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Everything posted by behind_these_eyes

  1. Aw I didn't realize it was the word beautiful. Guess mine doesnt count.
  2. Wow, those are really awesome! I like Waiting Room and Solitude the best, but they were all great. Thanks for sharing them, keep writing
  3. haha nice diagram..I wont even ask why some parts are purple or greenish..
  4. Tonight my sister asked this little girl in a restaurant who was prettier out of the both of us. She said "You're both equal. very pretty." Smart kid. Gotta love forced compliments from random 10 year old girls..my sisters kind of a creep now that I read that..
  5. Well this will sound deceitful, and it probably is. I don't really know how online relationships work, but the way I see it, if he wont put it to rest, just tell him you told them. How will he know? If he starts asking about them or wants to talk to them, then you might wanna actually tell your parents. Until then, why not just tell him they know- that's probably an advantage of an online relationship.
  6. Usually when I have a health concern, I go to link removed. (Which is a lot because I'm a hypochondriac haha) I looked up symptoms for what you described, and found an entry on the site about what causes them, how to prevent them, and how to treat them when you already have them. This is the site link removed for bladder infections. On the right side there should be little links, like Prevention and Causes. I'm sure there's something on there about your situation. I hope this helped, good luck and I hope you feel better!
  7. I don't think it'll get worse for you guys, a lot more people do that than are willing to admit it. I myself have my little superstitions or compulsive things I do. I just wanted to clear something up. The swearing outbursts are not common in Tourettes patients. It's a stereotype. People with Tourettes have "tics" that cause them to involuntarily move muscles or make noises. Complex tics are the vocal ones, and they are the ones mocked in movies, and they're often automatically associated with the disorder. Also, I don't think OCD can elevate that easily into something else. It's true that a lot of people with Tourettes have OCD, but not a lot of people with OCD have Tourettes. Sorry I hope that makes sense.
  8. Home sick today so I wrote a poem to cope with the agonizing bordom. Hope everyone likes it, any feedback is appreciated though. I dug myself a hole and laid down to await A voice I hoped to hear- a fictitious escape. I glanced down at my watch, and wondered where you were, Assumed you were just late.. But soon I wasn't sure. I heard your loud footsteps And my heart skipped a beat. I knew I'd soon be saved; I'd heard my hero's feet. I tried hard not to smile- ironic, on my deathbed. But as I gained my hope, Something hit my head. "Must be a rope," I thought; Something to pull me out, But suddenly all of my hope had transformed into doubt. I felt the grainy substance. The powder framed in hate. My smile at that point was slain. I surrendered, now stone-faced. The shovel struck the dirt, Ushered it on to me, And showered me with death Until you had me buried.
  9. the poem was really amazing, i liked it a lot. as for whats behind the words, I hope you'll be feeling okay soon. you can talk to me anytime.
  10. Some people just have no common sense. I think it's rude not to ask about things someone mentions, even if you honestly don't care. When you don't ask, it's definitely a sign of selfishness. I have friends who will "vent" to me about things in their lives for hours and I listen, but if I ever need to talk, they're "busy" or "tired". Essentially, I've stopped expecting people to care. There is no reciprocal for a lot of good things you do, but you can prevent others from feeling ignored by acting interested when they talk.
  11. it's kind of a known fact that guys dig lesbians. i don't get how you're "supposed" to hate this; make up your own mind. that's pretty much all I have to say..
  12. well in my experience, girls are 99% talk..seriously - behind your back, in front of you, through someone else..that's all they do - talk. It's pretty unlikely that this girl would ever try to actually hurt you physically, but the threats can hurt you emotionally. My advice is to avoid online fighting, phone fighting, and talking behind backs. Come right up to her, explain yourself, tell her why she's being unreasonable, and if she starts getting really nasty, just walk away. I maintain that 9 out of 10 fights could be easily avoided with a confrontation up front. Good luck with this! It'll all work out - this girl is all talk.
  13. Hey, I didn't think it was confusing; I think you have a real gift, seriously. That's one of the best ones I've read in a while. I really liked the target and dart analogy. Keep writing, it was great!
  14. hey, I dont usually name my poems so I'm no help there. I just wanted to let you know I thought that was really great!
  15. Things are kind of crappy and I couldn't focus in school today, so I wrote a little. I don't consider it any of my best; its a little unorganized. any feedback would be cool. Nervous breakdown, got your way, I'm dying slowly but how's your day? My long deep breaths, Your harmful words. Into my chest They strike like swords. Just let me choke, Just watch me drown, Say it's all my fault- Now go shine your crown. I get up every morning for the ride I never thought I'd like it On the other side. I knew I'd sleep and wake again, I told myself I had a friend, But I woke up today to find I couldn't just pretend.
  16. Ok well I'm not a genius and this advice could be crap, but I thought I'd take a stab at it. That said, I find that people who are jealous are often paranoid that their "significant other" (for lack of a better word) is exhibiting the same behaviors as them. You said you cheated on him, so you probably worry that he's cheated on you. You look at other guys, so you notice it when he looks at other girls. You're feeling insecure trusting him because at times you can't really trust yourself. We're all like this at times. My advice is to work on showing him how much you care about him so you know that he feels secure. Then you'll start to feel more secure. However, I don't know you and that could be completely off- you could already shower him with affection. That's my two cents, good luck!
  17. haha riiight justtwicethen...anyways I think you shouldn't do anything. You're obviously pretty confused and no one can make rational decisions when they're confused. I say you wait it out. After a while, if you start really missing this guy and you're attracted to him, go back see how that works out. Sometimes people are really confused and they just need to get it out of their systems before they see things clearly. It sounds weird, but you might not even like girls after you do something about it by acting on it.
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