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Everything posted by SuperDuper

  1. Well since we're not officially together we haven't hung out through the week yet, although we used to when we dated before. But so far we've hung out last weekend and we're both looking forward to my house this weekend, and I think i'll just see how things go then, and see how/if it changes my perspective on the situation.
  2. Thanks for your post, But it's not really like how you said it, the only person that told me 'anything' about what she said, is a very good mutual friend of both of ours (female), and she wouldn't lie, and she didn't tell me, she told her boyfriend, who happens to be my best friend. So it's gone through 3 people in total that would have no reason to share it to anyone else. I took some time to think, and didn't really worry about it too much after school, and then she suddenly IM'ed me again an hour ago or so. She's the type of girl that can send signals like these, without even knowing, she probably didn't even realize, because she was talking to me like she usually does. So it seems okay, I will see what the weekend, brings.. and I'm not expecting sex, I don't know what to expect. Thanks, again.
  3. Well right now, I feel I want to build up the relationship we had, and then get back together with her. She broke up with me back in the beginning of summer, and we hung out a bit in the summer, actually quite a bit, and then we went our separate ways until about a week or so ago, when she started talking to me everyday. It's like, whenever she comes up to me and starts talking to me, and we leave on a good note, I am in the BEST mood and the rest of my day is great because I think back to us talking and remember that she must care if she's initiating conversations again. So when I feel she's backing off slightly and not talking to me as much, I feel the complete opposite, and get down in the dumps.. and I dont' like it. I don't feel I have the right to ask what's going on yet because we haven't really done anything that would suggest we're getting back together, despite the things she told her friends (saying she really likes me again, etc..) except she doesn't know I know these things. Sometimes I go down her classroom hallway just to see her, and if she smiles, i'll feel good until we talk again, or something like that. I don't know what to do...
  4. Hey everyone, lately my ex and I have been getting closer to each other, since about a week ago. She started talking to me on IM about 1-2 times a day, and coming up to me at school, and talking and things like that. Last weekend we hung out and had a good time at a friends house, watched a movie, bonfire, it was fun. Everyone asks me if we're getting back together, and are like "awww, you guys were so cute im glad you are" .. but I haven't said anything about getting back together, and I think she's mentioned some thigns to her friends. Anyways, Im having a small gathering this weekend, and there will be drinking (responsibly) and my ex says she's really excited, and I got some inside info that she wants to do stuff with me then.. But here's where I need help, I noticed it today that she didn't really talk to me as much as she has in the last few days.. she didn't come up to me and start a conversation.. I went up to her and her friends in the gym and started talking about my party. Then later on our next break we talked in a group for a few minutes, but then I went and looked for my buddies. I feel I am getting slightly mixed messages from her, and I don't really know what to do from here, should I start talking to her, or should I just make it seem as if it doesn't phase me at all whether we talk or not, or what? Please help.
  5. Well, then.. if it's causing you this much grief and you haven't even done anything yet, I'd suggest not calling her. - Or at least until you have your head on straight about what you want to do. Don't make decisions when you're emotionally unstable.. seroiusly, chances are you won't benefit. I agree rnorth..wait it out, you can't lose by doing nothing.
  6. I thought you had yourself all planned out on what you wanted to do with your ex, what's wrong?
  7. Hey guys.. I sent a message to my ex last night telling her all my feelings which I bottled up for a few months.. and she replied that she misses what we had too. It's a difficult situation because she has a boyfriend but he's immature and she knows it won't work out. (She was takling to her friend on the phone, who was talking to me) My ex always talks bad about her boyfriend, saying he doesn't have too many shirts so it's sorta gross, and that his mom is a bltch... which is true. she told her friend she misses hanging out with me, and my moms cowboy stew.. and coming over to my house and all of that. The final thing she said to her friend was that she knows things wont work out with her boyfriend (1 month going out) and that she is going to wait until things get bad with them so it doesn't mess thigns up, and then she's gonna go slowly with me.. what's your opinion on this?
