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Everything posted by NKP

  1. You say you know how i feel But do you? Have you lost you father? Have you lost your bestfriend? Have you been raped by you brother? And by someone you dont even know? Are you fighting to live? Trying hard not to let go? No your not So dont you dare tell me you know how i feel So just back off and let me be I am slowly dying No one knows I havent told anyone I dont want to worry anyone People know something is up They ask and i say nothing I guess i should tell someone So i will have some kind of release But i dont want my friends to watch me slowly die I dont want them to feel sorry for me I dont want them to treat me like i am dying Stupid i know But hey its my life I remember your smile I remember your laugh I remember the love you gaved me I remember your hugs I remember being with you I remembered the day you died Like it was yesterday I remember all the tears i cried I remember feeling so lost I remember the fights my family had about your lost Everyone blamed my mother When deep inside they really blamed themself I remembered seeing your dead body I didnt believe you were dead til i saw you And since that day i have never been the same I love you daddy
  2. Okay well i have been abit down lately Because: 1. A really good friend of mine is moving far away with her mother and her sister and i really dont want her to go, i just cant see my life with out her, she is my everything, she can make me laugh, smile and feel good about myself but now she is going away next week . 2. A friend of mine is going back to hospital tomorrow because she isnt eatting, and she has been in and outta hospital since the start of the year and she has almost died befor, and her going to hospital isnt going to help her eat, it never has it just makes her really depressed. And well i just dont know what to do anymore, she doesnt want to eat and she doesnt care if she dies, all she wants is to be really really skinny when she is already, but when she looks in the mirror all she sees her self is fat and nothing esle. She also thinks shes a bad person, i told her that she is far from that, but she thinks i am just saying that to be nice 3. I havent spoke to erin another friend in a really long time she is also depressed and last time i spoke to her she wasnt so well, she was really upset, i think she might of done something stupid be cause i have sent her emails, text messages and try to ring her but her phone is always turned off and i cant just go to her house because she lives really far away from me 4. I am really worried my nephew is going to get depression, his mother has it and he has been acting alot differant lately and will hardly talk anymore and he always look upset, i try to talk to him ask him whats wrong but he wont tell me a thing Okay well sorry i just needed to get this outta me, i couldnt keep it inside anymore, i just cant take everything that is happening at the moment
  3. Okay well i just wanted to up date yo allon this, she told her mother, her mother toldher father andher father knew all along and didnt care what her uncle did to her, so her mother let he father and now they are moving next week sothey donthave anything to do with there father anymore
  4. Um she is already skinny, everyone thinks she is but she thinks shes fat, and she goes to hospital tomorro, i dont knowfor how long tho
  5. You are so young You are so beautiful You are so sweet But your not happy You think your fat You think your ugly When you are not You dont care if you die All you want is to be skinny But you alredy are You are well under wieght You hate it when people talk about you wieght But you dont understand they only care And they dont want to lose you I want you to get better I want to help you But i cant you can only help yourself But just remember i care my friend And i love you Okay well i wrote this about my friend goerge She doesnt eat and shes been in and outta hospital since the started of this year
  6. I wrote this about my ex bf You were in a car Driving as fast as you could You felt like no one cared The only answer you saw was to let go You reached to a cliff But you didnt slow down You werent planing too You droved off it Blew yourself up They tried there hardest to keep you alive But you died You try to make me promise you that i wont cry But i cried and i will always remember you I just wished i told you i felt the same way as you And you might still be here now
  7. Kiss me and you have to stay Dont leave me here lonely Give me you love And i will give you my love I will hold you forever And i promise i wont let you blow away And i promise you will forever be in my heart When you kiss me its like i am in heven When your out of my sight i am in hell So dont leave me Give me your love Give me your heart And i will give you mine If your going to leave Leave me now before i cant let you go If your going to stay You have to stay forever I wont let you go babe
  8. I close i prefur guys that close there eyes aswell, one person i kissed and made out with ghe had his eyes open and it felt weird and turn me off, i dont why tho, weird
  9. You were my best friend And the best dad in the world But you left me You gaved up the fight Do you see the tears i cry? Do you see my cuts? Do you see how broken i am? You said you love me And that you will always be there for me But your not here now I look in the mirror i see you in me I have your hair I have your smile I have your nose Most of all i have your blood And i am so proud i do I am proud i was your little girl I am proud you were my father I am so greatful to have had you in my life But now i just need to learn to live without you I do believe you are watching over me I hope you are proud of me
  10. I am so sorry to hear the loss of your friend When someone losing someone they knew alot or only knew of them some people take it quite well and some just cant handle it at all. Just remember where ever she is she will be happy and watching over you. You should talk to someone let how you feel out of you, you will feel much better and you wont have to go through how you feel alone
  11. If a guy i like smiles at me i will smile back, but if i like a guy and he doesnt smile i kinda have this more seious look
  12. Your a crack up, you always make me laugh
  13. Well i dated my bf for 4 days then we had sex
  14. Neck everyone loves the neck, and dry sex is a big turn on aswell
  15. next time yous are both looking into each others eyes start to move in closer and try and make a movie on her
  16. Yes i am a real strong believer in my gut aswell. Just dont hang out with her anymore or if you do make it less than you normaly do, and dont tell her anything you dont want other people to know. and NO dont change yourself not for anyone, stay who you are
  17. No its not selfish, if you take care of it and everything well its the kindess thing you could ever do to an animal. The selfish thing would be if you just watch and let it die and not care about it
  18. When i was his age up to about now i had a really serious depression and i did drugs and i would drink all the time, that was just my way of coping and not facing life, i have almost died from taking to much drugs and ended up in hospital for a week then sent to a mental hospital (and well it didnt help me at all coz i didnt want help). I had hugh fights with my mother and at times i wouldnt even talk to her, i wouldnt even let her visit me in hospital. If he has stoped counceling get him to go again, for his own good
  19. My world is falling apart I use to be strong Now everything is just falling a part Some one once told me Things do improve, give it time But i have given it time, i still want to die I am sick of this life I am sick of acting happy when i am not I am sick of crying myself to sleep at night I know there is only one thing that will make my pain go And that is to end my life I dont want to die but i dont to live this life Dont tell me what i am doing is wrong And is just going to hurt everyone Just be happy for me That my pain will finely end Maybe i will go to heven Maybe i will go to hell Or maybe i wont go to any of them Well i really dont care Less i wont be on this world
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