortly after that. Well to make a long story short Bob starting to stalk me and followed me to Bills house with a weapon and I finally got the police involved. Bill and Bob talked and Bob told him alot of lies about me, some things he said were true and I did own up to them but he said alot of things to make me look bad. So now that Bob is out of my life me and Bill still have to work on things. He dosn't trust me because I didn't tell him that me and Bob hung out (but he has always known about Bob), and he feels that I need to prove to him that I am not this person that I supposdley am with Bob. We can't see eachother that much at all because he is parnoid about Bob so how do I show him that he can trust me without spending alot of time with him? Any suggestions?
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