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Everything posted by ElektraHere

  1. Martha, This is by no means meant to be mean but you have to get a life. You have created this world all around your boyfriend. If you two were to break up you would be lost. Not just because you would miss him but you would have nothing that YOU occupy your life with. You started dating when you both were impressionable teens. Now you are 21 and Martha things change. Thoughts change. Its a part of growing up. Do you live in a small town? Do you think that is why you two are still together? You have had struggle after struggle throughout the time I have been at this website. Arent you getting sick of feeling sick and tired?
  2. Martha, It seems as though the reason for your anxiousness and misery is that you are living your life through your boyfriend. You need to join a club, get involved with something other than him. I know you love and care for him but you cant be with or talk with him 24/7. That just isnt healthy. If you do keep this up you will lose yourself completely. I would hate to see that happen.
  3. Me too but I have kissed the girls and its pretty hot. But I LOVE BOYS!!
  4. Well teddygirl you are missing out!! It is hottttt!
  5. I have to agree with DN. Step away from it and look at it rationally. This fire you should walk away from and not look back.
  6. I would say that it is a real risk. Say she does accept and then you start going out and then break up. Not just a light break up but the full on BAD break up. You will have to face that person everyday. In my opinion I would say no. Just leave it as a professional relationship. If you or her transfer to different depts then there is a possiblity. Otherwise just leave it be.
  7. I think sending 10 cards within 5 minutes is desperate. I think you should NOT view them if you have do not respond. He needs to move on and if he said awful things to you thats inappropriate. You have broken it off and right now I dont think a friendship is possible.
  8. What is he apologizing for? Also how long ago did you break up and last talk to him?
  9. Ailec you should look at this post compared to the first one you put on this thread. You are contradiciting yourself?????
  10. Perhaps you should research about what it is your doing so these questions dont come up. The more educated you are the better off you will be.
  11. There is a high chance you are NOT pregnant. Sperm dont just hide out in the mouth.
  12. It may be the balance of the relationship is a bit lopsided right now. Perhaps the generosity you are showing her she takes it as dependence and weakness. (on her part) Perhaps that leads to the commitment fears she has. Do you plan on staying long distance for a long while? Do either one of you plan to move to the other?
  13. Hello, At times we all come down hard on ourselves or others. We usually are our own harshest critic. We cannot seem to find the positive or the strides we make each day. I have learned many many bad habits over the years and have always come down hard on myself. Lately I have been making little milestones in my life and I am darn proud of them and of myself. I want to acknowledge myself and pat myself on the back. I still need to work on some things but hey any step is a good step right? I have to say I am pretty proud to finally realize and acknowledge that it isn't always about me. The world doesn't revolve around me. By this I mean if a friend doesn't call me when they say they will it has NOTHING to do with me. It could mean something came up, they are helping another friend, fell asleep, or their phone is out of battery juice. They WILL tell me if it is about me if they don't and split then I guess they weren't a true friend anyways. So Enotters with all that is happening with you and your lives what is that something you are most proud of yourself for??
  14. Oh Dako!!! I still am in the processing of learning things. I have recognized certain behaviors that must change. I would say they are destructive habits within a relationship. Meaning letting things go with the flow and putting negative thinking out of the equation. I also learned to value myself more.
  15. Hey I want in on this too.... How about a little Elektra to light your fire????? ;-) Just Joking hehehehehehe
  16. I have learned the hard way that neediness is the BIGGEST turn off there is. If you constantly have to be involved with the other person you lose yourself and your identity. Then if and I only say if that person is to leave your life what are you left with??? NOTHING I struggle with it because I feel its a habit that I formed. Habits CAN be broken. It is just a matter of working on it. You can do it if you really want to change. She likes you right? She enjoys your company right? She is with you right? Then relax and enjoy the journey. Enjoy your life too.
  17. Tyler its the 3rd date and I dont think buying her favorite candy would be buying her off?
  18. Well what I am impressed with is a man who holds the door for me. Opens my car door. Its old fashioned but nice. I think just being in the moment is romantic. If you want to surprise her with something put a little gift under her seat in the car or in the glove box and ask her to get something in those places. Nothing big perhaps her favorite candy, a Starbucks coffee card if she likes coffee, or a really nice smelling lotion.
  19. I am so sorry things ended up this way. You seem to have a great head on your shoulders. It doesnt matter who he is with now. It matters that you dont worry about that right now. You need to focus on you and take care of you. I wouldnt contact him anymore. I would adjust your myspace so that he is not on your list and that your status has changed. Do you really want to be with someone who is so dishonest? Also you contacted the gal under false pretenses. Do you really want to be with someone who brings that sort of behavior out of you? You know both of the answers and I will leave it at that. Come here and post post post!!! We are here to listen and help.
  20. Im so happy that after 7 years it worked in person. So is it more a friendship vibe or a romantic vibe?
  21. Oh Dako that is absolutely beautiful and heart breaking. You are a very loving and true hearted man. Please never lose those two qualities. I will be a lucky lady if I can find someone like you who shares his heart so openly.
  22. Well if you have to ask about perhaps you just arent fully ready? Also you have the rebound thing that is concerning you now. If this werent a concern you wouldnt be thinking of that right now. Perhaps you are supposed to be really good friends from afar?
  23. Here's a question for you??? If you go out to meet him then what? I think LDR are hard to keep up and it would be especially hard living an ocean away. Would either one of you move for the other? I think that if you are on the rebound and he knows this perhaps you need to heal and be on your own. After a little bit of time has passed revisit this and see if you both are still in the same place as you think you are in now.
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