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Everything posted by musicguy

  1. musicguy


    sure, that would be good
  2. musicguy


    *sigh* I give up
  3. musicguy


    nope...except for killing myself
  4. musicguy


    I hate getting hurt every single time
  5. musicguy


    I'm depressed and suicidal now
  6. Yup, I told her all of those things
  7. I treated her and her kids good. I showed her and told her how I felt about her and even did nice things for her
  8. I have a huge heart for people I care about a lot. But I can't change her feelings for the other guy, oh well, her loss
  9. okay, true, but she's with a guy who treats her like crap
  10. I don't know why she chose him. She even told him about me and how good I treat her and how happy I make her
  11. musicguy


    she broke up with me today, it's over, she still loves her ex-bf
  12. A lot of you have read my story about my relationship, well, she came to my workplace and dumped me. She dumped me because she still loves her ex-boyfriend. She cried a lot and was all depressed cuz she had to choose between me (the nice guy who treats her and her kids good) and the other guy. This always seems to happen when it comes to girls I like. I'm gonna miss everything about her and her kids.
  13. musicguy


    she called me and I told her the situation that she's in with my closest friends, since I'm with her and then she hung up on me
  14. I tend to date a lot of single moms for some reason
  15. I always get jealous in any relationship that I'm in. Including my current one. I don't know if my parents divorce and my brother also leaving when I was 13 has an effect on my jealousy. I mean I felt abandoned and I feel that whoever I'm with is going to up and leave me for some other guy. This has been plaguing me for a long time. How can I get myself to stop being so jealous if my girlfriend hangs with her guy friends?
  16. musicguy


    now she's pissed at me because I get jealous of her with her guy friends
  17. musicguy


    the thing is, I've liked her for a really long time and when I get emotionally attached to someone it's hard to let go
  18. musicguy


    yeah it seems to be a regular thing
  19. musicguy


    Last night we had a really long talk and I told her what I felt and my opinions about everything and she told me that she's gonna quit doing the partying, drinking and the pot. (or so she says) so hopefully she sticks to her word
  20. musicguy


    I feel now that she just wants to screw up her life and not give a care about what other people think. I've given her options and advice, but she doesn't seem to want to take them into consideration
  21. musicguy


    I've posted on here about my new girlfriend. (She's 19, I'm 27) I spent time with her over the weekend. Her brother's band played Saturday night and she didn't have a babysitter and she really wanted to go to the show, after the show there was a party for a band members b-day and she wanted to go to that, so I let her go while I babysat her kids. She said that she'd be gone for a couple hours, BUT she ended up staying out all night. Sunday night, yeah, New Year's Eve, party time for everyone! There was a friend that she hadn't seen, so I yeah, I let her go...once again she said that she'd be back before midnight..so I stayed up all night after I put her kids to bed and waited for her. She came home at 5am and I was kinda sleeping, so we talked about it and she read the note about how depressed/mad I felt that night. So she apologized and was caressing my hand and holding it. That day we looked at apartments for her to live at and apparently she would want me to live with her and her kids. (her and I met on Myspace a year and a half ago, have been talking online and on the phone, etc. met 3 weeks ago and starting dating) Anyway, last night we went to my friends house since they invited us to dinner, so she had her kids with her. We had a good time with my friends. While in the car, before we parted..we made out a lot. Do you all think that she's taking advantage of me cuz I'm just another person she can pawn her kids off to while she has fun? What should I do? cuz she also smokes pot twice every other day or so. I want to intervene without getting her mad ya know, but I don't even know if she's going to listen to me. She'll smoke pot in the bathroom while her daughter is outside wanting her. (her kids are 2 and a half and 5 months) P.S. She's also Bi-polar
  22. she smokes pot twice a day hiding in the bathroom
  23. It usually takes awhile for me to say i love you cuz I've been burned in the past
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