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Everything posted by steff

  1. i am so sorry to hear that. i hope that you can find comfort in knowing that she will never feel pain again, and that god has a bigger plan for her. try and talk to a professional. hope u start to feel better soon.
  2. ive been like this for, i dont know, maybe 3 years... ive been to the doctors, last year, and have had blood tests, and they have said its nothing, but im totally not convinced. i do exercise about 2 hours a day, which doesnt include my work, i cant eat really fatty foods, because it doesnt agree with my body and i get sick. and i dont watch alot of tv. but does anyone know of any diets or anything that might help me, like any foods that give you engery, i dont drink coffee, and softdrinks unless its the sugar free ones...i eat heaps of fruit.... but is there anything else??? i want the doctors to be the last resort, because as u all know, i totally hate doctors, only coz they always have bad news, or make you have needles.
  3. Hey everyone, I just want to know if this is normal for someone my age. Im 18 years old, and will be turning 19 this year. I eat healthy, exercise daily and drink plenty of water. However im always tired, I'll sleep 7-10 hours anight, and when I wake up, am tired, will stay up for maybe 30 minutes, and then go back to bed for about 1 hour, get up for alittle longer, maybe until after lunch and then I will go back to bed. And then sometimes I will have another nap, and then wait for bed time. Is this normal for someone my age????? Thanks steff
  4. but he seems really nice. and stuff, like he opens doors and makes me laugh heaps and stuff... maybe im just being stupid hey...
  5. hey, i met this guy, he just turned 25 like on the weekend, and im 18, turning 19 in august. we met through friends, and he seemed really nice, and we talked all the time, he would call from work, and we would chat at night and stuff, and he told me how he really cared about me, and really likes me. so yesterday we went out together in the city. he was really nice, he opens doors for me and walks two steps behind me, and all that nice stuff. he drove me home because he didnt want me catching the train or anything. he took me to a really nice beach and we just sat in the car, and he started making out with me... but the thing is, he touched me down there and on my breasts before he even kissed me on the lips. and when i told him to stop he did, and he just held me and hugged me. but later on, after he met my sister, he told me that he doesnt think he can be the boyfriend that i want him to be. so i got really angry because i felt used, and i felt like a * * * *, and he tried to get me to talk to him, but i was sooo angry i couldnt even put two words together. 5 minutes later he had me smiling and laughing and being happy again. he tells me he wants us to be together, but because his really busy he doesnt feel that he is good enough and that i deserve more. ok, he works full time as a legal analysist or soemthing for some large company, and then on saturday he does volunteer work at the royal melbourn children hospital, and sundays... well i dont know. we live an hour apart. it wouldnt bother me if we didnt see each other all the time. i mean, im moving out soon, and it just so happens to be close to his work, and the uni that im going to also happens to be near where he lives, so it wouldnt be that bad. can you please tell me whether im being a fool, or whether it could work, or what u think of this situation???? thanks
  6. hey, well im 5'11" female, and to find a man that is nice, and taller than you... is hard as, so your lucky that nearly all men will be taller than you
  7. omg, im so sorry to hear about that. yes it does mean that he trust you, because he wants you to be there for him. this is the most important time for you to be there for him if he wants it. be strong for him, and hopefully he will be okay.
  8. from what ive noticed, guys seem to have a growing spurt when their in year 11-12, and then they get really tall... so that might happen to you.
  9. i just dont want to burden my mum, we have a great relationship and we do like everything together. but one of the symptions is painful sex, and i dont want her to know about that. that and she already has enough to worry about with other things. i have spoken to a friend, he has a medical degree, and i asked him what he knew about it. and then he started asking questions as to why i was asking him... and he finally got it out of me, and i told him that i have all the symptons for it. so he wants to take me to the doctors... but i dont know... it just seems scary to go for something like this.. it could just be nothing! and if it is, i would look like an idiot going to the doctors and complaining. i dont know, i just dont want to course trouble.
  10. im on the pill for the same reason as u Miss M, so its completely different.... i dont maybe because im scared because this is something more seriouse
  11. ok just a question, im on the pill at the moment, and when i get my period i still have alittle bit but not as much pain... could this mean anything????
  12. hey everyone, for many years i went to the doctors about really really really bad period pain, before, during and after my period. each doctor always said something about endometriosis and that i might have it, but they dont think so because i was to young. well, ive being doing some reasearch now, and here are some signs of endometriosis Pain may be felt: • before/during/after menstruation • during ovulation • in the bowel during menstruation • when passing urine • during or after sexual intercourse • in the lower back region Other symptoms may include: • diarrhoea or constipation (in particular in connection with menstruation) • abdominal bloating (again, in connection with menstruation) • heavy or irregular bleeding • fatigue now, the thing is, i have every singal one of this sympton except one!!!! im to scared to talk to my mum, and she would find out if i went to the doctors... do u think i have it, and what should i do???
