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Everything posted by jengh

  1. At the VERY least, she should have offered to pay the tip and buy you a drink or three later on. I think it was very rude that she didn't so much as OFFER. I suppose the fact that you asked HER out and not vice versa led her to believe you should be the one to pay. I feel like whoever asks the other out on a first date should be the one to pay. However, I also feel like the other should offer to go dutch treat. Wow, what a brat for not even thanking you......
  2. How are you going to present the poem to her? If you're looking for ideas, get some nice, thick cardstock (you can get it from scrapbooking stores or cheaper stuff at wal-mart), print it on that... then, either put a sheet of transparent vellum over it and punch holes in both and tie it together with a ribbon, or skip the vellum and mount it on another cardstock and tie a ribbon at the top (by ribbon, I mean something small and neurtal-colored)
  3. It's not cheesy. It's heartfelt. You can tell everything he wrote has come from deep inside the heart. And if you haven't noticed, everything about valentine's day is cheesy.
  4. I think it's a really sweet poem and she should be very touched by it. However, I'm a loser when it comes to grammar so I'm going to edit it for you
  5. If she decides to do this and you decide to stay with her, just remember she will always be the same person inside. She may look different, but she's not the same man (men) who abused you.
  6. aw, hun im sorry. I know you don't want to hear this, but I'll say it anyways. You're still really young. You have a lot ahead of you to be spending your time with someone who talks about another guy and choosing who she wants to be with. Trust me, though, it's good she's telling you this now before you move in together!!! That would majorly complicate things.
  7. thought i did...that thought went to hell though.
  8. To answer your question, there is nothing wrong shaving your chest. I know plenty of guys who do it. That being said, unless YOU hate it, don't do it because you think more women will be attracted to you. Like someone else said, shaving it can get pretty nasty. If you have a lot, you might consider waxing...Painful, but easier.
  9. OMG....LostLove... will you be my boyfriend?! lol... Everything sounded amazing....then i read the dooney and bourke part... and it's beyond amazing.. i'd kill for any part of that...
  10. LMAO!!! I think it's normal. Whenever I dance with guys, 90% of the time they get hard... Just all of that friction and such..
  11. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say he's cheating on you, however, things are definitely not right. I think there's a possibility he may be cheating, but at the same time, it could simply be he's just not interested and scared of confrontation. Either way, I think you need to let this one go. He's not a good catch!
  12. You could wait, but this needs to be straightened out. She is not being fair to you at all. I'd call her up and just see if she's doing okay. You don't even necessarily have to bring up her rude behavior. Just make sure she's alright.
  13. Wow... she behaved very rudely, in my opinion. You and your boyfriend did nothing wrong. SHE invited YOU. You did more than your part by buying all the groceries, doing all of the cooking and cleaning. There is definitely something not right. Is she married? Perhaps something is wrong there? There's a possibility of this being depression. Did you try just coming out and asking her what her problem was?\ I'm sorry--I know how hard it is fighting with such a close friend and not even know WHY you're fighting...
  14. ^^ ooh, good point. I didn't even think about that... Definitely get her number and tell her you're interested but didn't want to rush things.
  15. I don't know. She could've just been embarrassed for going as far as she did. I know you said you only had a few beers, but maybe she was buzzing, and regrets what she did. It's possible she just wants to avoid confrontation. I' have no idea why she wouldn't even come out of her room. Did you ask her roommate?
  16. oh my god... i just audibly gasped... what a douche!!! some guys are soo sleazy
  17. OMG!!! I'm sooo happy everything went well (aside from R being a tool) and that he's healthy!!! You're going to be a wonderful mommy
  18. I *heart* banana republic, gap, express, and kenneth cole... ill take you shopping, lol
  19. I completely agree with tyttwy... it's all in the way you raise the dog....
  20. ^^^hahha, thats sooo cut.e i have mine trained... she doesnt knwo her name but comes to "Where's my babbbbyyyy!?!?!?!" Okay, if anyone so much as looked at my cat wrong...... there would be serious hell to pay... animals are such innocent creatures... you dont want to get me started... i wrote a 15pg paper on animal cruelty in the food service....
  21. good!!! thank you for calling... im not sure how old you are, but you did the right thing
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