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Everything posted by Duderanomi

  1. In my opinion, you don't need to fix something if it ain't broken. If this little episode is just going to be fun for the both of you, I'd say why not do it? It's not like he cheated on you or anything, you just decided to break up because you agreed to disagree. You should always live life like there's no tomorrow, and if there was no tomorrow, would you want to spend time with your ex?
  2. You did the right thing to get rid of her, nobody needs to put up with someone who makes their life worse than it should be, whether it's a liar, cheater, or abuser. I hope you find the strength to stay away from her, you'll be much better off that way.
  3. Hidden Friendship It's amazing how people come through for you in the worst of times. Like a lake in the middle of the desert, you gave me salvation from the pain I suffered. I never knew what you got out of it, but many thanks are in order. Like a light in the dark Like the sun through the clouds Like the halo on an angel You lit up my somber existence. I didn't even know you, you had no clue who I was. You told me to cheer up, look forward, enjoy life. I snapped out of it because of you. I moved on, and I'm out of my strife. Like a firefly in a field. Like the moon in the night. Like headlights on a runway. You lit up my somber existence. It might be so simple. I'll never understand why you cared at all. I wrote this just about 2 years ago and was looking at it today. Makes me sad that what was once the greatest thing in my life is now argument after argument, despite my trying so hard to please her. Hell, now that I read it, it sounds pretty corny, please be honest.
  4. How far are you moving from him? I know I wouldn't want to start a long distance relationship even if things were going really well.
  5. The thing I love the most is kissing my girlfriend all over, from the neck or the creases of her elbows, pretty much anywhere. She goes absolutely wild and I've actually gotten her to get orgasms through kissing and sucking on her ears. I think I like doing that better than actually having sex or whatnot. As for getting... hmmm, I guess I enjoy it most when my girl actually gets assertive, which is pretty much a once in a blue moon occurrence. When she actually WANTS something from me, it turns me on to no end. I can still recall the one time she went, "Can I suck your penis just for a second before we go downstairs?" It was on Christmas and there was a whole bunch of family downstairs, I was finished in like 5 minutes and it was one of the best blowjobs ever. Sounds also really turn me on, I can take 45 minutes to come during sex if we have to be quiet, but if she moans and groans and cries out, I could be done in 10 max.
  6. Usually, I can always tell from the mood whether or not it's appropriate to be touching a girl in any shape or form. Whatever you do tho, if a girl tells you to stop or that she's uncomfortable about it, stop.
  7. I was just wondering where you guys and gals lost your virginity, since I lost it in a pretty weird place. I'm also wondering if most people planned a romantic celebration or whatnot. See, I lost my virginity in my current girlfriend's parent's bed because we were just fooling around and she said she was ready, so we picked the most comfortable bed for it. Feel free to spill the beans, I'm really curious.
  8. That chick obviously puts out way too easily. Even if your friend was ok with it, you can't enjoy the prize if you didn't work for it, and I think sunnihunni's experience is an isolated one, since relationships crumble if they're based on sex or the preliminaries thereof. Nevertheless, your friend is just outright going to have trouble respecting her, and that will lead to relationship trouble.
  9. Aside from the typos, I think you're on the right track. I think all poetry should rhyme though, makes it sooooo much more fun. Seriously though, you need to organize your poem into stanzas and such, can't just write it as paragraphs or else it has no rhythm.
  10. Doesn't seem to me like anything's gone wrong. The easiest way to find out what's happening is to call him and inquire whether or not you did do something he disliked. You never know what might have happened in his life, totally unrelated to you, that could've caused him to "blow you off" on the 4th. Whatever happens, I wish you the best. Toodles
  11. Communication is what makes relationships work, so my advice is to talk to him and try to make him understand what's happening. If talking doesn't help, I don't know what would.
  12. Butterfly kisses rock! My girlfriend taught me what it was.
  13. Your lover, in my opinion, is supposed to be your best friend, so if you're good friends with the person already, it could be a great foundation for an even greater romantic relationship. Like Tinkerbell mentioned tho, should the relationship ever go down the drain, you could lose a dear friend.
