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Everything posted by teacup

  1. *adds that to list of things not to try* well, oldest guy i dated was 37. i suppose he was sexy.
  2. take one egg, divide by the number of wigglies and your chances are....a baby! and mabe twins if ur lucky! congratulations!
  3. i'm a bit of a workaholic. i think im kind of addicted. im at work right now.
  4. u mean that inbetween bonking heads with each other and seeing who's arms dangle longer than the other........that men sit down and write such things? it reminds me of the code of hammarubi. so what other strange and wonderful secrets can i learn about you mysterious primative creatures?
  5. hey! are you trying to kill me? in my world only young frisky nubile mtv couples have sex. can a old car really have better mileage than a new one?
  6. oh! i love music history, it is so fascinating. i watched amadeus and i love that movie! who knew mozart is like....200+ years old?
  7. can't read what u wrote. it's this thing called an ignore list. it just gets in the way u know?
  8. im not belting out bad renditions of "what becomes of a broken heaaaarrt achee" yet. so yeah, im alright. just sorta mournful.
  9. i don't want to think about wrinkly ppl having sex. it makes my forehead wrinkle.
  10. i'm going to tell you something different. yes. he's doomed.
  11. seriously. i have a problem. i think i am superwoman so i try to take on all these tasks. i work like crazy. i study like crazy. i go to school like crazy. i make a million lists. i buy a million books to read. but i dont have time to do even half the things i want to do. i feel like im going crazy. i talked about this to the therapist, and she says i'm not superwoman. but i expect to be. i expect to be the person that can take on everything and still have free time to paint her toe nails and curl her hair. that is how i am. it ends up getting me stressed out, tired, no time, and no time for socializing, hanging out. i would rather work and cut down on a social life. isn't that weird? but not even that. one day i will expect to be that perfect wife with all the homecooked dishes/baked goodies, the perfect mother - juggle kids and drive them wherever, as well as the perfect career woman - corporate ladder baby!, and all around perfect lover, daughter, sister, watever. im told this is unrealistic, but it's what i expect..and i don't want to change. i think im superwoman. but i can't fly. can i please borrow some magic powers? (p.s. taking applications from fellow supernuts)
  12. Im not looking for a relationship. I am so busy with school/work sometimes I think I will pass out. But a relationship is the only way I will have sex. So, I am just toying with ideas. Silly people, can't you tell I'm joking?
  13. me me! find me! i like to hang out with all sorts of random ppl as long as they are not: 1. creepy 2. weird 3. disgusting 4. perverts 5. hideous 6. mean 7. harmful/hurtful 8. sociopaths/jerks 9. losers/abusers 10. too old 11. after sex.
  14. I read something in a heal trauma workbook. It says that "the body remembers what the mind forgets." That helped me to understand why I felt the ways I did.
  15. of course i dont talk like that around men. that would give them the wrrooong idea. just because im hot and bothered doesn't mean that i really want to get nekkid with them. i just want to complain because im....well, hot and bothered. or just frustrated and angry at life right now. no no. i dont use men for sex. and i dont like men who only want sex either. i get too attached too easily. so here i am...grumpy.
  16. golly. 50 something is like my parent's age.
  17. im a girl. but shhh. let's not remember that. i seem to be letting in on some weird man code i have never heard of before. i cant tell if u guys are joking or what.
  18. where can i get this....rules of men book? or is it scratched on a cavewall somewhere? growl. u men will be the death of me!! louts! brutes!! if it wasnt for men's sexual prowesses....hmph, i wouldn't even look twice.
  19. i was young and too stupid to know any better. i paid for all our dates, movies, restaurants....broke my bank account i did. lol. i was young and stupid girl. now i wont look at a man without a job. dont got a job? gross.
  20. say....it's difficult for me to be friends with you. i dont feel comfortable. that's pretty clear right? it's honest but it doesnt go into too much depth.
  21. i always let the person know........just cuz that's how I would want to be treated.
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