  8. Well, she's not really playing games.. seeing how she didn't directly tell him. But I see what you mean, and how that can be very deceiving. I'd take Bethany's advice and call her up.. if she wants to meet up, cool.. if not, then say.. alright, cya later, and move on.
  9. I agree, to the fullest extent. That's basically what I was wanting to hear, but I am still wondering what I should be doing. Tonight is our first dance of the year, and her boyfriend isn't coming until the last half hour because of hockey or something. So I think i'll ask her for the first dance.. the thing is, there's this guy who is sort of my friend, but he REALLY gets on my nerves. He's the type of guy that would take your girlfriend from you, if he found out she likes him.. Last night, he supposedly said to my ex, "I guess we can't make out at the dance" and she was like.. "ummm no..got to go, bye". But at the dance he'll be all over her, and it's annoying. I am just wondering what's the best route to take, and I don't mean how to steal her back, but I mean what's the best route to take to increase my chances, I guess. Thanks.
  10. Hey everyone, please reply to this because I need some advice. Anyways, Most of my story has been sent to people through PM's, but my ex and I are on really good terms now, and yesterday was my 16th birthday. The past few days we've talked to each other everyday at school and occasionally on MSN. Yesterday she came up to me at school and gave me a birthday card saying "have a great day" and she drew a heart, and a smiley face inside. Then at the bottom it said, "PS- when you can drive, pick us up!" (her and her friend) The thing is that she has a boyfriend, but they're not serious at all, they don't hold hands or anything at school, and he's a year younger than her..(he's in grade 9). Supposedly they don't like each other that much, and my ex has told one of her friends that she really likes me, but doesn't want to do anything yet, and wants it to come on its own. Here's the thing, she occasionally wears the ring I gave to her, but takes it off sometimes because she doens't want her boyfriend to see it. I also had a party last weekend and she came to it and ended up staying the night and sleeping in my parents bed, which is cool because my parents love her. (Oh yeah... it was her 1 month anniversary with her bf when she spent the night, hahaha) Also, last night when I talked to her on MSN she asked if I was coming to her volleyball game after school today, which I came to for 45 minutes or so. I know she has a boyfriend, but what's the best route to take to get back with her? We had such a great relationship, and I think she is starting to realize what she had. My family loves her, and hers loves me.. and we were great together and everyone thinks so, so it's tough. Any ideas of what I can do to increase my chances, maybe.. thanks.
  11. He's not your boyfriend, is he? Frankly, I think you should try and move on, because people like this, strike again.. and so don't let yourself be a victim of the same game, twice. Take his past cruelty as your advantage and don't try to get back with him. It could just be nothing, and you might just be over-reacting, you can't really tell at this point.
  12. I'm gonna give you a heads up.. your age will play a factor in this, for the other posters. Just think ahead.. if anything happens, are you mature enough to be held responsible for what happens.
  13. Thanks so much man, that's what I needed to hear. I just need to face the facts, there's no way to tell what happens.. so I should just relax so i'm comfortable with whichever outcome.
  14. So today my friend (female) tells me that she spoke to my ex, and she's planning on breaking up with her boyfriend, and then she's going to talk to me, maybe to work things out, and get back together, because supposedly she still likes me. anyways, my 16th birthday is coming up and i'm planning on having a party this weekend, with lots of people, including her... Another guy, her age.. is having a party this saturday as well, and my ex told my friend that she doesn't want to go to that party because her boyfriend will be there (I dont know if they'll be broken up by then or what). Since I haven't spoken to her about her boyfriend, once. Last night she sent me a message asking about my party.. and she randomly said "I have vball tournament next weekend, but I get back saturday night " So i'm guessing she wanted me to invite her. Which I will. I think all of her friends are coming too, because it seems people want to come to my party over the other because i'm older and they expect it to be better, I guess. So here's the thing.. the dance is coming up next thursday too, so I was thinking of asking her on the first slow song to dance with me, only if her boyfriend and her break up.. Which it looks like they will because both of them have admitted they don't like each other that much.. But what should my next move be? With my whole situation, i'm sort of confused..
