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  1. Hello everyone! This is going to be long but I hope you'll read, and give your thoughts and advice. I am finding it hard to figure this one out. I met this guy at a club one night he was really nice, and asked me out to dinner sometime. We went our separate ways and he called the next day wanting to get together but I had plans and turned him down. He said he'd call in a few days and we could get together. So about 4 days went by and he called wanting to go out the next night, and again I had already had other plans, but I invited him along. We went to a club with all my friends, but really didn't spend much time getting to know each other because I had all of my friends there and was trying to keep up with all of them as well as him. I felt really bad that the date was such a flop and apologized to him the whole time we were there. He was really great he said he didn't mind he was having a good time, but I still felt bad. He asked me after I took all my friends home if I wanted to come back to his place and we could talk and watch a movie and I did. We hit it off real well once alone things went great. We made plans to go out again the next night, and here is where I screwed up. Once I left his house I got a phone call from one of my friends to come party at her house, and by this time it's 4:30am. To make a long story in a long story short I ended up getting incredibly intoxicated and stood him up. He had tried to call me but I didn't answer becasue I was passed out. When I woke up and got his message which said "guess your dodging my calls, but call me back when you get this" I was like oh no I forgot. I called him back (still not sober) and told him there was no way I could make it. He sounded a little disapoined and told me to call him the next day. So the next day I called, got the voice mail, left a message and he never called back. He finally called me a day or so later and I soberly explained to him what happened and he seemed ok with it and we made plans to get together in a few days. He said he'd call me, but no call came so I called him on the day we were supose to get together and left a message asking if he still wanted to get together. He called back not long after and asked me if I wanted to come to his house to watch a movie, I said yeah that sounds good. I had been sick with the cold that week and he asked me if I was contagious I said yes and he said "it's ok I'll take my chances." I told him I didn't want to make him sick and he insisted that I come anyway, so I did. We watched a movie and got along great, all was well or so I thought. He told me he was busy the next night but he would call and we could make plans for the night after. Well, the next night came and he never called, then the next and no call came and by 8pm that evening when I got no call I went ahead and made plans to go out with other friends thinking he was getting back at me. At 11pm he calls wanting to go out I was like sorry you should have called earlier, so he told me to call him the next day. So we hung up and I started thinking about it and felt bad and decided I'd tell my friends I was bailing and going to meet him so I called him back again no anwser and I left a message and he never called back. So I never called him back the next day I waited 2 days till I called again. When I did call again still getting his voice mail, I left a message telling him to call me back and he did 'the next day.' So he asked me if I wanted to get togehter and watch another movie next night and I said sure. When we were getting off the phone I can't remember if he told me to call him the next day, but I'm pretty sure he said he'd call me (about getting together), and guess what he never did call and it was the last time I talked to him. I haven't called him back at all cause I don't know if he wants me to and if he really wanted to talk to me wouldn't he call me? It's been over a week now since we talked and I was really beginning to like him and wanting to get to know him better. I know this is probably all my fault and he probably hates me, but should I call him? I mean he never ever called when he said he was going to, he never answered his phone when I called, and if it was him that was supose to call me the night he asked me to see him and he didn't. So should I take that as his way of getting rid of me? I really want to call him but I don't want him to think I'm a pest, what should I do? I don't want to play these games anymore, and I can't stop thinking about him. I mean if I do have a chance is it worth taking? Any advice would help and thanks so much for taking the time to read this
  2. Hello everyone! I have a problem with the guy I'm seeing. I started dating him a few weeks ago and decided to wait a while before sleeping with him, just to be sure that is what I wanted. My guy has liked me for a long time (since we met). I was dating a friend of his (which is how we met), and nothing could happen becuase I was with someone else. When I split with the guy I was seeing I stayed away from all of his friends for a while. But the guy I'm seeing now tracked me down and we started dating. Anyway, to the point I decided that I wanted to be intamate with him. He iniciated sex, which he had done several times before, but I always stopped him. Recently I didn't stop him and things were going well but then he could not preform. He went limp. He said he was very nervous because he had wanted it so bad and waited for so long. I understood and didn't think anything of it until it happened again. We have attemepted to have sex twice and both times he was not able to preform. It starts out he's fine and all into it, but when it comes to the actual act of sex he looses his erection. Could he really be that nervous or am I doing something wrong? We have great forplay and oral but no dice when it comes to penitration. I am starting to feel like it's me or something. Any advice on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello everyone! I have a problem and need some advice. A friend of mine, which I have known for a while now, wants more than a friendship. We haven't been that close of friends until recently. Before if we saw each other we would speak and hang out, but that was about it. Now, we have been spending a lot of time together and he really seems to like me. The problem is he has a reputation for being a love em and leave em type of guy. I don't know how serious he is about me, but he calls me and does basically anything I tell him to do. I like him, he's got a great personality, and he's so funny and fun to be around. This past weekend we went out to a club and we both had a little to much to drink and I went home with him, and we slept together. The next day he was sweet and trying to kiss me and cuddle and stuff, but I was pushing him away. I didn't regret what I did, but I told him we crossed a line that friends should never cross. He said that he knew I was scared (because of his reputataion) but that I was special. He has called since and I talk to him like I always did like nothing ever happened, because I'm not sure I want it to go any further than what it already has. I guess my question is should I give him the benifit of the doubt and give him a chance, or should I leave it as is (friends). I've been hurt before and don't want to be hurt again, and I don't want to loose his friendship. What should I do?
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