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just jeff

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Everything posted by just jeff

  1. Thank you both for your responses…I am not sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring, nor am I going to push my agenda…I am a free sprit and so is she. The house of cards is a good analogy…the foundation is the simplest part; yet upon it rests the full weight of the house. I am in no rush…I can't be; I've been sitting at the train station waiting for my train to come in for yrs…I think a little longer won't really matter. All things are relative. Would I love to hear her say once more how she wants to come here…to where she left her heart? Absolutely, it would be music to my ears. But her life, her children, friends…her career are there and she starts thinking of not only missing them…but starting over here. Time will tell…and as Mick Jagger sang "time is on my side…yes it is" May your journeys be rewarding….later down life's path….
  2. We each have to make our decisions on our own; and I couldn't agree more…only the two people involved truly understand what was right and wrong about the relationship. Try as we can to use words to describe our problems…they remain only words. Your and my own problems with our relationships aren't so different that a thousand other sad stories posted here. Each is exceptional will details missing or things left unsaid. It is a healing process…some are gluttons for punishment (maybe I fall into that category) and continue to seek what they cannot obtain. Others are so distraught over their relationship ending they commit bodily harm against themselves as well as others. I sense you're a very intelligent, self confident, have ethics and integrity. Whoever you allow into your personal life will be fortunate, and they will fully accept and return your feelings in kind. People question (I am guilty) why this happened or why they were rejected…there are no answers; life isn't that clear cut. Sometimes that "missing" piece is the most important part for the fulfillment of the other person. When we ask them to define what is "missing" that is beyond explanation; it's invisible…like the wind, yet we know its there. A book that I've read that I found helpful is "Bonds That Set Us Free"…you might look into it. I even bought and had sent a copy to my ex. I feel as long as there is contact…there can always be hope. Rome wasn't built in a day…relationships that are worthy aren't either. I am not saying to hold out in hopes of her and you rekindling a relationship that is rewarding to you both…go out and live, seek fulfillment and be happy that you have survived so much and are no doubt a stronger individual for the effort. I wish you well on your journey…walk in the sunshine…I bid you peace.
  3. Some of you know my story…so I will not go back over it again. Just suffice to say I sent flowers to the ex and she responded by not talking to me…in fact it was "goodbye, please do not call my home, cell or office…do not bother responding to this email as I will not get it…I will not be going back to the chat room". Then a text saying "reality set in, my feelings for you are gone". And that was that…she did however visit the chat room we both belong too. And after a few days she would say hello…that's all. A close friend of hers in the chat room told me she needed time to think and decide her future; do not pressure her… So I didn't….and went 10 days…then yesterday morning in the chat room we exchanged pleasantries…we did send a few private messages. Childish I know…game playing? I know…but that is a part of life; some call it negotiation…the give and take until both parties feel comfortable with the deal; which can be modified later. I asked her if she wanted to know when a certain event occurred in my life…she said "yes". I told her it would have to be delivered in the chat room; she said "why?". I told her that I had deleted all of her phone numbers…again with the "why?" I said I was respecting her request…her wishes. She said "oh…ok, here will be fine". She left the chat room to prepare for her Easter Sunday…I stayed and continued to chat…then my phone rang at 9:30ish…I have caller ID but honestly thought it was one of my children calling to confirm a time for dinner…it was the ex. She said "Happy Easter Jeff….I wanted to wish you and your children a very happy day". So we talked for about 45 minutes…nothing about the past or future…nothing about who we were seeing or who we weren't seeing…just friendly conversation about our kids and life in general. Did she call to give me her number again? I do not know why she called…she just did. So people…here I go again…into the lion's den. Can I be hurt again? Certainly…but I will survive as I have in previous times. Will she and I have a future together someday? I like to think so…there will be the day I fly there and met her…whether she approves or not. We will look into each others eyes and have our answer…the final answer. That is all I am looking for…if the look is gone…then so am I. Later down life's path people….good luck in your journeys.
