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Everything posted by musicguy

  1. I've been trying online dating since 1998. The father of the 2 year old lives in Colorado with his fiance 5 month old's father is questionable, could be the same father as the 2 yr old.
  2. i just got done talking to her and she says to me "u don't understand why I do what I do"
  3. I've tried and no luck, that's why my last gf was 7 years ago
  4. i wouldn't doubt that she's getting high right now
  5. The 2 yr old is already attached to me and she's getting help for bi-polar depression
  6. She had her 1st child at 17 and then her 2nd came around. I actually started dating her last Saturday.
  7. Her dad is an alcoholic and used to smoke pot/deal back in the day and her mom smokes pot too and she just leaves the kids at her dads while she smokes/drinks or at her mom;s house
  8. she has a job where she makes 11 an hour. she tells me that she doesn't smoke and drink ALL the time and she wants to go to college in the future For instance on Saturday I went with her to her friends and they were gonna smoke/drink...so they did and I just slept. I woke up at 5am and they were high AND drunk and her kids were back at her dad's house, we went home that morning around 7am and she slept until 2pm while I looked after the kids while her dad was out running errands
  9. If spells worked, I would have found my soulmate when I was 13
  10. So I started dating a girl who I've been talking on online and on the phone on Myspace a year and a half ago. (She's 19, I'm 27. We met last Friday and hit it off really well, in fact she spent Christmas with me yesterday and we've spent a lot of time together. Anyway, she smokes pot and she has been for a long time and she drinks too. I've even been around her when she smokes with her friend or in the car. Now I don't care what she does in her life, It doesn't bother me that she smokes pot cuz she's gonna do what she's gonna do and I'm not going to stop her. Anyway, she has 2 kids, a 2 yr old and a 5 month old. She lives with her alcoholic dad, basically has lived a crappy home life. She's a sweetheart, she's beautiful and she's a good mother. She's on anti-depressants and pot/drinking "relaxes" her. She knows her priority is her kids and she wants to go back to school to do something in forensic science. She wants to be successful and wants to raise her kids better than she was raised...yet she does pot/drinks and tells me that she's doing nothing wrong, also telling me that her friends are not an influnce on her. What should I do? I mean I've accepted her for who she is and she has accepted me for who I am. I want to do my best to make her happy (unlike her ex's) and treat her and her kids good. (which I have been doing).
  11. forget him, don't talk to him
  12. we talked it over tonight and she wants to stay in her hometown because her friends are there and I like her and her kids are great. They are 2 yrs old and 4 months. Childrens' fathers are out of the picture. Her dad is an alcoholic. She lives with her dad for now. She wants to move because she doesn't wanna live with her dad anymore for her safety and the safety of the kids. Tonight she came over with her best friend and made me cookies and we hung out at the 24 hr Wal-Mart at 3am and then after that she went out of her car and we just held each other and gave each other lil eskimo kisses
  13. do you mean sexually? and if you do, then meet a really sexual girl
  14. Here's my recent update, so I've been talking to a girl on Myspace for a year and a half, she went to visit me on Friday and we hung out, went x-mas shopping and then went to a concert (She brought her kids with her too)---> Anyway, this girl that I like called me up last night and told me that her dad was drunk and she had to get away, so I told her that she could come into town and stay overnight. Being that I don't have any room in my house I asked my friends if she could stay at their house with her kids and my friends said yes. Anyway to make a long story short, last Friday we hugged before i met her and then twice after our outing and last night she hugged me for a long time and as she and the kids were going to bed and I left, she was laying down/sitting up and I went up behind her and gave her a hug and on instinct I kissed her cheek, that night she sent me texts and I told her I'd be there in the morning, so I went to my friends house this morning when I arrived she gave me a hug and a about a half hour later, as I was holding her son, she sat by me on the couch, put her head on my shoulder (we were both really tired) and then we interlocked hands. Also she calls/texts me me on her breaks or after work everyday. Now, she's currently having a lot of issues with her family/ex's and money situation (single mom with 2 kids) and I told her last week that I wanted to date her/be with her, but I would wait until she's ready to be in a relationship again, until things got straightened out. She also plans on moving to my hometown too. From all of the things I've stated that she's done or that we've done..what does she mean? I haven't been with a girl offline in a really long time. Thanks.
  15. I read just last week that guys like you and me have to eat about 5,000-8,000 calories a day. Lots of protein and exercise helps too
  16. she was never married and this guy (her ex) keeps on calling her cuz he thinks that they are together and she's like "We are NOT together"
  17. So tonight I went out with a girl who I've liked for a long time. I started talking to her on Myspace (for a year and a half or so) and tonight we met in person for the first time. She has 2 beautiful children (a boy and a girl) and she brought them along. This really wasn't a date because we're not going out. See, she going through a lot right now and has a lot of things going on with her with her dating life/personal life that it would be wrong to ask her out. She's been getting screwed over by guys a lot and I've been getting scrwed over by girls a lot, so I said to her "Why don't we get together" or something along those lines. Anyway, last night we went to the store and she got some baby wipes/diapers for her kids, then we went to the mall and we went into Hot Topic where I got her daughter (who's 2) I got her a little Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie and I even gave her my Lady and The Tramp dog that I got a long time ago. While at the mall we went and saw Santa, so she could tell Santa what she wanted, so she did and then Santa gave her a toy duck. Then we went to Target to buy more X-mas gifts, so her friends children could get some stuff. Her daughter Astrid was going crazy in the toy section asking me and her mom all of the things she wanted I'd hold her hand accross the street and hold her in my arms at times. She was giggling and having fun. I even fed her son Rylan who's not even a year old. After that we went to drop her kids off a my friend's house to babysit them while we went to the concert. Before the show I stuck out my arm and said "May I?" and she put her arm thru. At the concert her and I had a good time. After the show she tripped on the sidewalk and almst fell over. We went to picck up heer kids and they were oassed out, I took her daughter in my arms and put her in her childseat and she took her son and put him in his seat and we were on our way back to my place. I hugged her when she got to my place and we hugged twice in the car. For the last 3 days her and I have been talking about her moving to my hometown..she lives about 30 minutes from me. (this would be her choice and her decision) so I've been helping her by looking online for houses here in town and there are a few that look interesting. She is curently applying for a loan *fingers crossed* Hopefully she gets it, so that she can move to my hometown (She also said that she doesn't wanna live with her parents anymore and hates it where she's at). I mentioned to her in the car that I would like to date her, but being that she's kind of in a sticky situation with her current ex (who's a HUGE jerk) I told her that I'd wait until she's ready to be in a relationship with me and to call me once she got home. I just got done talking with her now and she's hanging with her friends before she goes to sleep and goes to work this morning. I REALLY like this girl a lot P.S. She's a really nice girl and she's soo attractive too, she's an all around beautiful girl. What should my next step be? Cuz I would really like to be with this girl. Thank you. This is the first time I've been on a "out" with a girl since 2000. Any advice would be helpful
  18. maybe he thought that you weren't interested in him
  19. you're a good looking guy..you actually look like my cousin and bult like him too.
  20. yeah, sure, I'm in a collegetown and there are lots of things to do, but when I'm myself, girls don't like me and don't date me
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