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Everything posted by behind_these_eyes

  1. I think all of the people who responded to this made really good points. People are attracted to those who understand them. It's pretty simple. If she identifies with this girl on a very deep level, feels comfortable with her, and is attracted to her, then I don't think she's being naive. Attraction and love are the basis of a relationship. If she has that, I don't think circumstance matters.
  2. Weightwatchers works. You definitely at least try it.
  3. Well I know that news like that can never be easy to take, but it's easier if you provide reasons. Your reasons aren't hurtful, they're honest. You'd be hurting yourself and him more by leading him on and lying to yourself. Since you said you're really good friends and you get along well, just sit him down and explain it to him. If he asks you why you started going out with him, explain that you thought you might grow to like him more with time. Tell him you like him a lot but not that way, and that it doesn't mean you want him out of your life (unless for some reason you do). You don't have to be completely cut off. You seem to have a way with words based on your description of your problem, so you should just use that. Explain to him completely honestly how you feel, what you want, and that you'll still be there for him, just not in the same way. If he doesn't respect you for that, there's a flaw on his part; it should not be a burden on you. That's a really tough situation, so good luck!
  4. i have the exact same thing, do swollen lymph nodes go away or do they have to be treated?
  5. Well today I'm in a much better mindset than I was when I wrote that. It's pretty bad, structure-wise. It made me feel a lot better to write it though, just to get the words out. I think everyone should write, even if they can't write well. It's great therapy, like venting with yourself. Anyway, just some thoughts. haha..I dont expect anyone to read this.
  6. Well I hate to say it, but I know through experience that when one person is in control and they've hurt the other before, they almost always will again. If she gives in and you go out again, you are in control. Don't test your limits- sometimes you will overstep them. Know that when you do overstep them, you can't always just erase it. If you hurt this girl that much, you're lucky that she still likes you. If you really liked her, you'd want her to be happy no matter what. So if happy means being without you, you're just going to have to accept that.
  7. I had that problem too, I could only lie on the floor and it felt like no matter what I did it was still excruciating. It actually turned out I had stomach problems that were being triggered every few months, and it happened only when I had my period. My doctor just gave me Zantac, and it seems to have worked fine so far.
  8. I said that to him! His argument to that one was, a relationship can never work if you aren't at least a little bit attracted to someone on a sexual level. Otherwise it's just a friendship. This is where I'm torn because every relationship I've had that was based soley on attraction failed..and every relationship I've had that was based soley on personality has failed (to go beyond friends, that is.) Maybe it needs to be the perfect balance. thanks for the quick response!
  9. Relationships should not be based on sex. They should be based on a deep personal connection, and sex should be weighted less in the relationship...Right? Well that's what I thought until a few days ago... One of my friends started the debate when he said that sex was more important than the deep connection. At first, I dismissed him as shallow and "macho," but after we talked about it for a bit..I wasn't so sure anymore. My argument was that sex is just chemicals, and anyone can mix chemicals and get some kind of reaction. I said that intellectual connections were less common, and should be appreciated more. He argued that intellectual connections on some level are just chemicals too..and I had to admit that he had a point. Some people would get along with me by definition, but then I talk to them and we just can't relate. I guess what I want to know is, what do you guys think? I know that both are very important, and I'd like to believe that emotions are the priority, but maybe I'm just influenced by our culture. He thinks that maybe people are overlooking sex as this meaningless dirty act if it's not accompanied by deep-seeded feelings. I think that maybe it is. Am I being naive? Sex or Emotions - should they be balanced or should the scale be tipped to one side..and if so, which one? haha thanks for reading all that, and thanks for any responses.
  10. wow that was really great. it reminded me of someone i know. nice job!
  11. At 14, I'll admit that myself and all of my friends were like that. It sounds stupid and maybe I'm alone here, but I can see what good can come of it. I am by no means saying that there is no bad in this, just pointing something out. Some kids are going to drink because they want to, and there's really nothing you can say about it to stop them. I think that in order to see what's right clearly, you have to see what's wrong. Congratulations if you can see what's wrong before you do it, but some of us learn through experience. On some screwed up level, I'm grateful that I got drunk at 13 and slept on my friends' couches, rather than at 16, when I would be potentially driving home or taking rides from others who were drinking. On the other side of that, drinking has caused a lot of problems in my life. If I had figured things out before I started, maybe I wouldn't have become dependent on alcohol. I'm making somewhat better decisions now, but it's tragic that I had to learn what was right by process of elimination. Some of my friends who drank that young evolved into drug addicts, while some are perfectly fine and never even drink anymore. Say a prayer for the youth of America.