  4. Cloe, Thank you for the encouragement….it's day 9 now...not easier…not tougher. Maybe I am beginning to accept that I will never see or hear from her again. For the first time…about 3 days ago I really sense she meant it this time…always before it was said out of hurt or anger…or me pushing to hard. I can't get past the thought she left me with though…."my feelings for you are gone". Just like that….good luck in your endeavors, I wish you nothing but the best, be strong and may your journey be filled with sunshine…
  5. Unluckyinlove, I think cloe and shes2smart are correct….you need time to heal and fully recover from the past few years. It sounds as though you're doing a great job, keep it up. My ex told me the same thing…maybe they say it as to not shatter our male ego…*s* or maybe they are 100% truthful…but they need more than the physical connection to be complete. I am on day 9….and it hasn't gotten much easier; although I did delete her numbers from my phones to lessen the chances of me making a mistake in a moment of weakness. I do not think the woman you speak of is entirely out of your life…she may have been over whelmed by her feelings and thought she was losing control…especially if she values her independence… Keep your chin up…walk proudly through life…you have much to be thankful and proud of. Nothing is truly over till the fat lady sings they say…I still haven't heard her sad tune…or maybe I am just too deaf to listen… May your journey become easier with each passing day….
  6. Thank you both for the encouragement....harder than I thought...each day is getting harder...I want to call or text message her....just for that contact...but then again I doubt she would respond..lol what a life
  7. Indeed you are a strong woman…be very proud of yourself and your accomplishments. His loss will be another's gain…Listen to your inner voice…follow a new path; he has gone down a different path, the fork in the road… Live large and free….enjoy the best life has to offer, I do not think by his actions that he falls into that category…*s* Later down life's path…stay safe in your journey's….
  8. Mentor, I think you read too much into the Easter Card….but I would have too. I would analyze why it was sent and what were the motives behind it. And just like you I would have had to respond…unless my feelings for her were totally dead. You got your answer with what sounds like a cold shoulder…If my ex ever calls, texts or emails me…I pray it is to rekindle the relationship and not just checking up to see how I am. I am not sure if it's a guilty conscience or just a kind gesture…either way, I do not long for it unless there is more behind the sudden communication… I hope I'm never in your shoe's…now I know I will not respond to a card…it will need to be an email with some substance in it…other wise I am not going to rub salt in the wound… Good luck in your journey…stay strong, later down life's path….
  9. Unluckyinlove, Welcome to the board; I am older than you…and I have learned that love and relationships do not know age boundaries. I'm not in your shoes…I have been dating since Sept/Oct of last year…. My heart resides in Texas (ex)....my ex begged me to date…see what's out there. She said in order for us to have a chance I needed to do that…and what a wonderful man I am and how the women will go wild. Great esteem booster. So I started dating…and going to dances and parties; met some intriguing women. One such woman was a Dr…age 44 and widowed. We seemed to have a lot in common; our lifestyles…our love of fine wines. Long story short; I met her family, they thought I was perfect for her…we had nights filled with passion and days filled with fun. After three weeks Michelle said "I love you Jeff"…out of the blue. I was taken aback…but said "love you too Mic" and we continued to date. She knows I had baggage…that there was another woman who wasn't out of my mind and heart. Within a few more weeks she suggested I sell my home and she sell hers and we buy one together…hum….I wasn't keen on the idea and told her so… We continued to date…finally as she continued to push for a commitment I told her nicely that she knew dating me was temporary…she said she did, but thought she could change all of that. She couldn't….was she wonderful, sexy, intelligent and just an all round great person? Absolutely…but was I in love with her? No…we stopped dating and calling…said we could still be friends…share special wines we found…but we haven't, nor do I expect us too… How long would the relationship have gone on if she hadn't pushed? Most likely it still would be…she was a wonderful date and we had great times…traveling on the weekends...maybe that is all your ex (for want of a better word) is/was looking for…someone to fill the lonely void…comfort in the dark of night… I have come to the opinion that people come in and out of our lives…some stay longer than others…some seek instant gratification and move on…so seek nothing more than a companion…I bought a dog recently just to walk the park and trails with…he keeps my mind occupied. I suggest you let it rest…she may have become frightened to have too deep of feelings for anyone…if she wants to be with you…she will let you know… Good luck in your journey…..
