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Everything posted by teacup

  1. ur not acting stupid. ur just overthinking...which is cute because girls do it all the time. i think girls will wallow in bed and cry and eat ice cream and go shopping. and men will try to move on to the next one fast as possible. my opinion. oh young love. how cute!
  2. can i have a throne? and a crown? and a basket of tomatoes to pelt at other ppl?
  3. i think infatuation makes ppl stupid. in ur case.......u sound kind of gah-gah. i think u did fine. just be sure to rip off ur jacket next time i suppose. now how's this? i went on a date with a guy (a few months back) and he was just wearing a sweater, nothing underneath. and i said i was cold and asked him for his sweater. and he said no. can you believe? outrageous! the gentlemanly thing would have been to strip chest-naked in the parking lot then and there. true story.
  4. yeah! the minute she said that u should have turned her on ur knee and spanked her....or something. ok. j/k. don't do that.
  5. uh-oh. gah! why are men so difficult?!! so how can i figure out what a man really wants? friendship or otherwise? so if im thinking friend and he is thinking lover...there's a boo-boo. and if im thinking lover and he's thinking friend......another boo-boo. boo hoo, can't win! so if i just think friend to all men.....then if he wants something more.....then i'll think about it. that way....i win! whee!
  6. to be honest, i don't know if i believe you. i have heard bitter, angry men say they are over their exes when it is clear that they are still angry, bitter, resentful and SO not over it. because if you were over it, wouldn't you be totally utterly indifferent? not angry?
  7. so this means i have missed out on a part of my misedumacation because i have never snuck into's the boy's locker room to witness strange male behavior? i must find a way to get into the locker rooms of say.....the dallas cowboys. woohoo! football season here i come.
  8. oh i just love men that can calculate things. it's like they are human abacuses or something. j/k. go kill that test.
  9. mmm, i love lavendar. always use it.
  10. sadly, i like my own so much, that i just keep my attention on me. u mean i should have been peeking? hm, why does it not disturb men to see other men's thing?
  11. they are intimidated because we are a dying breed. and just like any rare and endangered species, they don't know whether to release us into the wild or put us in a zoo. tee hee. this is assuming that i actually have what u humans call intelligence.
  12. i recommend going to the park, spreading out a blanket and having a good ol' time. sure the police might catch you, but that's part of the spice right?
  13. i know...i still have tough times. but somehow the tough times aren't as hard as they used to be. know what i mean? so...why don't you come sweep me off my feet? bwahaha. or if ur a girl, let's party. ;P
  14. well, then she's not very cool and it's better ur not with her. sometimes when we break it off, we see another side of the person that's just not attractive or classy. and it helps us to move on. the anger stage is a process of healing. there are 5 stages i believe? grief, sadness, fear, ....err...i forgot. but it's natural.
  15. and i don't mean just on enotalone. but i have truly arrived! when did i first start posting here? i don't know but it was a pretty low moment in my life. but now i am stronger than ever, clearer than ever, more focused, happier, kinder, nicer, healthier, funner, and so much more better overall in just about every single way. i am finally FREE! free from men. free from neediness, clinginess, insecurity, free from needing, wanting a man. (ok, desire is different, but that's natural and healthy....im a young woman) and it just feel so so good to be SOOO on top of things and SOO into my life. (yes, i still have small day-to-day stresses but that's normal). it's just so good to be away to walk away from ALL of that stuff that was tying me down, holding me back, abuse, bad ppl, every little thing. i have finally gotten out and away from all of it. if you had asked me if i could reach this point a few months ago (actually even 3 months ago), i would have said, no way, never. but yes, now it's coming all together. (*insert Mr. Burns rubbing hands here*) i am feeling so fabulous! im going to go kiss myself in the mirror. (j/k or am i? )
  16. there there, you will be okay. i dare say you aren't alone. out of the common threads i read on this forum, the most common is breakup/relationship pain. welcome to the club, there's millions of ppl in it.
  17. look. i see this in breakup threads time and time again. ppl expect that by doing good, they will get something back in return. that simply doesn't work. you give only if u want to give. thenonly things you should really expect are for them not to backstab you or mistreat you. but other than that, whether they want a relationship or to continue knowing you is UP to them. you can't just tie someone down like that, say i gave you this and that, so you owe me, you owe yourself to be with me. the world doesn't work that way. and i dare say, you wouldn't like it if a girl demanded that from you, that if she was really good to you, you should be with her. sure some ppl are more loyal, more faithful, and some ppl are less. BUT the bottom line is still, give to give. don't give because u have expectations or strings attached. i was really good to the abuser. i dont want to be with him in anyway, i dont expect him to want to be with me because i was good to him. it is HIS loss and he knows it. but i did expect him not to hurt me or backstab me. beyond that though...there are no rules.
  18. the answer is simple. be yourself. if he cannot accept you, love you, like you just the way you are......then....wrong guy! i have learned a lot and well.....if he doesn't like me just the way i am, i will find someone who does. yep. yep. hey! where's my million bucks?
  19. girlie...........stop making excuses for this man. he is dishonest and not sincere. he is STILL a player. not because of his bad childhood or because of bad experiences with women but because he WANTS to be a jerk. toss him. what do you need a LOSER like this for? u can't get a guy like this to do anything, the story will always change. it's an old familiar story. why didn't he call you after two weeks? because to him, it's a game. fear of commitment is an EXCUSE.
  20. when im at the gym, im wearing grubby clothes and i am sweaty and probably smell funny and really trying to tone. i don't feel sexy at the gym (so don't want to get hit on) but it's nice to have someone to chat with and stuff. plus....when im out of breath or really getting a good workout.......it's just not the time.
  21. when i first started this job, i worked really hard. i was always on time, always on top of things, always had everything done, volunteered for more work etc. and then my top supervisor gave me a not so good review. i was really upset because i don't work with her directly (i work with some of the other ladies a lot more). so i started to lose motivation and i didn't work as hard as before. but now she's really scaring me. i don't think she is that nice.....or that friendly.....i just feel really wary of her. the other ladies are nicer, im okay with them. but this one.....i just make all sorts of stupid mistakes...or small errors. and i feel like it's not okay to make mistakes around her. and the other day, i felt like she was accusing me of lying. and it's not like i meant to. she was like "i thought u said u were going to come in yesterday." and i said "i did" and she said "what time did you come in?" and i quickly blurted out "umm......12?" (actually now that i think about it it was probably like 12:30 or 1) and she said "no you didn't". and she was so snappy she made me jump out of my skin. but i mean, it's not like i was trying to lie, she just caught me off guard, and she scares me so i just said the quickest thing i could think of. (and i have spent hours working overtime in the office without counting it on my timesheet) so, i don't know how to get on her good side again.
  22. can't we just crack a whip and all get along?
  23. err, how come u know what other guys look like?
  24. never look a gift horse in the mouth.
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