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Everything posted by OmegaMan

  1. Hi, That last statement made me fall from my chair. Why would you want to any Supernatural Being to punish you? This completely puzzles me, I don't understand it. Omega Man
  2. Thanks to both of you for replying. Be that as it may, this isn't the issue here. Never once have I stated that a doctor doesn't make mistakes. Everyone makes professionnal mistakes, that's a given of human nature. Yes, you are indeed right. I didn't read correctly. I guess I was to eager to confront such a weak argument if what I had read first had been what you meant. I stand corrected. I agree with you about this statement. As I've said, although I do agree with this, it is not what this discussion is about though. By the way is there really a need for the CAPITAL LETTERS. I trust we can all understand each other without the use of that. You're just playing on semantics. A doctor can exist even if he doesn't have a degree. We could still use the expression ``Doctor`` for someone who treats patients in a given situation even if he doesn't have a degree. It would perhaps be unappropriate, but it would still be the best expression to use to represent the caracteristics that he represents. What I said was simply that I would feel more secure to deal with a doctor with a degree than with another who is still learning his way by experimenting. That is all. Well, that's about it. Again, thank you for your ideas, I enjoyed reading them. Omega maN
  3. DEBAAAATTTEE! (Not to worry, I'm only kidding...) I know this probably not the first purpose of this thread but I would like to respond to some comments that were made here. But that doesn't prove anything though. If you only consider Education as a tool, a way of making a lot of money, you are falling the very trap that you wish to avoid. Remember what Elise said?: I believe that if your sole purpose of getting some education is to get as much money as possible, you have been manipulated by society by achieving the very goal it has set for you. Criminals make a lot of money and they necessarily have a lot of education, but do they have a successful life? On the other end, I know people who have a doctorate in philosophy but work as selling clerks at minimal wages, sure they don't have much money, but they are educated and take full advantage of what they have learned. I agree with that, completely. Education does so much more than providing you money, so much more. I belong to those people. Men fear what he doesn't understand and destroys what he fears. Education, information is what can dissipate this, prevent this. After all, isn't prevention exactly that, providing information, education, in order to prevent certain problematics that are caused by sheer ignorance. I agree this is unfair, academic education is a way of having a successful career. An education learned through years of professionnal experience should also be considered. I believe whatever manual jobs remain will be replaced with machines over time. This has been happening since the industrial revolution and it will continue to happen I think. I encourage education and professionnal formation. But some might argue as to why should they finish High School if they don't have to do college? Elise Wow, I don't agree with that. I would feel much more secure if with a doctor with a diploma then with one without. But that's not education, it's disinformation, two different things. I won't make any judgement on this about the USA, but I don't feel like it is that way here in Canada. Thank you to all for participating in this, I can't wait to read the other comments. Omega maN
  4. A very interesting topic! 1. Education, for me, is everything. Knowledge dissipates doubts, mysticism and allows a rationnal understanding of things. It also the first and most important step toward lucidity. 2. VERY important. I constantly read and try to learn new things as everyday passes by. I'm also at University just now and intent to reach mastery in my domain. 3. Who I am, what I want, my realtionships, my dreams, my goals, everything (almost). 4. A chance to reach for her own perception of the world, a better understanding of what is and what might be. 5. That's kind of vague, I can't answer that. 6. I don't understand this statement (I'm not english speaking per see). 7. YES, I would be tempted to agree with that statement. 8. I try to share everything I know with others. Knowledge is power, so is sharing. Hope you enjoyed that. OmegaMan...
