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Everything posted by SuperDuper

  1. Agreed. Some ex's are ex's for a reason. As it seems it should have stayed in your situation. Your personalities appear to clash completely, and not only did she lie, she cheated, and emotionally insulted you by her disrespecting comments, and her uncaring ways. I wouldn't stand for that. You shouldn't. If you go back with her, she WILL do it again, because it's "no big deal". Leave while you can.
  2. Put yourself into his shoes. Look from his perspective. You'll begin to realize why he did what he did. I'm sure that he wished he could maintain a steady relationship, and probably feared going away to the military in the result of losing you. His instincts were right and you found another man. So he did what he had to, and moved on. Found another woman, because you left. The ONLY way anything will have a chance of working out towards you two, is if you admit to him, best in person.. that you see you made a mistake. You took your relationship with him for granted, and that you now see that you gave up the only man that you love. If he still doesn't want you - at least you tried, and can move on without wondering "what if?". If he considers, or seems to consider, back OFF. Do NOT pressure him in anyway. You have to let him breathe and reconsider his options, which is easiest when he doesn't have you nagging at him. Let him know exactly how you feel, then go away. If he comes back. Work from there, if he doesn't. There's your answer. Good Luck.
  3. See how I get so many different opinions on my situation. I'm SO confued. She is 15, and I am 16. I dated a girl for a month and a half or so while we were broken up, but it didn't feel right so I broke it off. I found out she was jealous of her, because she was extremely good looking, and my ex probably felt I wouldn't get such a hottie without her. She dated a guy for a few months too, and then he broke it off with her. He's the same guy that came online last night and told me he thinks we should be together. HER EX. I'm not much for games either, I like to get to the point. But it seems she doesn't like talking about "mushy" stuff. Talking about feelings, talking about "us". She admitted she doesn't like to talk about that stuff, and likes living each day as it comes. Hope this helps.
  4. I think so. The other day I said I was going out for lunch, and she said where? who with? and I said. "it's a secret" My parents are gone all weekend and they let me have friends over so i'm thinking of inviting her and her friends (who are also mine) over. What kind of move should I bust out. Chances are I won't be given the chance if we hang out. I do feel that if she hooked up with steve, I wouldn't want to talk to her anymore, because I'd be hurt once again. The reason it didn't work before is because I think she got scared of the comittment or something. She said she liked being friends but maybe not spending the night at my cottage (like she did a few times). Even though our family treats her like our own. Same with hers, and me. I also feel I was a little eager to please her in the past relationship.. which made me seem needy/ overly zealous. etc. SHould I tell her how I feel? Let her know that being friends with her seems to continuously bring me back to being attarcted to her, and I can't help it. I know she loves having me in her life, but I don't knwo what to do.
  5. I know a post a lot, but I need help once again. I hear that my ex-gf likes me, but doesn't act on her feelings, and she won't. thats from her best friend, a reliable source. I feel that I want to make a move or something. I'm tired of being stuck in neutral and whenever I step back, she STILL initiates contact with me, despite saying she wants to be friends out of the blue, about a week ago. Since then we've hung out together multiple times. Her ex bf came online tonight just to ask why we aren't together yet, and he even thinks we should be. I saw her tonight at her friends house with a bunch of people, I was just stopping by to say hi. She is SO beautiful, nobody grasps me like she does. I looked at her and thought..... crap. I want to get this burden off my shoulder, and feel I need to step up and be a man. I haven't mentioned "us" since our break up.. It's like she doesn't know what she wants. SHe wants to be around me, and have me.. but without the committment. Whenever I go out, she asks where im going, who with.. what am I doing. Im pretty sure she has a "thing" for steve.. but I hear he doesn't have any interest in her. and that she will get over it fast, she's like that. except with me.. she took a while. I think I might come out and say it. I don't care that she has guy friends, but I don't want to be just another one of them. I want to be her best guy friend again. she also told me to look at her webpage where she has "awards" of all her friends.. I got best dressed, and best to talk with. steve got tallest, and funniest. I post about this a lot, because I seem to be constantly changing my views, and I know everyone will tell me to back off. but I do, and she always finds me. I want her in my life, but it seems being her friend only leads to me wanting her.. everytime. What do I do?
