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Everything posted by Day_Walker

  1. Sex lasts as long as both parties want it to last. The range is too great from 5-10 mins (if you just want a quickie to hold you over) or a couple hours + depending if you want to kill a good portion of the day. It can also do with personal preference, some prefer sex to be shorter and others like marathon sex. Find out what your partner likes then go from there. Now if you are interested in being able to last longer then you there are different techniques, so do your research probably the most extreme as far as being able to last longer would be Tantra. That takes sometime to be able to master those techniques.
  2. My question to you is why have you put on the 15lbs, it seems like an excessive amount to gain in 4 months. Now you will notice that most of the other people who have posted have resorted to name calling, I feel its not relevant to the situation. Your bf has expectations of you that you werent able to meet. Apparently its wrong to want to be physically attracted to your significant other after you have been together for a period of time. I will agree that attraction does fade over time, but it not usually something that creeps up on you in 4 months. What your bf is concerned with is your weight getting out of control. If you can tell me that gaining weight does not make you more self conscious, leading to negative images of yourself and a list of negative attributes people attach to weight gain then I would be more inclined to agree with the other posts. However you can see that i do not believe them, people get upset when they arent accepted for who they are, that is not manditory. We all have our issues that we are picky about, your bf's issue happens to be weight gain. Now if you want to take the others advice and believe that your bf is any or all of those names he was called and dump him then thats what you should do, but realize that you bf wants you to keep a positive self image (meaning he wants you to feel good about yourself and look good, like he did when he met you, and apparently to some thats a crime. I hope i presented an alternative view point so that you can make a more informed decision.
  3. As sappy as it sounds women will always fall for something that touches their heart. In a general sense they are emotional creatures, which means they have a tendency to act more on emotions than logic. This means that they will always be vulnerable to lines like this especially if they want to believe them.
  4. If u want to tell her its over there are two ways to approach this; you can tell her exactly how you feel (that its over and when the relationship ended that means it ended and you can ignore her this one is usually pursued because people dont like confrontations. If you ignore her then she will eventually get the hint. Take your pick both will/have worked, decide which one is best for your situation.
  5. I believe that you are making a mistake by only seeking one point of view. When you should be looking for the adivce that presents the best solution to your problem, the best solution isnt the easiest to deal with. Saying that men cannot relate to the problem is severly understimating men as a whole. You need to realize that you are 18 years old and you have the rest of your life to worry about marriage, children and things of that nature. You should be in search of a stable relationship, where you can have fun with him and vice versa. If you are posting in the infidelity forum then this is obviously an issue in your relationship. You need to look at what you have infront of you and then make your decision about what you need to do about this infidelity.
  6. If you are content with the situation you have with this girl then keep it that way. You have said that you dont want to fall for this girl, so dont. Spend time together and dont have expectations, just go with the flow. This relationship has a time limit and you dont know how long the moment will last so enjoy it. Dont make any confessions about feelings or ask her about the relationship, if she wants something more then she will mention it to you and if you want something more then go for it but other than that just have fun.
  7. If she isng going to make an effort to call you to see if she wants to do anything then you need to drop this one. You calling her gives her power over you because then she can clearly see that you want her. Go out with your friend and meet some new girls, have a good time and get some numbers. Dont waste time on a female who cannot keep her word.
  8. First of all there are somethings that you need to realize and keep in mind. She has a bf, that means she is emotionally attached to someone else. You are in a situation where she has more to lose than you and that makes her vulnerable (ALWAYS keep that in mind). You do not need to make any confessions to her, this will distroy what you have. You say that you suffer in silence but you need to look at it different way, inside the relationship you have is pure so keep it that way. You need to come to the realization that because of the circumstances of this relationship that you will probably not end up with this girl. Enjoy the moments that you spend together and expect nothing more. Live in that moment, take any opportunities that may come your way. You do not want to have any expectations with this female, if you do they will only lead to heartbreak. Realize that you like this girl and you probably always will.
  9. Well you are over reacting, its really not that big of a deal what you told her. If you have known eachother for this long telling her that looks isnt important shouldnt change anything. Since you already told eachother that you liked one another. Dont worry about this and move on to other things.