  5. BOOM! Now that's what I call a judicious reply, right in the teeth LOL! Anyways, good argumentation Ars, as always. I must admit I am just so surprised you are so involved in the Catholic Church, so paradoxal. Omega Man
  6. The thing with addiction, he has to stop pornography for himself, not ofr others, otherwise it will never work. Omega Man
  7. Hello Cure Of Ars, Ah religions, religions... so much to be said about it isn't? What about the Agnostics? What do they believe in, doubts? Omega Man
  8. I'm glad you decided to write back and answer the questions. About your first answer. I believe it is a fair assumption to think they were not interested. What I want you to do is reflect on this. Why do you believe caused their disinterest? What was your attitude when you talked to them? Be more specific. Do you see any other solutions to your situation? Are you currently considering anything just now to meet women? Also, was there ever a moment in your life that you came close to a relationship or that you knew someone was interested in you? Again, a complete answer will move things much more quickly. Ok, I personnaly believe that you can meet someone. I too think medication is not a solution. I would consider seeking professionnal help, social worker, shrink for your situation not a doctor. What do you think about that? A contradicition. What you need to figure out just now trapped, is what changes could me made in your life to make it less hard for you. Also, assuming your decisions would also help to give you a sense of control to your life. Either take care of your elderly or don't. In either case, be prepared to face the consequences of your decision. I completely disagree with this statement but I don't want to question your faith, that is your right as an individual. Don't rely on medication, don't rely on religion, rely on yourself, you will always be the best as attaining your goal. Don't ask, act! Funkera, would you mind writing correctly next time ? Mar issued a warning about bad grammar, ans using u instead of you isn't correct. I would really appreciate it if you did, thanks! That tendency to ask for some invisible being for things we should do ourselves always seemed like a social curse to me. Take your time, don't panic. You will not get your self-esteem back if you don't take the credit for your success or failures and blame them on some god. Do you understand what I mean? Keep me informed, we will get through this if you are motivated to. Omega Man
  9. Why not Omega Himself? What have you tried to solve this? I believe you should tell him in a serious way but not as an order though. ``I don't like what you are doing this and if you're my friend, I woud think you would respect that and stop doing it. I can't force you though but still I wanted to tell you.`` Most of the time, the fact that you leave them a choice will make quite a difference, good luck! Omega Man
  10. I am currently living an addiction impulse just at this very moment. I'm at work just now but I feel like I would just leave and satisfy my addiction. I've got so much trouble resisting. Anyone got any tips on this one? I've got homework to do today and friends to see but it all seem fade compated to my addiction. The compulsion is so strong, I don't know If I can resist. I know I'll feel ashamed and unhappy If I do it but It doesn't seem to matter! This is completely illogical, I know. But if someone could just give me some tips as to how they manage to control treir addition, I would appreciate that very much so. Omega Man
  11. I really would like to help you out on this one, trapped. But no one can live your life for yourself (I personnaly find comfort in that thought, that we are all responsible for who we are). I have asked you two times, in two different posts different questions to none of which you have decided to answer. This is your choice, I respect that. I also respect that you are suffering just now and need to vent. I presumed that you posted here to find a solution to your situation, now that I know that you only need to vent, I will stop asking questions to gather information in order to work out a or a few solutions. Should you ever feel like finding a solution to all this and involved yourself, put effort everyday in seeking an happier state, know that I will be right there, in this thread, waiting. I still have some information to gather before I can formulate an helpful advice. Remember should you ever change your mind, I'm here to help you out. It's up to you. Omega Man