  6. I agree. Do you just want what you can't have? Or actually realize that you gave someone amazing up. Be honest.
  7. If that makes sense, then yes that's what I mean. If it doesn't, then.. you must be misunderstanding.
  8. There's no instant cure for this, I'm sorry. You broke his heart, you emotionally hurt him. I think it's safe to say he won't be back. The sooner you wrap your head around this concept, the better off you'll be. If you feel your current relationship is in a "rut". You need to make changes so you remain happy with it. But my advice, is to get rid of Mario, because you said it yourself you're attracted to another man, which isn't fair to you, nor Mario. I would also suggest that you do not contact your EX anymore. It only make you look needy, clingy, unconfident, and quite pitiful. I've been there, and it's not a good sight. Back off and think about YOU. You made a mistake, so what. Get back on your feet and find happiness again. If Jon wants you back, he'll come back. With or without your calls.
  9. Haha, this is humerous in a way. Society has changed how we think of virginity. People are still wondering what is considered to be a virgin, and what isn't. This topic is debatable, it just depends on which point of view you're looking it from. In my opinion.
  10. I agree. You can download this program called "Skype". What it does is acts as a free telephone line, running through your computer. Clear voice, and everything.
  11. Hey all, I felt this was a good time to post my feelings towards something, seeing how there are so many good advice givers online at the moment. It seems that no matter what I do, I can't shake these feelings for my ex. I want to be with her. We got sent home early from school yesterday so we didn't chat at school, but we talked for awhile on msn last night. I logged onto msn today and I see that her friend is having people over. I can't help but think that Steve is going, and they'll be hanging out all day. My ex said that her friend Jenny liked him, but I think that's just a cover up for her. I know it's none of my business but it still gets to me. I think i've found one of my concerns. I felt that I wanted to lose my virginity to this girl, and thought about it while we were together. We did other things, but not sex. I sometimes feel that her and steve are going to do it and that breaks my heart. I sometimes feel that I want to be with her so badly because I'm going to miss out on all the things my friends are starting to experience with girls at this age. I know i'm only 16, and I have done quite a few things with girls.. but I haven't had sex and I felt she was the one. I don't want her to lose her virginity to this undeserving guy. Or for her to forget about me, or something like that. I am completely confused and still find myself thinking of her everyday. Somedays it's easier than others, and I have more confidence, and think "I don't need her". What can I do to shake these thoughts of him and her. Me and her. Or anything else. I had a dream about her last night. I always have dreams of her, i'm not just saying this either. I always do. She's always in my big dreams. What can I do? Edit: I guess her friend isn't having friends over anymore. But I still need help. Thanks
  12. I feel that it's when someone depends on that person for their own happiness. They rely that the outcome of everything is positive, and don't know how to accept the negative aspects of a relationship. They always need to know where you are, what you're doing, and who with. Basically that's what I consider clingy.
  13. I know what you mean it's very difficult to choose. Follow your heart man, for sure. I was with a new girl, and I stopped it with her because I still felt things for my ex, and I didn't feel it working out. I don't know if my ex and I will ever come back, but I do know, what ever is suppose to happen, will happen. The road to happiness may not be bright and cheerful itself.. but that's part of the experience.