  12. Well a lot of girls wont admit it, but sometimes we want someone to like us even if we don't want them. I know, it's stupid and petty and deceptive. Some of my friends have at least 10 "loyal subjects" who continuously ask them out and flatter them, so they flirt with the guys and lead them on. I'm not saying this is your situation, but it's a possibility. Girls are puzzles.
  13. I wouldn't do anything that doesnt feel natural. Don't force it just because someone said guys like something. Some guys will take that gesture as a hint of something about to happen..from what i know, not all guys like that because some think of it as teasing.
  14. I wouldnt worry about it too much, but if it's really making you insecure, you could get a subtley padded bra and remove the pad from the bigger side? Just an idea, I dont think surgery is the way to go.
  15. wow maasikus, that's really not encouraging when you're in that situation. everyone makes mistakes, no matter how big or little they are. it's true that life won't be easy with a baby, but who says it would be easy without a baby? instead of automatically thinking of this as a bad thing, look at what she has a chance to have here - a son or a daughter. that is amazing, in my opinion. SaRaHmArIe8588- as for your boyfriend, if he would leave you when you need him most, he's either confused or he's not worth holding onto. priorities change. that's great that the father is supportive, and that you arent that scared about telling your parents. I wish you the best of luck. sometimes the hardest things you have to do are the most rewarding.
  16. hmm, that is tough. I don't really have any suggestions then, Sorry. It sounds stupid, but I wouldn't look too hard. Usually when I'm looking for anything, there's something just as good or better right in front of me but I'm too busy looking the other way. If you really want to meet people, I'd say the mall as a last resort. All kinds of people from everywhere are always there, especially lately with holiday shopping and everything. Again, good luck.
  17. evenever, does your school have a gay/straight alliance or a similar club? They have one at my school, and straight people are in it too, so you wouldn't have to actually come out to your family or uncle if you joined. If you feel like they would still be suspicious, you could just tell them you joined another club or something. You can meet some other girls in your situation there, and who knows, maybe that other girl you like is in it. good luck!
  18. Sometimes you need to know someone for a while before you know for sure if you like them. I'm sure she's just trying to figure things out so she doesn't lead you on. She might only like you as a friend, because she sounds like she enjoys spending time with you, she just may not be attracted to you in that way.
  19. haha me and one of my friends have the same problem! If we're together, we turn on the water at the sink for each other so it drowns out the sound, but sometimes when I'm alone, I'll flush it right before I go so there's a little noise going on.
  20. Well I dont know if this is how it is where you are, but usually when people around here talk to each other on AIM, it always goes the same way at the beginning. ex: "hey" "hey" "what's up" "not much, you" "nothing much here" Personally, I hate that, but it's almost standard when youre talking to someone, cause it is like a courtousy thing. Instead of just being like "how are you? good, you?" and things of that nature, I would just actually answer. You could mention your family, or talk about your siblings or something, and then ease into asking about her. Eventually you'll just start talking about different subjects naturally. I wouldn't try to force it too much, since you dont really know her too well yet. Also, if you spill your guts online or she tells you a lot about herself, it can be awkward when you actually talk to her in person. Just my thoughts, hope they helped. good luck though!
  21. that's awesome! good luck, and stay strong. you can do it.
  22. "Wanna try out the new braces?" - this guy said that to me the day I got my braces when I was like 14, and then kissed me. It is an awful memory, and probably the most screwed up line I've ever heard.
  23. I'd say a cd or movie, or both. It sounds kind of impersonal, but you could listen carefully when you talk to him for tv shows or music he likes. It's best if it's something he doesn't really expect, but wants. I know he said he doesn't want anything, but I think a part of him will still be disappointed if you really dont get him something. Thats how most people work, anyway. Hope that helped, good luck!
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