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Everything posted by blueangel

  1. Admitting the obvious: he's wanting something a little different. You might have to eventually accept that. He's already sending the signs. Most times when we are looking for something different, we want someone who we think will understand us more and share our interests. It doesn't always mean that you aren't attractive or appealing. He may just wonder if HE is. So keep that in mind. We all need that reassurance and deep connection. Communicate and find out- yet don't tell him that you discovered his dating site. If you get into the relationship topic with him and he refuses to bring it up himself, that is a bad sign. But wait to see if he does. He might feel ashamed already for what he's doing.
  2. You don't feel that way anymore? I think it's true. Nothing really lasts. That's what makes time so precious- because it's the one thing we'll never get a hold of. Everything fades within it. Everything is made to push forward. Time limits activate emotion. When there is a due date, we feel stress and the need for decisions. When there is a death date or a day where something is gone, we better learn to cherish it. It's an okay truth to acknowledge and I think you should expand on it, how it makes you feel- now especially. Because honestly, many people think about that... if only in the back of their mind.
  3. The truth is- you can't steer the other person's thoughts and shouldn't. Ask questions, yes, but the more you reveal about yourself- slowly and comfortably- the more they will reveal about themselves as time goes on. It's a simple process. It just shouldn't be forced. Refer to what is relatable for the moment. Don't steer, just relate. Everything is doable, but control is not. For example, "This reminds me of __. I" or "I always enjoy seeing this." or "life has shown me..." The more aware you act of yourself, the more interest they will take in you. It's a secret that I use- to push out the truth, the better person inside yourself. You want them to go to a certain place and you want to go to a certain place but you can't get there by trying to. You have to wait to. Patience towards a person presses them towards you. They'll never get scared off or bored. Seek for the insights that now brings and always voice your heart and thoughts. You can only gain now. you can not gain the depth of every soul. You can only try to understand a little of it. With love, you will reach a lot... given time.
  4. Good enough! I like critical advice the best, I think. I'm weird.
  5. The first step towards stopping is realization. You have that, but obviously your home life isn't exciting enough to keep you satisfied. This woman may be beautiful/attractive but that doesn't mean she can love you. When two people get married, it is not out of perfect compatibility or hottest/deepest connection that they do. It is two imperfect beings, coming together with flaws and all, to dig out the truth about each other. They share a common goal towards what they want, yet maybe what they want is not communicated right and that's where the problems kick in. You don't feel like you're hitting the jack pot when you come home. You wonder if it's waiting somewhere else. The truth is, this attraction to another woman is a manisfestation of the lack of enough attention going on between you and your wife. Her body is yours though. Your body is hers. Same with your heart... and not because you had a wedding but because you gave it. Everyday you look at another woman, you jeprodize that. You are becoming close to hurting your child too for he is whole only with you two at peace. That's what creates a happy home- happiness. It is not leaving and starting again. If you do that, you fail and you'll miss a lot. Communicate. Don't tell your wife exactly about the other woman, but tell her what else is all going through your head. You have to open the door and reopen it day by day to keep a life together going. It's worth it in the end too. Your child will learn a lot if you set a good example of how to love, how to be intimate and communicate and always excited to learn and try more...
  6. I wrote it just so someone would say that. K- BYE!
  7. The style is my own-I rhyme the words to a beat inside my head. I sing while I'm writing WHAT I'm writing. I'm glad you all say you like my writing though I'm disappointed in the comments. That's poetry though. You get, "Oh I like this!" but the content of the poem remains untouched by your words. Well, I'm glad it made you feel something for the moment. Wa- hoo! Too bad no one knows how to write reviews. If you don't put any time into your comments- OMG, don't bother. They just bore! AHAHAHAHA! (It's really early for me right now. I feel like I'm on crack or something.)
  8. We silently struggle now Separately with our lives Bitterness rests in the shadows of fights Inside my own self, I hide Because with me, you refused to try Stubborn ways neglect to have a pace And always instead you run away It's conquered this heart Torn it apart So cold, it's old- how did it start? True needs left unsaid Smiles never shed- There were only tears I'd disappear And you were scared of that. Blaming me for all that I'm not Targeting the shell of my soul Not the heart Breaking, burying all these things There's so much pain some people can bring But I'll gain myself back- take a stronger step I'll free myself from the act that you kept- going.... This person's changed From all the blame After it all came And when I left Nothing remains unslain I feel your absense- I feel some love But I have to admit that it's not enough To stick around and figure you out I'll love from afar even through this dark scar And maybe one day, I'll forgive you Sometimes I think I understand you You were a soul shattered When the moment mattered And couldn't fix yourself in time for me Mother to father to daughter to sky We pass on how we live our life.