  14. I don't believe that there's a required age to have sex. I think a 13 year old definitely should not be having sex, however. The way I see it, most kids will end up doing it when they're 16 or 17, which, when you consider that out in nature we'd be mating earlier than that, isn't that bad. As for being ready, I still don't get the big deal. Sure, you only have one first time, but you've got one first time to everything. i.e. riding a bike, going to the movies, eating caramel popcorn, etc. If I was to give you advice on when having sex is ok, I'd say whenever your heart tells you it's ok. I think that whether it's the first time or the last, whoever you have sex with should mean something to you, even if they might not be around a year from now.
  15. What do you guys do to feel like your life isn't a waste?
  16. Well, my way of coping with this has always been to find something "new" that will get me enthusiastic again, stuff like paintball, a new computer game, special event with my girlfriend, and so on. The thing is that I've run out of things to distract myself. Even when I'm with friends or with family, I feel obliged to put up the image that I'm having fun even though I just want to sleep all day and all night until I feel better. As for when exactly I get depressed, it happens everytime around or a little after my birthday, which is early november, often christmas will get me out of the rut but it didn't this year. I've also gotten it during schooltime when school and work forced me to have little to no free time. Also got it when I bought my car, which I love by the way, and it was really weird because people were more enthusiastic about it than I was. I think what started that one was the fact that money would be tighter with car payments. I had financial problems back then. Right now I think I feel this way just because things have gone downhill again with my girlfriend, she hangs up on me all the time, doesn't care about talking to me anymore, and we haven't made love in 2 or 3 weeks. Weirdly enough, the way I coped with the last bout of depression (since we're agreeing that's what it is) was with a board game with my friends that we played till the wee hours of morning like Lily04, that game being Risk. I've always been quite the nocturnally active guy, my friends too, so we usually play 2 games starting in the evening. There doesn't seem to be a specific thing that sets it off, I'd be willing to wager that it's completely random myself.
  17. Don't worry, in a few years, you'll wonder why you even bothered posting about such trivial matters.
  18. Alright, I don't think there's an easy way to start with this but here goes anyway. I'm a pretty cheery guy I suppose, pretty sociable, I lead what I think is a pretty balanced and regular life. The problem is that I think I may be depressive or something like it. I've got no idea what a depression feels like, but I doubt it's what I feel. See, it all started back in high school, I'd get the blues usually in fall, which I assumed was normal, given the human tendency to get depressed during that time of year. By blues, I mean, I'd be constantly bored, and I wouldn't want to do anything even if I was extremely interested in it before. This went on for a few years, but it's becoming more and more frequent. Last semester it happened because I was stressed from school and work and etcetera and sometimes one event will spark another, let's call em mini-depression. Usually they last for a few weeks, and I usually know when they hit me because of that ultimate boredom and the lack of enthusiasm for anything. The weird thing is that I know when they're coming but I've got no idea how to fix it. Back in my foolish days I tried drinking to forget about it and it made things worse, and now I'm worried that it might be making things too shaky with my girlfriend because it has in the past. She's very genuinely concerned about me and I think it really bothers her that she can't help me when it happens. I'm just really tired of feeling this way everytime some kind of crisis enters my life, so I was hoping someone out there could help me out. I hope I explained it thoroughly enough. Thanks in advance.
  19. Thing is, we've been dating for a year and a half, and even though things are rough, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to break up. I just keep thinking she isn't dumping me because she's just scared of being single, but there's all sorts of guys always contantly after her and just during the 3 week we were broken up she could've gotten all the men she wanted. One even asked if she wanted to fool around with him no strings attached. And now that guy calls her up to 5 times a day. I hope I'm painting a clear picture. I'm not saying I'm a pathetic wretch who's life is this girl and that I'll die without her, but I want her to be happy and I'm not doing that, so can anyone guess why she hasn't dumped me yet?
  20. Duderanomi


    Awesome man, keep us updated.
  21. That's a beautiful letter, real clever and everything. I would've written pretty much the same thing! Good job!
  22. Whoever said that it was a problem is an idiot. Every guy's balls are uneven.
  23. Honesty is the best policy, if you speak from the heart, things will be just fine.
  24. Duderanomi


    I don't understand how someone can be in love with another and not be intimate in anyway? And I'm sorry to say buddy, but you're in the dreaded "let's just be friends' category. Girls are like that.
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