  13. wow okay, guess what, you are now going to put yourself first and your feelings and needs and everything else first... what you went through a few years ago would really have scared you and effected you sooo bad. maybe you should go and find a hobby??? or volunteer work to meet new people. you need to make your life number one! you are important. and yeah maybe he did make you feel special in the beginning, but now you need to learn to make yourself feel special without men hope this might of helped... and do keep us posted, because we do care
  14. hey everyone. well guess what, I actually found a guy! he seems really nice, his 25 his a lawyer, his Spanish, he lives in the city and seems really nice. We have been talking everyday. This is the first time ive tried to, or thought about a relationship with a man, after trying to deal with the 'rape' The thing is, today I got really concerned about him because he wasn't happy at work, and was being treated badly by his co-workers. I then realised that ive gotten to close to him, close enough to actually care. I know that sounds horrible, but I don't want to get to attached just so I don't get hurt if it doesn't work… I guess what im asking is, should I give this a try, should I learn to trust another man?? I think about him a lot, and I don't like the idea of that, we sms each other all the time, and I hate the idea of me always wanting to talk to him. Im losing my control, im losing what ive always told my self to control. What am I doing??? I like this guy his nice, and I think he cares about me. Please help me understand what is going on, or what I should do.
  15. timming the hair, can sometimes make it look larger, but to shave or leave or trim is totally up to you, not your girlfriend. just like it is up to her to shave or not.
  16. yeah, doing the chores will make them happy, but it want stop them saying u cant go somewhere... i mean, they are only saying no for ur protection, their not saying no just so ur stuck at home with nothing to do. but the thing is your 19 years old, and your mature enough to say no to a guy or no to drugs or what ever else they are concerned about. my parents really annoy my sister, to me it isnt as bad, because i dont go out as much as my sister, and my sister is 21. the way my sister has coped is by pretty much living at her boyfriends place (hasnt actaully moved in, just staying there alot) and by like coming home at 3 in the morning and getting up when mum and dad arnt at home. for you that most likely isnt an option! i think you need to talk to them, write down a list of things that concern you the most (just so in the heat of the moment you dont forget vital points to get your message accross) your parents should have trust in you, that is important. talk to them about your feelings of not being aloud to go out.... do they have ur cell phone number??? do they know where you are going??? just try and talk to them first and see how it goes.... u dont have to tell them everything about you... you really dont, but tell them your feelings.
  17. adam and i have been broken up for 2 years nearly.... but we still have a great friendship so i dont want to lose that
  18. hey guys, guess what, yesterday i met a guy, yep but guess what? its one of my ex boyfriends friends... you see i went out with my ex yesterday just to catch up (i like staying friends with ex's, prevents fights and bad reputations) and we bumped into some of his friends down at the shopping centre, so we went and had lunch. there was this guy there named francis, and we were giving each other 'the eye' for most of the time, he actaully started it, i noticed him looking at me all the time. he seemed really nice, alittle shy thou. anyway, he ended up paying for everyones meals and drinks and then when saying goodbye he gave me a kiss on the check (however i think his spanish and from my knowledge most of them kiss people goodbye, so i dont think that means anything) so anyway, he started sending my ex sms's saying that i was hot and stuff.... so anyway, we have each others numbers and stuff, and then my ex went really 'down' like his mood changed and everything, yet he was fine giving me francis number and saying his a great guy.... but i spoke to my sister and she said that i would lose adam (my ex) if i went out with francis.... so does anyone have any advice or past experience with this sort of situation???? i really dont want to lose my relationship with my ex.
  19. wow okay, i just had this same converstation with my sister like just 2 seconds ago... with my parents before we leave its the whole "where you going? whose going to be there? what are you going to do? what time are you going to be home..." and always complain that my sister is never home and everything, they want her to pay rent as well once she has finished uni, its pretty much what ur going through, we are told that we are not aloud to do things, i have to ask just to stay at a friends place and even then the answer is always "let me think about it" two days later "no" i think its just some parents are like that, and theres nothing that you can do... have u thought about moving out?
  20. thanks annie, but i cant seem to get the website to open???? is there another website that would be just as usefull for her???
  21. i dont think its an infection... she would never sleep with a guy without protection, she is a strong believer in that... sorry forgot to say that she told me she has always had problems, even the first time she did something... so i think she means that its always been painful
  22. hey, the other day one of my best friends came to me and told me something that i had no idea what to say to or how to help her. she told me that shes being trying to have sex with her boyfriend (shes 18 like me, and her boyfriend is 20) but everytime he went inside her she screamed with pain, she told me it wasnt that she wasnt 'in the mood' but she didnt know what it was from. i told her to change positions and she said she had.... she also told me she bleed for ages after.... what can i say to her that will help her???? by the way she is not a virgin, so it isnt that....
  23. i agree with whats being said here.... i have this one friend, and she brags about sleeping with all these men, including one of her bosses, and she keeps getting mens numbers and men are always really interested in her and stuff... so its bugging me :S
  24. wow, metro girl thats like a great idea... im going to be doing volunteer work for my tafe course.... so yeah thats a great idea./... thanks so much
  25. hey what have you done which you dont think is good enough, what could you do which would make you feel better???
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