  9. This is going to be quite brief and quick for I don't have a lot of time. My favorite people are the ones real with thier emotions, who greet the deepest levels of honesty with honest behavior towards the dislike or like of everyday life: serious most times, silly in between. Look at the world with open eyes and your heart becomes more open too. That's the only path happiness travels in. Throw the burden off in the moment and gaze amused at this place. It's all an illusion. Might as well control your part of it, the illusion of the heart and soul- eyes and mind. There are stepping stones to happiness 1. True honesty 2. Trust in something (yourself, a person, life or something above) 3. Giving of oneself> for example, my way of making connections when most times i cant is by putting together the things I love for those that I love. There are stepping stones to spirituality 1. Become aware of your past growth and how you are growing now 2. Trust in something, mainly something higher which connects us all- the source of our consciousness. Trust in what is behind life and long for it to be understood 3. Make every day routines beautiful rituals in your mind 4. Smile and let strangers in, even while you are just walking by them 5. Pray out loud- this is the hardest thing to do. It really is. MORE LATER.
  10. Yet life works the best when they are in harmony.
  11. I like it even better cuz of your explanation now!
  12. Don't play his games. When someone kicks you, don't ever kick em back. Beat up their grandma instead!
  13. It's when your heart is in the things you do that make you happy. Even if the heart believes an illusion, whatever it feels is in the end your choice. "Good" and "religious" and "selfish" are all such labels in life. Happiness shines through in how much you give and by how much you want to- WHATEVER you're giving to. That doesn't matter. It's when the heart feels expanded and you yourself grow that true happiness can dwelve into. I'm alone a lot and although I feel content, my happiness is based more merely on the idea that I'm taking care of myself BY myself. When I really pay attention to how alone I am, I feel nothing because there's nothing else THERE> it's all in what you choose to look at and how.
  14. It's beautiful. The word flow is perfect. So, do tell us though... how does the star come to form in his life? What happens? What is happening to YOU?
  15. "Love is made by God. Ignore it and you suffer as you cannot imagine."- Tristan and Isolde So many heartbreaks, depression, hopelessness and loss. When we are alone, things in time falter- especially our faiths. When things go away, we feel pain. Why do we all try so hard to cling onto people that make us feel good? Why are there so many problems when those people don't exist? What do you really do when they DON'T exist? I find that it's my daily relationships that I look forward to each day or at least the hope of their subtle growths. Alone, I am doing things to make myself into a better person so that I may experience the world happier. I write- wanting to feel connected. I exercise so that I may have energy to. I eat so that I may live tomorrow. I know that secretly I am looking for love in my life by every action I take- even loving myself is to get me ready to love someday another. If there were no other people in the world, it seems the point would be lost and THAT'S how I know. I don't have any big philosophies to analyze this. I'm just asking. Where's the strength? Where are we by ourselves? Single, yes. Alone, yes.- All words that hurt and have been made negative. When is it ever a good thing? Why do we make it so bad? I think that there's something missing from us all. Maybe an insight. Maybe many insights. I haven't found happiness through any one thing (unless I counted God but I consider that the source of all things, and thereforeeee more than by just one thing does it come through in my life). It's happened to me as I've gotten older- I've gotten independent yet more needy all the same in some ways. I know too many philosophies to really commit to a single belief- my mind is trained to expand it not keep with it. So at the same time, I'm an open person, I'm a scared person. I feel everyone's a stranger and getting close is hard because we're all a little empty. There are some people I just CANT imagine being alone without thinking of them distracted or unhappy. Well, what do you say about it? Personally, I mean.
  16. That was a great illustration for such a truth. It can be easier to lie. We're all so imperfect- it's what makes us so unhappy. Mistakes can be learned from though. There are so many little moments in life we take advantage of that when something big hits, it can make all those moments add up in a new way towards a new perspective on life. Hope crawls in again during the moments, during time- not during an overall sight of the future. If we could really see everything, all the pain, we wouldn't want to go on. Maybe someday we can create a world without that.
  17. When a person is gone, we can be forced so fast to get over them without even all the facts. That's difficult and you both deserve to talk about what happened. How else can you both know what you really need? (And it may even turn out to be each other if you just give some time to it)
  18. Over what they say seems silly (especially with the key word but I can understand breaking up because of not being on the same level. Every situation is as different as I am from you. Every detail is only the tip of an iceberg of two (or three if you're into that heehe) very complex people. Yet, it all comes down to compromising and what the future potentially holds for each. I would never be quick to judge. Enjoy the moment, that's what they say...
  19. Challenges come with change. Wishes that come true aren't supposed to take work once they do. That's the let down.
  20. If you're not ready to face the silence, you're not ready. But personally, I like to get lost in it. It's the only way I can really hear.
  21. It helps me when I talk through things. If you are in a tunnel of any experience that needs explored, go through til you're out.
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