  10. If she sits next to you and is courteous to you then why dont you talk to her. Find out some info about her then be aware of her vitals (meaning does she have a bf, is she dating anyone, etc.) Do not ask these things she will make it known if she is single or attached. Just have a nice convo with her and see what happens.
  11. You need to take an objective look at your situation and realize that you shouldnt be in this relationsihp. Is everything supposed to get better once you are married? If you think that then you are dillusional. Get out now and find a guy that doesnt have these hang ups about sex.
  12. Break up with her. She isnt treating you with respect. That is reason enough to end it Move on to the next one but this time beware of becoming a rebound.
  13. Is it possible for a man to instigate being completley platonic friends with a female, yes that can happen and i have seen it happen. However the caviat is attraction, if he is attracted to her sexually then you can tell where his motives lie. Personally i dont believe that men and women can ever really be friends. There are certain lines that friends dont cross, while a female she may only see a guy as a friend but he may like her (or vice versa). You cannot be interested in a friend the way i choose to define it, now this goes for either party, if one person is interested in the other then its not a friendship, it turns into one of those waiting for the right moment situations.
  14. I dont agree with the confrontation suggestion. I can tell you that he is going to deny it whether he did it or not so that isnt going to get you anywhere. Its far more important to be observant than to just jump to certain conclusions because our mind has led us in that direction first. If you suspect him of cheat beware and mindful of anything that sets off any other cheating signals.
  15. I feel that she has been very vague with him and given his personality type, he is the kind of guy where she is gonna have to call him or she is gonna have to be more forward.
  16. If you want to claim to be old fashion then thats fine but then you should realize that you are going to get into situations like this. If you are that concerned if this guy has an itnerest in you then you need to do more than drop hints. Suggest something casual so that you dont feel like you are initiating. As far as you doing more than enough, you dont know his side of the story you could be doing all this and he could just think your being friendly. You made the mistake of being old fashioned which has created the dilemma you are in currently. If you honestly have an interest in this guy you will sack up and be more forward. Here is something radical that i mentioned earlier ask him to meet for drinks after work.
  17. You just stated that you wont break up with your gf for this other girl. Doesnt that mean you already have the answer to your problem? What you are asking somebody cant tell you, but you do need to make a decision and stick with it. Nobody can tell you what kind of person you should like whether its a female you have a lot in common with or its a female that you dont have so much in common with. If you are unhappy with your gf then you should break up with her. That could be why you are getting closer and closer with this other girl. Whatever decision you make you will have some parts that you are unsure about but you do need to make a decision otherwise the situation will only get worse.
  18. If you cannot trust her then you do not need to be in a relationship with her, plain and simple. All you need to do what is necessary. In this case it means that you should break up with her. Once you have lost trust then its all over.
  19. I dont believe that this situation is positive at all. If she wanted to remember then she would have, it was obviously something that wasnt important enough for her to remember. You can go on your lunch date with her but realize that its just friendly. Whatever you do dont pay for her realize that its just lunch. Talk to her and see if you can relate to her. Other than that dont think you have actually gotten any where with her.
  20. You should get out of this situation. She has been married two times before and has a toddler, yet she still has no idea what she wants as far as men are concerned. She obviously has multiple men chasing her so why should you just be one more? She has not given you any indication that she is into you or that she wants something more than what you already have. Leave this girl alone you will be better off.
  21. Well i am attracted to to srong women. I have a specific type they have to have these elements; highly intelilgent, attutide, self confidence, stubborn and outspoken. I cant say i can relate to the whole conservative thing but thats you.
  22. There really isnt a point in having dry sex. Oral sex up to a month. Intercourse up to 2 months.
  23. A large number of guys have a thing about lesbians, two females kissing (who are attractive) well get quite a lot of attention. This is because guys are visually oriented. Its not a big deal its just something that most guys get overly excited about.
  24. yea that is too much. You need to realize what you are doing, your actions are telling her that you dont deserve her so you are buying her presents to keep her. Its one thing to buy presents but not every month, it should only be for special occasions.
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