  10. The beginning of day 8. NC day 8: deleted her numbers from my phones. I still have them locked away in my computer at the office; I made them a pain to retrieve though. I admit this isn't getting any easier…the first few days seemed easy. I think because I had convinced myself she would call…after she collected her thoughts. Odd that I can go out and date…keep my mind occupied; then totally out of no where she pops into my mind. Being with others really hasn't helped…I bought a new puppy….chocolate Labrador…and he is a great companion…and needs lots of attention. We go for long walks…but of course she is on my mind…what's she doing, who she's with…I know it's none of my business…. I hope all the people here that have offered advice are correct…that it does get easier; and life does go on…to someone maybe even more rewarding. I can tell you this; if you are in love with someone…never take them for granted…never put off being with them because of your career. While it may seem nice to climb the ladder and make the big money…you might just end up like me…looking around and wondering why your alone. Time waits for no one…live life too the fullest. Later down life's path….may your journey be blessed and rewarding….
  11. chai714, That's just it…I thought she might be doubting my love and sincerity. She may very well have viewed them as an attempt to win or buy her back…but they weren't, and if she knows me half as well as she claims she does she would know that… I also thought it would make her feel better…not me. Yes they represented my love and thoughts…but I wanted her to feel good… I value your advice…all who can give honest views without sugar coating or slinging arrows is appreciated…. Sometimes the ones who are so deeply involved in the breakup/relationship are the blindest….can't see the forest for the tree's…So I do seek advise and it does make me stop and think…which is a plus when you're on the verge of doing something that damages someone who you value and love more than yourself… Thank you….safe journeys…
  12. Thank you both for the response and support. I have deleted her number in my cell and my landline…but…after a week or so…I would run into her in a chat room we both frequent or she would send a text that I felt obligated to answer, example: "I know you do not want to hear from me, but it's a girl" this was in reference to her new granddaughter…so I sent back "Congratulations" and so it began again and truthfully I was happy it did. "let me know you got home safely…I will be waiting for a call" that came at 10:30 pm…I sent back "excuse me?" …she said "oh I am sorry that was for Vic" her daughter. And so there we went again… I was happy we had opened the communication lines again. So it's been on and off for a year…but this time I feel so uncertain, like this time she means it and is truly trying to sort out her thoughts…and her future. Maybe you're right lady00 I should delete her numbers to lessen the temptation…but I almost have them memorized by heart… GettingOverIt – I understand…I have tried NC before, but I did it way too late. I will continue to count the days…and hope they get easier…and I will not go back to the chat room to which we both belong as members… It was so much easier to give my children advise when they were going to love pains…and here I sit mopping and having a pity party at my age…what goes around comes around…*s* Later down the path….
  13. It's been 7 days since I sent my ex flowers…they were not sent with the intent to control her…nor an attempt to win her back. They were actually sent just to remind her of my feelings. Her reaction to them was less than positive…she said they made reality sit in. I guess that meant all the talking we had been doing on the phone wasn't reality…just talking about our lives and children and how much we missed each other. So today is 7 days since her last text message…I tell myself to be strong and not call or contact her…to respect her request. But she said it was over…her feelings for me are gone. It's driving me crazy thinking a simple gift could set her off on this course of action; I expected anything but this. I wish I had a magic button (easy button) that I could turn off and on my feeling at will… I want to text her and say…."Am I that easy to forget?" Oh the joys and woe's of cell phones and the internet…*s* be safe in your journeys…I feel like I am dying a slow death…she has moved on…and so must I …but I am clueless what direction to take… the last 5-6 were pretty much mapped out…*sighs* Later down this twisted path called life…I've made it a rule to never drink alone...I think tonight that rule shall be badly bent...*s*
  14. Emma, Drugs and alcohol can make people swing back and forth like Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde. You have only one concern now…yourself and your safety. He has chosen a path entirely different form the one you may have once shared. Remain strong and protect yourself physically and emotionally…may your journey through life be blessed and the pain and anguish you're currently experiencing lessen. Do what you have too do….
