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Everything posted by fishrrshortae

  1. It almost sounds to me as though she may have had very negative sexual experiences in the past. Not only was she fighting off trying to have any, but she seemed to have no enjoyment from it when you finally DID it. Maybe you could try having one last chat with her: not an accusation about why she doesn't seem to enjoy sex, but ask her if there is any reason she can think of that she may not enjoy it as much as she could ? This reminds me of one of my girlfriends, she was molested for years and had to have therapy for a long time to help her through it
  2. Yeah.. Iwould tell your parents that you know they are concerned, yada yada yada.. but you are an adult and you are still going.
  3. OK I just posted a week ago about how to ask a guy out, and here you are telling him how you feel about him. Yeah, I'm super jealous of your guts. Seriously!! Impressive. As for how to act with him around you, think positively about him. He was upfront and honest with you, tell yourself why remaining friends with him is worth it, and be happy about what you did!!
  4. I def agree that your mom was out of line. That is NOT the kind of thing you say to someone you just met. On the other hand, I think your bf should just suck it up and go with you, or else you should go without him. I think it would help for YOU alone to talk to your family beforehand. Tell them that you are not going to bring him around unless they respect your wishes and refrain from any more such conversations.
  5. Depends ... what are you using them for, to try to get someone pregnant .. ?
  6. That's funny... I have a Commitment Phobia
  7. I went there today, and it was so busy I couldn't even talk to him .. I could go in tomorrow, earlyish so I can actually talk to him, or I can just say hell with it...
  8. Dako, is that ur dog? I love the suspicious look he/she gives the camera... As for OP, agreed that if a guy ever told me he could plunk down money and get a stripper to do whatever I want, I would dump him on the spot. Even if he was to go to these clubs, telling you about how he likes skinny women and can pay for their many services is downright tactless and disrespectful. He sounds like a complete jerk... And he is obviously making you feel horrible about yourself. Please ask yourself, What am I getting out of this relationship, and is it worth this?
  9. I dunno.. I know lots of people who want one but then start to play games once they get involved Relationships are hard at any age
  10. hey every1 thanks for the replies.. it's getting closer to d-day... I think I am gonna go in tomorrow at some point. So nervous
  11. hm.. it kind of sounds a little preplanned.. so if you're gonna do that you might as well just ask her out. Talk to her first though, try to go in when they wont be busy and talk to her first. Ask her how work is going or something like that, and keep it going.. tell her where you work, etc.. keep a convo going. After you do this a few times, then you'll be in a better position to ask for her number or give her yours. P.S. it might be better to get hers, because she might feel awkward calling you? just a thought.
  12. It's good you're doing things for your health (exercising, drinking water etc..) maybe he intended to hang out with you but couldnt for some reason. It might help to call him? If you're up to it, ie not afraid to .... ask him to a movie or for drinks or something
  13. Hey everyone, I have gotten mixed answers with this. Would you date someone who has kids? I have a 2 1/2 year old son, so this applies to me, but my friend is going through a divorce and has 2 young girls. She thinks no one would ever want to date her again cuz of this (she's young, 22...) What do you guys think? If you were interested but found out they had children, would you walk?
  14. I haven't read all the posts.. but I totally know what OP is talking about. I have wondered this myself. Suddenly everyone just seems to have a boyfriend, and now I don't even remember how I myself used to get into relationships. I guess it just starts out with meeting or chatting or something... I have no idea... Many of these relationships in college are serious, others are not at all
  15. Honestly, it sounds like they might not have liked you as much as you liked them. ?
  16. Do anything you can to leave him. This is one of the worst guy-behavior stories I've ever heard, and I've heard some really really REALLY bad ones.
  17. Heyguys, I agree that he probably took it to a level that's a no-no. Then again, I am also one to question why the automatic assumption is that guys just look at porn and that it's ok, but girls can't look at or even just talk to other guys without their boyfriends getting all pissed off. So maybe it's just me... Definitely though, his lying to you is unacceptable. Maybe he did it just because he knew you would be upset, as you were. But I think it's fair to say that even those women who accept porn would not be so quick to accept a boyfriend going into chat rooms.
  18. It does kinda sound like she likes you (playing w/ her hair, etc..).....
  19. OP and SeaB: UGH.. I have nothing to add to the good advice given here, but you both have my sympathies!!
  20. I had this problem too.. guy friend liked me but never made a move, so I moved on. Maybe he does like you, but like he said, just doesn't want to be in a relationship now... I guess you could either try to make a move yourself and just ask him flat out what's going on, or just leave it alone
  21. Hey guys, There is this guy I like who works at my bank. He seems to want to talk to me and asks me questions about myself, but I do not know whether he is dating someone or not, and he has never asked if I am seeing anyone. I found out recently that he put his 2wk notice in, and his last day there is this Friday! I will only be going there once next week. I'm hoping to catch him at a time when the bank won't be that busy, so I can talk to him a little bit. I really want to ask him out, but really, I just want HIM to ask for my number. I'm too shy to ask him out, but I am afraid of losing my chance ... Advice pls........
  22. I'd say at least a month or two, minimum, just so you're not rushing into anything...
  23. I sympathize with your mom. I am not entirely sure why the multicultural relationship is an issue w/ her. Maybe it isn't.. maybe she is just concerned about you getting pregnant. Or there might be something about him specifically she doesn't like. Find out exactly what her concerns are. Honey, chances are this guy and you will not last. 16 is YOUNG and I don't know anyone that is with the same guy they dated at 16, although I'm sure someone out there knows someone.. either way, the bottom line is, don't make mistakes NOW that you will regret LATER, like the mistakes I made at your age that I'm still trying to undo.
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