  14. Depends. Do you want a new relationship. Or do you want to maintain your ex?
  15. ^ Agreed. I'm sorry to say, but at 16 you just do not have enough life experience to bring a child into the world. I guess it's opinion based. How long have you really been dating? If it's been less than a few years of steady committment, than i'm sure you're not ready for a child. Have you talked to your parents about this, or hers. Remember you both are still minors and they should know about this because it affects their lives as well. You really need to think about what you're doing. Are you sure you want to have a baby with this teenage girl. Why not wait and see who else is out there before you settle down at the ripe age of 16. We have our whole lives ahead. What if you meet the absolute love of your life at 23 for example. By then you would have experienced adult hood, maybe university, finished school, and had a steady career. Also adding you'll be out of your parents home. If you're writing vows for each other, does that mean you're considering marriage too? I think you need to think of other things before this girl first. It seems she isn't the only thing that is confusing you at this point.
  16. Here's a tip that worked for me. Don't anticipate it. Don't think, nor stress over it. Just be comfortable with him.. it's much easier than you think. Basic kissing involves little to no talent nor experience.. But as you move up the charts, you'll need experience, which you'll gain as you grow. It sounds like you two are a great couple. Your life doesn't depend on this, so just relax and take things as they come. I guarantee once you do it, you'll be relieved and amazed as to how little it really was. Good Luck
  17. Please don't take offense by these people man. They're here to help, along with me. We're just having difficulty understanding. I think I get it now though. First of all, your life is YOUR life so I won't try to pursuay your decision. Her fear of the male race is her fear. The only way you can help her get rid of this, is to show her that you are a loving, caring guy who is nothing like her ex. Although she broke up with you, so you now should not worry about her problems until she comes back. Move on with your life, and go out with friends. Seriously though, you're 16. I am 16 as well and would NEVER dream of WANTING to become a father at this age. I know where you and I stand in life, and we are nothing near the age of healthy father-hood. You think it's a struggle living far away from her? How would bringing a child into the world help this at all. You need to prioritze, and YOU and YOUR life, and your grades, and YOUR future should be number 1. That's all there is to it. If you can maintain these things, you should pursue this girl if you are in love with her. But that's only if she's willing to take you back. Don't plead, nor beg.. show her that you're worthy of her love, by moving on. She'll see you have confidence. That's all I can say.. just know that being a father will absolutley NOT help you in any way shape or form. At least at our age. Her and her ex, are her problems, not yours. Don't let them haunt you. You cannot fix her fears, you can help.. but that's all. If you aren't together, I suggest taking some time apart right now to recooperate.. cry all you need/want, and post all you need/want. Good Luck.
  18. Totally agreed. I can see how you're now rethinking if you should have said this, and maybe said something else. But the truth behind it is, it doesn't matter what you say, she'll be with you if that's what she truly wants. For now, you have to back off a bit. You can't continuously worry about her while out with friends, that's not good. Start doing stuff for YOU right now, and if she comes back, pursue her from there. Don't wait though, it may never come. Good Luck.
  19. I agree with everyone else here. As you can see, his actions can mean numerous different things on either end of the line. But what you have to realize is, is that it doesn't matter. What's done is done, and you shouldn't have to worry about it anymore. You put enough of YOUR time, and YOUR life into him, and you see where it left you. Definatley give this new guy a chance and see where it goes. If you find yourself thinking about your ex more and more, you might want to let this new guy know first, that you need some space, at least for a little while. If your ex really wants you back, he'll make more of an effort than a depressed phone conversation, believe me... Love is more powerful than that. Good Luck.
  20. I agree to an extent. Only because with my ex, when she broke up with me.. I didn't block/delete her. But held my ground and refused to contact her for 2 months. I didn't let the little things excite me, and continued to move on. Later when I felt ready to speak to her again, I started accepting her messages, and they turned into plans, and hanging out , etc. I guess it all depends on your certain situation and the person you are.
  21. Well that's debatable. Why don't you tell what you did with her, and we'll give you our opinions. We don't know you, so you shouldn't feel embarrassed or anything.
  22. Interesting. I am working on a script myself. No I don't no the term but I am interested in your story. Is it a screenplay for a movie, or what?
  23. Well written, but sometimes it only takes one person to screw things up. Such as a cheater.
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