  15. dustinthewind, I think it depends on what he is saying in his emails; and how much faith you have in him. If you don't think he is playing games…then reply when you feel comfortable. I know the feeling of them missing me…but that doesn't mean they've changed their mind. Sometimes they do it out of guilt…and sometimes out of honest concern you aren't doing anything rash. I have decided to take the high path for once (maybe this is a sign that I am healing or just throwing in the towel because I can't take anymore pain), if there is ever going to be an "us" again then she will have to approach me and it will have to be more than a "Hey, how are you? I haven't seen or heard from you…please let me know how you are doing." I have slid back so many times because I felt obligated to respond…when there shouldn't be any obligation at all. Every time I felt I was making progress in moving on with my life…she managed to knock me off course…I thought her attempts in communication were an indication there was hope…only to learn nothing had really changed. It's a tough call on your part…I suggest you really think long and hard about it before doing anything; you know this person better than anyone here…plus all the ins and outs of the relationship. Be strong and decide what is best for you…and act accordingly…after all he is the one who left you holding the bag, turn about is fair play. I wish you the best in your journey…
  16. It seems to be a role reversal…I had tried the NC rule in the past and explained to her why. To give me time to heal and see where my life was heading. She thought it was a great idea…but always ended up calling or text messaging me asking how I was; that she was worried. And so…the communication would start all over again. I admit I was weak and should not have responded. And now it is she who is committed to NC, from what I have gathered to collect her thoughts and feelings. I am dating and living life without her…I have for quite some time. But we keep that connection alive, me in hopes our love would re-blossom and time would heal old wounds…I am not sure what her motives were/are. Thank you for the input…I will stay out of the chat room.
  17. I have read so many posts on this board…and they have helped me in so many different ways…yet I tend to keep hope alive in my relationship; that and being stubborn. Does NC include visiting the same chat room? I know the answer is most likely yes…but, we are both paying members, and it isn't a money issue. Maybe we both get a certain reassurance seeing each other there. So she doesn't wonder where I am and what I am doing…Jeff is ok, he's right there. Same goes for me…I see she is on line and that means she isn't on a date. Knowing that I want her to face her fears…and decide what she wants in the future and what she has to do to achieve it…do I disappear? Looking forward you your input…later down life's path….
  18. It depends upon the man; if he is the possessive type it could be an indication he doesn't necessarily want you because he is still in love with you…but just that he doesn't want someone else to possess something he feels is still his, resulting in jealous behavior. Or he could be a decent man whose feelings for you are mixed up and he wanted the friendship relationship to give him time to sort it out. The problem with remaining friends after an entiment relationship ends is some of residual feelings still linger. I have tried the "remain friends" routine and it just didn't work; one of the two is going to feel more pain when they hear how the other one is doing socially, especially the one who was released. I know this doesn't help your particular case…but either he still has a deep emotional attachment and wants his cake and eat it too…or he is possessive and doesn't want someone else to "have you". Later down life's path….make the best of your journey. PS: maybe I should point out the above does apply to both men and women…*s*
  19. Fif Angel, I have to admit I've done the calls and text messages while under the influence…always to regret it the next day. In fact…I've called my ex from Phoenix, Chicago, Detroit, NYC, London, Zurich, Guangzhou while traveling on business…she always answered, I would pour my heart out…sappy things…proposing marriage, etc. and she would say…"Jeff, have you been drinking?" Well yes it was somewhat embarrassing…and I haven't done it in 5-6 months. So now I hope my silence…my NC (even if she calls) will allow her to realize I am not right here, ready and waiting… (although I really am). I am out and about and enjoying the spring...a time of renewal. You certainly not alone in your actions…*ponders…what can I do to get in the newspapers?* Stay safe in your journey… Btw I am a social drinker…I seldom drink alone.