  15. Wow..Haha. Get a portable toy?
  16. hey, all.. here's a small update, and I need a little advice. I just found out from my ex's great friend (female).. that she is getting to realize how immature her boyfriend is, (since he's a year + younger than her). I guess she said she is sort of liking me again too, and wants to talk to me.. but doesn't really know how. Heres the thing.. I feel in control, I am emotionally stable, and my heart doesn't flutter when I heard this news. Either way, i'm happy. Regardless, and I am very proud of myself to get to this point. What should I do from here.. just back off? and if she wants to talk, than she can come to me?
  17. Hey all, I don't know if this is the proper forum but, oh well. Anyways, im feeling good about myself and since school has started I am always talking to other girls.. and occasionally my ex. My ex is with a guy who is a grade below her.. (which is rare at our school). He's quite immature too. Anyways, today in math class my best friend promised me not to say anything, and told me that his girlfriend told him.. that my ex might like me again, and that she's only still with her boyfriend (of 3 weeks or so) to see if I will talk to her about me liking her, or something. My friends girlfriend asked him if I still liked her, and he replied, "probably". Here's the thing, I don't know what to do.. I feel this could be an oppurtunity to move in.. but since she's with another guy.. (even though I don't like him.. im not going to try and blatantly steal him girlfriend.) But is there anything I can do/say that will help me realize if these rumours are true. The sources of info are very trustworthy.. but I don't know if I should act on it.. or do what.. any suggestions?
  18. but she reads it within 3 seconds of signing on. Do you read your ex's away message that quickly. Also, my name is in the middle of the alphabet so i'd be in the middle of the list, 3 seconds isn't even enough time to change your status.
  19. Hey this is just a quick question. My ex and I only talk a few times per week, she broke up with me a few months ago, and in the first month after our break up we spent a lot of time together, then she would go back and forth telling her friends she likes me, or she doesn't. But when she comes online on IM, within 3 seconds of signing on, she reads my away message. Obviously it's the first thing she does when she comes online. She also does it when she's online status, and goes to 'away' .. right before she goes away she'll read it, and then leave. It's like she wants to know what i'm doing.. but not talking to me. I sometimes feel like talking to her, usually I would have, but in the past month or more i've given her lots of space. A few days ago a guy asked her out who is 2 years younger than her , (he's 13) and the two of them have known each other for 2 weeks.. that's it! He doesn't seem to be too available either, and his mom seems quite strict. I feel that once school starts next week she'll stay with him for a while and realize he's too young/immature, and break up with him. I get my license in less than a month too. What's all your input on why she reads my away as soon as she comes online? Clearly before any of her other friends, and her new boyfriend.
  20. Hey, I hadn't talked to my ex since Sunday, because I told her I couldn't stand there and watch her be with another guy. I said if she likes this guy, that's great, but i'm not sticking around. This guy is a year or two younger than her... (13,14) and it seems he can barely hang out with her. His mom seems to not like girls either, because when my ex and her friend went to his house before soccer, they had to sit out on the steps, and not go inside. Anyways, I was planning on going NC with her, and then suddenly out of the blue, Last night.. she read my away message at least 10 times in the span of a few minutes. I switched my status to 'online', and after a minute, she said "haha hey". We started talking for a bit, and then after 30 minutes or so I cut it off. I was talking to one of her friends and they told me that she said to a group of them that, if any of her friends dated me, she'd never talk to them again. So I sit here, wondering... Why? If she doesn't like me, why would she care who I dated? Why would it still bother her? How can I read this situation, and the curve balls she throws me, and how do I react to it?
  21. P.S This Logan guy, is about 2 years younger than her.. not even 14 years old! I know that if she hooked up with him, she'd get bored quick because his mom isn't very supportive when it comes to girlfriends. And in a few months i'll have my license and can drive anywehres I want. Also, She told her friend this, let's call me .. R. "I wonder if R would mind if when he has people over, I bring logan, and we do stuff in R's bed". My ex doesn't know I know any of this! I feel like saying to her "how can those words even come out of your mouth, and then turn around and have a decent conversation with me, you're so disrespectful, and you're just causing me headaches now.. maybe when you mature, you'll come around, until then... im gone."
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