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Everything posted by musicguy

  1. Work going is bad..I'm 2 steps away from getting fired. Girls hurt me left and right because I AM a good guy. none of the girls I like want to be in a committed relationship with me. I have a lot of debt that I can't pay off. I seem to have bad luck ALL THE TIME and nothing ever goes my way. I'm currently slitting my wrist a little bit at a time. I'm sick of getting hurt all the time by girls and having crappy relationships where I'm not treated good and not loved
  2. my friend told me to hang out at the tattoo shop to meet girls and I was like "umm, yeah that would be kinda creepy"
  3. I would identify your patterns and see if you can change them. ie, start meeting emotionally healthy women closer to your age range. Everyone is confused at 18, that is not surprising. You seem really hesitant to meeting women your own age and that is kind of odd. why? just because things didn't work out with a few women your age? It seems like a lot of girls are emotionally damaged even at my age cuz of all of the jerks they seem to be attracted to. I live in a collegetown where partying is like a HUGE thing in my town, but see, I'm not a partying person, even girls my age are all about partying, so it's a little bit harder for me to find someone my age
  4. I agree and I often wonder about this every time I like a girl
  5. it's 18-21 and I happen to just find them around and they just happen to like me. There was a girl my age that I had met, but she was the same way and has the same kind of attitude about relationships. It seems like I find the emotionally damaged ones
  6. It all depends on the people involved. Some people can hit it off right away in person, some don't. It's just like meeting friends at school, college or at work, there are some people you click with and some you don't click with.
  7. I'm Asian-American and I have brown skin, people call me Native American or Mexican, I find it funny how they can screw up my nationality, it just sucks on job applications with only once choice. A lot of girls are getting tan nowadays, so it looks like everyone's gonna be brown skinned.
  8. I've been doing the online thing since 1999 and I've had some good ones and a lot of bad ones. I guess I'll keep on trying
  9. well, a number of guys are just looking to have fun and there the few like me who are actually looking for a meaningful relationship. I can't be coming off to strong, atleast I don't think so, I mean I'm just looking for a relationship with someone who likes me. I don't go to bars, I mostly meet people online cuz I get somewhat busy with work and other things. Plus being in a collegetown it seems like all girls wanna do is party and I never was the partying kinda person, I mean I like to have fun with my friends, but not like getting drunk and stuff
  10. I pull my hair or my facial hair when I'm stressed out
  11. he should overcome his shyness first anyway, so what if he looks young, I look young too.
  12. I'm the kinda guy who WANTS a committed relationship, I'm pretty much looking for something serious and long-term with a future family
  13. Every time I like a girl and I'm ready for a relationshp, she's always "confused" or not ready to be in a committed relaationship and this seems to happen to me all the time. I'm ready to go and the other person isn't. I don't understand this at all. What age are girls ready for a committed relationship? Are girls ready for a committed relationship or do they just want to date or fool around?
  14. I've been on this site for years and the responses from people have always been helpful and have even made me do some changes in my life with the way I look at things and I'll be your friend
  15. all of the places I've worked at have accepted the fact that I have long hair.
  16. you're welcome. This site rules! usually when you post stuff like this on Myspace or other sites you get a bunch of immature comments from teens and people who like to be jerks to others...not on here tho, the administrators on here rule, they keep this site clean and well run
  17. I'm 27 and I'm 5'5. Being shy you'll overcome within time. I have long hair and get the whole "ma'am" thing when I'm at work, so it's okay. You look like a rocker, if you are, go to a concert or be in a band. cuz we all know girls like musicians
  18. Go to college, you worked your butt off to get your grades..this is a HUGE opportunity for you. Guys can come later. Besides there are a lot of guys that you'll get to meet when you're in college
  19. some of your parents rules are absurd, I mean you can't even be with your girl in your room during the day?? that's messed up. Have a talk with them and tell them how you feel about how it's making you feel and that they should relax, you are an adult now and they should loosen up a little bit
  20. Hmm, I dunno, maybe you lost your sex drive. I have a friend who is 26 and has very little sex drive. I'm the one not getting any and I have a high sex drive
  21. I too can get shy at times, but people aren't going to get to know you if you are quiet, I've learned that through out the years. Shyness takes time to overcome
  22. As strange as this may seem, you and I think alike here..but people on here and my friends have told me that no girl is worth killing yourself over. I try hard to not think that way and I know it's hard, but you and I will get through this. (even with my recent break up situation)
  23. Go to a gym, eat healthy..little carbs or eat some of those Slim Fast bars
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