  12. Again, Why do you think you are rejected by women? What have you tried to break the cycle? Omega Man
  13. Why do you think you are rejected by women? What have you tried to break the cycle? Omega Man
  14. Hi, When did you begin to feel this way? Omega Man PS: If you answer my questions, I believe I can help you.
  15. I completely understand what you are saying. But you know what? Self-esteem isn't something that easely won, in my case, It's an everyday battle. Everyday I have to get up in the morning and make some efforts to keep loving myself. I think you should keep on doing efforts, only you can live your life, so it's up to you to make something out of it. You have to change the way you're thinking, otherwise you're stuck in a dead end. You know what I tell myself what I'm about to do something that I'm afraid of? ``C'mon, just trust yourself, you can do it`` and it WORKS. I can assure you that if you start to have confidence in what you can achieve, it will work wonders. Don't wait, start now, as you make one step the next steps will become easier. Etienne
  16. You know, normality as this way of making us feel bad about ourselves. Why can't you compare yourself to yourself instead of worrying about how far the others are. You know among men, that are just so many LIES about sex. One of my friends admitted he didn't have sex before he was 20, but not before always telling me he had it at 17 first. So don't think that what everyone says is the truth, 'cause it's not. I am not saying you're not entitled to worry about that, it's your right, but you know what? Once you get sex, and you will, something else is going to bother you. And then something else. And so on. See what I'm getting at? There are so many people in your situation, you can't imagine how much. You know, I don't think you'll become selfish or anything because you don't get in a relationship soon. You know, I also panic sometimes, because I've haven't got this or that, but WE'VE STILL GOT LIFE AHEAD OF US. It WILL come, it's up to you to make the efforts required so that your wishes come true. Good luck Etienne
  17. ALthough, I've had girlfriends before, I didn't have sex before I was 21, so I wouldn't worry too much. You know, just wait and see, be patient, sometimes we have the impression that some things will never happen because we want it so much, but it's when things are getting hard to it's most important not to give up. To be honest, I think having sex is great. It got boring after a while though, always with the same person, guess we (my gf and I) never managed to reinvent our sex life did we... What I mean by that, well I'm sure it depends for each person, but I can honestly say sex isn't what makes me the happiest. It's an activity like another, having good friends is so great, being loved by your family, loving what you study, those are all great things that makes life worthwhile. In other words, don't dwell on what you don't have as you'll NEVER have everything, try to find some satisfaction, and things will fall in place. Omega Man
  18. Yes, that is exactly what I mean. Omega Man
  19. Indeed we are not Dante. I think are you doing a terrible mistake thinking that you can't learn from someone else's life experience, but that is your opinion and you are entitled to it like you say. All I will add this my friend, I shared my story because I used to think like him once, until I found my happiness in rationality. Do you not think this has the potential of a good advice? If Saku said the he drank alcohol and felt unhappy. Would I be wrong in saying that he might want to stop, as I stopped and it helped me to overcome my trials? Would that me too much talking about me and not giving advice? Isn't the proof of somone's success with something inspring enough to be considered an adivce? But then again, as you've said yourself, I'm entitled my own opinion, and thus am entitled to give the advice I judge helpful, although it my not fit your taste. Yours, Omega Man May I end this with a little quote from Ayn Rand, it explains how I once felt about religion, maybe others may relate to it: Do you wonder why you cry that you find no answers? By what means did you hope to find them? You reject your tool of perception-your mind-then complain the universe is a mystery. You discard your key, then wail that all doors are locked against you. You start out in a pursuit of irrationnal, then damn existence for making no sense. How's that for a quote?
  20. I don't think this is how Plato meant this. In fact, the more you know things, the more you realise you know nothing. Think about it. IF someone knows one letter from the alphabet A, this is the extent of his knowledge. But then he learns there are 26 of them, and then that you can make sentences, books, books about physics, chemistry... See where I'm getting at? O. Man
  21. What do you mean words mean nothing? How can words mean nothing? Would you mind explaining further? Are you referring to generalities in both sexes? O. M.
  22. Hi Funkera, Mar actually typed an AWESOME post on self-esteem which I actually printed and put on my bedroom door. Here's the quote: I think this answers any question at all on self-esteem. Omega Man
  23. Dear sister, allow me to doubt your impartiality on this one I cannot agree to this statement because you show the good side for the females and the bad one from males, why is why comparison cannot be made... Omega Man
  24. I couldn't disagree more with was said about God. My life got better the minute I realised I was responsible for who I was, not some invisible force. Think about it Omega Man
  25. Hi Saku, I do remember your last post. I've noticed that this one is also very religion-oriented. This is something I said about certain attitudes and religion. I've decided to paste it for you so you. I thought you might find matter to reflection in all this. Omega Man
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