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Everything posted by Sylph

  1. I guess so, if you're not rich there's very little medical options open to you. Isn't capitalism great?
  2. Go see a profession, get diagnosed and treated. Work from there.
  3. Not according to that poll, I mean it's got the Isle of Man there so it's not excluding areas of the British Isles.
  4. Isle of Man is number four!? But that place is tiny... I can only imagine what must be going on there.
  5. Ditto the above. The fact that you said "look at all the 'chunky monkeys' that are coupled up with white guys", and mentioned white guys specifically just set off alarm bells. I know all too well how anyone, as nice a person as they seem can turn out to be racist, sexist, homophobic or have any other narrow minded opinions. Don't take it personally.
  6. Hai hai, I'll have to see how medication works out of me though. Won't be long until I go on the happy pills.
  7. So she doesn't want you to abort but wants to guilt you constantly with complaints about all the work she has to do. Okay, uh. Gettting people together to talk, yeah. I think the only way you're going to get that to happen is next time your boyfriend comes to your place, where you both approach your mother and inform her that you're all going to have a serious talk about it. Whether she likes it or not, she's obviously got issues that need to be resolved before the baby is born. I'll be frank in saying that if you can't sort this whole think out giving the baby up for adoption might be something you seriously consider. If these problems can't be resolved then the child isn't going to have much of a chance of growing up in a healthy environment. I don't doubt that you and your boyfriend can raise a child, but it's going to be tough. If you did give up the child it would allow you the freedoms you should have at your age, I don't mean the freedom to go out and party either. The freedom to get a job, start earning money and aim towards getting a place together with your boyfriend. And while you're doing that you make sure you use protection and don't get pregnant until you're in as best a position as possible to have a child.
  8. I don't want to scare the crap out of you but there's always a chance, even if he didn't ejaculate pre-cum has the most sperm in it. I'm not saying you're definitly going to get pregnant but there's a real possbility.
  9. *Spider sense tingles* Uh yeah, what exactly did you mean by that?
  10. She said what!? What does she plan to do, sit at the door and refuse him access to own child? I'm sure that would break some law. I don't really know what to say, you've got one over-protective mother who seems to think that she's the one having the baby. It's not like you and you're boyfriend aren't on good terms, if anything she should be the one trying to help you. And you're right, all this stress definitly isn't healthy for the child.
  11. No problem at all. I think you should break yourself in to exposing yourself in public (that sounded a lot less dirty when I was writing it) in stages that you're comfortable with. You're in a good position to at least wean yourself to a point where you are comfortable because you can chose how much of it to show. I'd suggest taking maybe a long skirt and hitching it up at different levels, perhaps with safety pins or something. So basically you can chose how much you want to show and feel good about yourself. The best part is if you suddenly get pangs of insecurity you can just take the pins out and wear the skirt at full length.
  12. That's not as bad as the mental picture I had in my head, and as you said, that's it on a bad day. I know people will stare, people will always stare, people are... people, they're curious and indescriminate. But then again they're just people, of all the people that do stare the chances are you're never going to see any one of them again. Who cares if they judge you? Let them. And to the people who have gotten freaked out by it, screw 'em. All of them. If they're going to sum you up based on a patch of skin on your leg then let them go, I certainly wouldn't want to be with anyone that single minded.
  13. Depression here too. Possible anxiety disorder too. My mixed feelings usually come in the form of sudden feeling like I want to take charge or something in my life, I'll spend a few hours working out a plan in my head cutting everything down into chunks I can deal with. Within the same day that feeling will go as quickly as it came, I'm just left thinking 'Why on earth did you think you can do that? You know you're too pathetic to take charge of anything'.
  14. If it were me there would have been a massacre of camels by now. I'm saying this as nicely as I can, you should dumped his sorry, good for nothing * * * * a long time ago. I don't need to read your post twice to decide that he's scum, the kind of thing you scrap off your boot. But then again you've allowed yourself to go through this. The only person that's going to get you out of this is you, and you need to do it as soon as possible. This is quite clearly isn't good for you emotionally or mentally. Kick him out of your life, hell, take a run up, wear a studded boot and go for the crotch.
  15. Even though I've never said it, yeah. I feel like this a lot, infact I'll insecurity and security at the same time too, as confusing a concept that is. I've forever torn between confidence and anxeity, I'm just good at never showing it unless I want to ^^
  16. That's it? I can safely say that wouldn't bother me at all. After going an image search on Google for dermatitis it can look pretty horrible but if your's is not even as bad as the picture on Wiki then I'd be fine with it. Really.
  17. Not really. It's a nice thought that innatly there's someone out there that is perfectly designed to fit with you in every manner of speaking but on a realistic scale it's just not going to happen. To accept that idea I'd have to go so far as to accept some kind of intelligent design, which I'm affriad I can't really do. Of course I'm not denying that there are people out there suited well for each other but I deny any claim that it applies to everyone automatically.
  18. Excuse my ignorance but how does exema appear? I mean what kind of colouration, is the skin rough and flacky etc.? To be honest unless I could actually feel it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. If it looks bad I might cringe at first and say 'Ouch' but it wouldn't pray on my mind.
  19. Yes, it was you >_>; I agree that you have to be careful, expressing yourself is all very well but if you're going to face physical violence and verbal abuse because of it then sometimes it's better to play it safe. That's just a fact of life, sometimes you've got to use discretion.
  20. Well I think you're assuming that everyone isn't satisfied with having one partner at a time. I don't disagree with the idea that people will be attracted to other people while they're in a relationship it doesn't mean that they sexual desires for them that they want to presue. When you're on a close emotional level with someone sharing yourself with someone else is only lower the relationship you have a partner, it makes it less "exclusive". Of course this only matters if you think that having sex with someone is special and important. Personally I'm all for questioning social norms but I really don't have any problem with monogamy, it's really not that difficult to keep to one person at a time. I probably haven't explained my point very well mind, I'm not very engaged at this time of night.
  21. Points one to four I have no problem. Point five doesn't gel with me, the point of a relationship is to be with someone that you have an emotional attactment to, and only that person.
  22. Oh, I guess. My eye sight is getting worse by the day.
  23. No, no. The first picture of the two you posted in your previous post showing your new tattoo.
  24. Exactly. I highly doubt that seeing strippers would give him a sudden addiction to only go after women with "sexy" toned bodies. If he was going to be into that he would have gotten it from internet porn years ago.
  25. I have to disagree with the people saying you shouldn't just ask him. This whole situation can be resolved so much more easily than spending the next few weeks/months hinting. Personally I'd suggest taking him asside somewhere, away from where anyone might listen in, and say something along the lines of 'Don't take any offence to this but do you like other guys?' If he says no then there's nothing lost, nothing gained and it's over any done with. If he says yes then all the better, you can work from there on your own I'm sure. The beauty of the wording of the question is that it doesn't prove that you're gay, so he can't go off and start going on about what a "fag" you are to everyone.
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