  20. Update: I saw her in the chat room last night…I thought it best not to go in, so I didn't. Believe it or not I do have a busy life but enjoy a couple of hours of relaxation by chatting with others. My routine is fairly certain; leave the office at 6:30ish, go home or out for a bite to eat with a friend or one of my children. Then its home where I leash my chocolate Labrador and we go for a brisk walk, maybe stopping to play fetch. On the return we stop and pick up the mail…once inside I turn on the television to CNN and catch up on the day's news. While listening to the news I do domestic duties such as laundry and such. I then fix a drink (ice tea) turn on the computer and chat with friends I have known for years. It's relaxing and takes my mind off the daily challenges life gives us. Of course if I have a date or someone is in town on business I go out…my routine does vary quite a bit. I admit I still check my phone messages and emails…habit I suppose, but in the back of my mind I am hoping she has called…*sighs* Then at 10:00 its off to bed, because I am in the office by 6:00 am. I have a wonderful life actually…I've been very blessed. But when it comes to having that special one to share it all with…there is a huge hole. Not just anyone can fill it…I know this because I've tried for the past six months…dating more than I ever have before. I dated one lady with a PhD and Master's…I thought it was moving along at a decent rate of speed. After 5 or 6 dates we're laying there talking and out of the blue she says…"you know Jeff…we need to sell your home and mine, and buy one together…on Country Club Road." I said my gentle goodbye…she wasn't in love with me…she was in love with the idea of us being a couple… So I am out there….the million fish in the sea is correct, and I have cast my net till my arms ache…I know at the core of my soul who is or was my "soul mate". Well it is time I turn my attention back to work…later down life's path…I bid all a safe journey… Thanks to those who have advised me…here and by pm…it helps!
  21. ilse, Good point….at least I got a reaction, though it was not what I expected. Last night she came into the same chat room where we are both members…I never said hello and neither did she…I do not know if she had squelched me...so that makes me wonder… Did she show up to show off her new avatar one of her friends had made her…or because she was a member there first and invited me to join her a year ago…or did she show up to play a mind game…did she show up to see if I was flirting with other women? I do not know…I know she is jealous…even though she tells me to move on…it kills her knowing I date or chat with others…that's why she leaves the room sometimes…or so she says…. I am recovering …slowly and not at the pace I thought I could, but the yo-yo doesn't make me insane and sick anymore…*smiles* so that's a big plus…. I always walk in the sunshine ilse…stay safe on your journey thru life…..
  22. Good for you...kicking it down a notch shouldn't hurt your friendship; in fact it might strengthen it. If at some future date his marriage ends and he and you start dating again...neither of you will have that guilty feeling... And he cannot place blame on you for "breaking up" his marriage at a later date if your friendship dissolves. Stay safe in your journey….keep looking up and forward… Jeff
  23. s&d I am truly impressed by your insightful posts…point 2) really hit home; acting out of passion, pain and fear…big wow; I think now I better understand why my ex can turn her feelings off and on so easily and she knows it…but couldn't put it into words. She asks for space and to be left alone while she sorts through her thoughts, feelings and outlook for her future. Then she calls…she wants me and then it seems she doesn't; the yo-yo action. Thank you…I am going to finally give her the space she needs; she really does need it because she is so uncertain and doesn't want to be hurt or hurt me again. LostAngel, It sounds like it hit home to you too…in my opinion we have nothing to loose by following this advice…at least I don't. So much of what s&d stated rings true; thank you for you views…it's refreshing. Stay safe in your journeys…my your lives be blessed…
  24. I don't think the dust has settled, 13 years is a long time to just walk away without remembering all the good times you shared. I do not think it's over...but I agree you should continue NC and be strong and heal. Life has a way of playing by it's on rules. I wish you the best in your journey....
  25. I wish my best too you both....good luck in your journey; but go very slow...it's fragile.
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