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Everything posted by teacup

  1. im closest to my mom. mabe my sister. i have some really distant girl friends. like ones that i fell out of contact with years and years ago and dont feel close to anymore but have recently started talking to again. i chose a woman therapist on purpose. and i speak with some of my older women female supervisors (50+). then when i get the chance i try to interact with some of the female coworkers that are my age or a bit younger and i try to spend some time with them. but i just feel so uncomfortable around girls my age. mabe not even older women but women my age. GAH!! and mabe i feel awkward also cuz im tired and cranky and i tend to have nothing to say when im drained. is that understandable? i just dont want ppl to write me off after one or two times though.
  2. this is so ridiculous. i am SO shy around girls. and IM a girl!!! what is wrong with me? well, okay. growing up i got ganged up on by lots of girls so i always avoided girls after high school and stuff. never really experienced girl bonding, or wanted to. even though i know girls can relate to other girls better. i just wasn't up to it. i didnt want to be around gossip or backstabbing or watever. and now that i figure out that mabe it's better to make girl friends than guy friends? i am SO shy. i get tongue-tied. i dont know what to say. i feel awkward and boring. i am scared to get rejected. i feel anxious. it is RIDICULOUS because IM a GIRL. but i mean, i am SOO comfortable around men. it is SOO easy for me to talk to men, and get to know them and hang out with men and everything. to date them, wrap them around my pinky, watever. men are EASY. and girls are HARD. *wahhhhhh* im having a hard time with this because im really trying to make girl friends. i feel so stupid.
  3. i think sometimes guys will try to make you call them to see if ur interested. i guess? i dunno. i havent figured men out but when i do, i'll let u know.
  4. "Batterers ... adopt the role of a hurt, sensitive man who doesn't understand how things got so bad and just wants to work it all out 'for the good of the children.' He may cry ... and use language that demonstrates considerable insight into his own feelings. He is likely to be skilled at explaining how other people have turned the victim against him, and how she is denying him access to the children as a form of revenge ... He commonly accuses her of having mental health problems, and may state that her family and friends agree with him ... that she is hysterical and that she is promiscuous. The abuser tends to be comfortable lying, having years of practice, and so can sound believable when making baseless statements. The abuser benefits ... when professionals believe that they can "just tell" who is lying and who is telling the truth, and so fail to adequately investigate. Because of the effects of trauma, the victim of battering will often seem hostile, disjointed, and agitated, while the abuser appears friendly, articulate, and calm. Evaluators are thus tempted to conclude that the victim is the source of the problems in the relationship."
  5. none. no one i really liked enough to. not even my former "best" friend, that backstabbing @#$W#$!
  6. i suppose it's flattering to be found sexually desirable and that they want to sleep with me. but im not sure how flattering it is, when that's all they want. i have seen men eye my legs, my breasts, my stomach, me.....up and down. comments on my body. very strange. i do not understand the male sex drive. how can they get turned on by a girl they dont even know just based on sight??? shouldn't they get to know me first??
  7. when i put my hands on my hips, that seems to work well for me. and when that doesn't work, i usually put my arms up for a hug and kiss. now that seems to always work. oh, but it only works with men. err.....ones im dating.
  8. yes, cuba and north korea are only on the brink of starvation and china is only converting from a central economy to a market economy but that doesnt really count. unfortunately, life doesnt seem to have rules. reality seems more situationally applicable to me. but what do i know? im just a baby. (ok, kidding!)
  9. when she tries to contact you, just be straight with her and tell her u dont want to talk to her. the truth hurts less in the short term in the longterm. i wish the guys that wouldnt talk to me would just tell me straight out and be straight about it. seriously.
  10. he sounds like a friggin' liar. he lives in his mom's basement and he drinks heavily everynight???????? red flags!! this guy sounds really gross.
  11. unfortunately, i have made the mistake of thinking older meant wiser. and it was a huge mistake.
  12. well, in theory that is very pretty. but let us also remember that communism was also a good theory. i dont care so much about the theory, philosophy but as what really works in real life. and unfortunately, that doesnt always work like it says it the books, or according to the principles of fairness.
  13. thanks mister. very true. i wanted to kick the ppl who brought me down, and to compete with the best. i've always been like that since i was a little girl. in 7th grade, i started off running a mile in 11 minutes. i saw some of the other girls in class running like a mile in 6 minutes. so i chased after them. i got my time down to a mile in 7 minutes. but i have fallen so low. now i must climb that mountain again. im determined not to be one of those girls that get married and pop out a bunch of babies. no sir, not for me. i would rather be a sugar mommy than to find a sugar daddy. bwahaha. but sometimes i wake up at night and i think....im really just a clown.
  14. i have that attitude too. but my friend is finishing her master's and working at a fashion company. *sigh* i dont know if i'll be able to make up what i lost and to get back up there. but i'll see what i can do.
  15. so that's why alcohlics get enlarged livers! ah-ha! i have learned something today. before i was going to go to bed having learned absolutely nothing. very interesting.
  16. i dont know. i was born with it. or mabe it's maybelline.
  17. why does the body metabolize alcohol first and not drink?
  18. she has a bf she's happy with. that means u missed the boat. it sailed.
  19. do you remember in sex and the city where carrie says that men are like taxicabs? they drive around and when the light goes on, the next woman that gets in is the one that he marries? yes. that is right. men are like taxis.
  20. yeah. and if i dont make it ur going to mail me like, half a toe right? secretly i am just wishing u'll get eaten. *grin* cheers. >=p wait a second, u threw me off topic!!!!!!!!!!! back to original topic!!!!!!
  21. alright, ur on buster. i want a 9ft. croc with razor sharp teeth for that moat in my backyard. and i aint talkin' no baby croc neither. i want a better career though, a better job. *sigh* i want to be in fashion or film. this bites. i am capable of so much more than where im at right now.
  22. i want u to mail me a koala. or a kangaroo. or a alligator. very well, let's start with a week.
  23. thanks reaching123. it was hard for me though. to go from being a competitive achiever to being a bum like him. my only thoughts now are, no more bad men. melrich, alright. ur on. i could never resist a challenge. the prize is it's own reward right? dammit.
  24. alright. what's the prize?
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