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Everything posted by jengh

  1. In my opinion, I think he was just trying to get back at you. Trying to make you jealous knowing damn well you'd see he made a page. Though, on the other hand, it does seem fishy to me too. How did you know he created the page in the first page? The fact that all of his friends were girls and they were all from the same town would make me uncomfortable. Especially if I KNEW he'd had sexual relations with some in the past... It's probably nothing more than a little retaliation...
  2. WOW, that is a HUGE school. I think switching to a smaller school would be a lot more personal and you could get to know people on a deeper level. Trying to make friends at a school with 2000 students is hard. Where do you start!? I think you should take your parents advice and give it a shot. Despite your protests, your so-called best friend still won't make time for you. I think that it may be time to go your separate ways. Who knows, maybe she'll miss you terribly and want to rekindle the friendship once she realizes what she's lost.
  3. Of course you're still going to be afraid of them. No one could blame you for that. Have you told her you love her for HER and not who she's trying to be? I mean this with utmost respect, I really do, but changing her gender is up to her and only her. Have you been in any therapy to help you cope with your abusive past? The word "therapy" can be scary. I was embarrassed to admit I was in it. But I've been in it for...5 years now. It's done wonders. I've dealt with a rape and it took me a long time to trust men again, it really did. But my therapist showed me it was just 2 men, not ALL men, that did this to me.
  4. You know, I wanted to transfer schools, too. My mother wouldn't let me. I can't tell you if this would or wouldn't be a wise decision. If you're having a tough time in the school you're attending, then maybe change would do you good. Being in a new environment could do wonders. You could start over, people wouldn't have a clue about your past (whether or not you have any skeletons in your closet, I have no idea), they would get to know you for who you are NOW as opposed to who you were 2 years ago. Are you involved in any sports, clubs or organizations? If you're not the athletic type, are you interested in language at all? Most schools have foreign language clubs and even take trips overseas (Mine did and WOW! The experience of a lifetime AND I grew closer to some of my classmates). Then there's drama club and theatre and key club. I have no idea how big your school is, but mine was TINY and had all of those things and more. Look into it. Talk to your parents about a possible transfer if you're serious about it.
  5. Often times, people change and friends grow apart. I KNOW how painful this is. I was best friends (really more like sisters) with a girl from kindergarten all the way up until the beginning of 9th grade. We did everything together. But, come 9th grade, her mother decided Daryl needed to branch out and make new friends and she forbade her to spend time with me out of school. It was the most hurtful thing I had ever experienced. But you know what? I got over it. I moved on. I made new friends who I had more in common with. As the years went by, Daryl and I changed drastically. By the time 9th grade came, we couldn't have been more different. We just didn't realize it. I guess what I'm trying to say is branch out. Meet some new people. It may be time to let her go. Friendships flourish and sometimes they die. It's all just a cycle (gee, I should be taking my own advice on this one, eh?). High school is supposed to be the greatest 4 years of your life. You can choose to embrace that and make new friends or you can mope and chase after your friend and her boyfriend. It is 100% up to you. I took those 4 years for granted. I gave up on friends and had a serious boyfriend all four years. I wouldn't change it for the world, but you know, sometimes, I really really wish I would've just experienced highschool the way a normal teenager should.
  6. Another thing you could try is massage therapy. I get bad migraines CONSTANTLY and get the sharp pain behind my eye (my right eye's vision is much worse than the left's due to strain) and the ONE and ONLY thing that helped me was massage therapy. Unfortunately, insurance only covered 5 sessions. I must warn you--when they work on your head, it is PAINFUL!!! But afterwords, you feel amazing.
  7. wow. i'm usually not into poetry but that one was really touching..and so sad
  8. annie, i can't tell you how much that just made sense to me right now... It was like having an epiphony. wow. you are 200% right....
  9. oooh i know... GERBERA DAISIES....gaaaahhh love those things
  10. i don't know, i've gotten single roses from male friends and it was truly touching... Perhaps you could get her a different color other than red. A pink or white one maybe... wouldn't be quite as romantic.
  11. I think she would appreciate the rose. I've never been a fan of hallmark cards. Handmade are much more meaningful, but that certainly doesn't mean other girls don't like pre-made cards. I'm weird like that. I'd definitely give her the rose...
  12. "Nothing can keep me down. My life has meaning finally!" I think those 2 sentences just made my day I know what you mean about the religion part... it seems like, though things are INSANELY hard, they're still manageable... I don't really know how to explain what i'm thinking but I know exactly what you're talking about
  13. oh absolutely, i agree 100% with that. Those fertility treatments sound brutal..
  14. I looked through all of my parents' adoption records and i couldn't BELIEVE what they went through... It was a 2 year process. They had to have intensive home studies, TONS of referral letters, TONS of money to give to the organization....Only once they were approved were birth mothers allowed to select them. I guess they had to go through some pretty intensive interviews with my birth mother before she decided on giving me up to them... There was SO much paperwork involved... wow..
  15. wow, im sooo glad your baby is doing well. i'm so happy for you. what a wonderful, strong name too. I love it. As for what you're doing through with his father, I am truly sorry. He sounds so toxic. Everything will work out in the end
  16. I was adopted and my parents provided me with the most loving home one could ever ask for. They gave me everything I needed to succeed, set up a college trust fund so I would never have to worry about paying for school, taught me moral values... So, yes, Annie, I can definitely see where that study would be correct.
  17. This is exactly what I was going to say: DON'T SETTLE!!!! Trust me, you're still very young and I know because I'm only 20... I KNOW how hard it is not to have a boyfriend and such... I'm sure you're a beautiful girl and any guy would be very very lucky to have you. Look at it this way: would you rather a. find a boyfriend NOW who doesn't respect you and love you for YOU or b. take the time to really get to know someone, someone who will get to know the REAL you and be truly happy? Romance happens when you least expect it.
  18. Oh god... I'm so sorry People can be sooo terrible sometimes... I truly hope they find the who did this so you can get some of your sanity back (I don't know what I'd do without my car...)
  19. So, perhaps, if his girlfriend feels comfortable, he should do it with her. It might bring them closer together. Just a thought.
  20. As long as I KNEW about it and it wasn't interfering with our sex life, I wouldn't have a problem with it. It might weird me out a little bit at first, honestly, but I think after a while, I'd see it's just another way of giving oneself pleasure.
  21. ^^^I agree!!! The last guy I dated LOVED it when I would get myself off... Just look at it as another form of foreplay...
  22. Let me ask you this: do YOU masturbate? Honestly? Especially if you're a younger person, knowing your SO masturbates can feel a little ego deflating, like maybe you're just not good enough. 98% of everyone I know masturbates. It's a normal and healthy thing. TONS of women have "Objects". Just realize, it does not in any way mean you're bad in bed. Your sex drives could simply be different or maybe she just does it as a form of relaxation before bed. Either way, it's normal.
  23. oh, god, i had to have the same thing done. pull the baby tooth and get the other down. It hurts like HELL for a while, but once your teeth get used to the pressure, it gets much better. How often do you have to have them adjusted--every couple months? Well, after they tighten them, they'll hurt for about a week. Then the pain subsides and you shouldn't really feel anything until you get them tightened again. The spacers hurt sooo bad, I know... it does get better
  24. I agree, if he wants to "Get even", he should be allowed to kiss another GUY.
  25. wow...definitely not normal. ER asap....
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