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Everything posted by Scout

  1. Can you cook...even at least one or two dishes? If so, maybe you could transform your living room into a really romantic atmosphere, and set up a table for two in there. Lots of candles, soft music...I bet your boyfriend would be more touched that you cooked for him than getting him a present. Of course, a card would be nice, and maybe even a CD you burned of songs that have special meaning to you two.
  2. Gosh...it sounds like you have a dream job with a dream company. In other words, you're in about the 1% of all employees! Are you sure there isn't more that's bothering you? Moving anywhere is stressful. In time, I think you will appreciate working from home. There are so many benefits to it. Surely you can see at least some of them even now?
  3. Well, it's ok to let yourself feel that way...for about a day. Then it's time to come up with plan B. You can't let yourself get so easily discouraged when things don't work out. In fact, often things don't work out exactly the way we planned or hoped the first time. So, roll with the punches and come up with your next strategy or plan.
  4. Well, I'm not a sports marketer, but I had friends who majored in that in college for the exact same reason you're considering it: they LOVE sports. And I think that's an excellent reason, especially if you're the kind of person who has an enthusiastic outlook, and in general, very comfortable with people. Because I believe in your beginning years in the profession, you will have to do a lot of outside marketing...where you're actually out and about promoting whatever team you end up working for.
  5. Well, since the thread is now moving towards the general subject of "golddiggers," I will point out here that men, just as well as women, can use their partner for money. I've seen it happen in real life, and I've seen stories of it here on eNotalone. So, I would hope that when people hear or say the word "golddigger," they are not just associating the term with women only.
  6. Yeah, in this department, I think you're doing what should logically be expected, and I agree with all of your observations here.
  7. I agreed with much of what you said sddeaston, but not all. This is one of the areas I kind of digress from you. I think it's great that omar is already spotting the huge corporate influence on much of society. It's undeniably there, sorry. But what I hope omar will do is continue to reject any such path that lets him get sucked into the vacuum so many find themselves in today. In other words, the path of least resistance. omar, it is disconcerting to see a lot of this stuff, but there are many people who decidely take a different road, and end up leading a more authentic, meaningful life. Don't get discouraged just because you've seen the negative side of humanity and society first.
  8. Well, if someone actually decided to live the rest of their life like that...there wouldn't be much of a point. But unless that person was locked up in solitary confinement somewhere, I don't see why these aspects of their life couldn't change. Unless they didn't want to do the work necessary to make those changes. And if they didn't, then I would assume they were currently experiencing depression and feelings of hopelessness. At which point, I would encourage them to talk to me and give me specifics of what's going wrong in their life. Maybe I could help. Maybe not. But I'd listen. So...what's going on with you? This is an anonymous forum, and you can air your feelings out here safely.
  9. You are all giving more mature advice than I did. Yeah, two wrongs don't make a right. Forgive me, I had a relapse!
  10. Go for it! Let your girlfriend find out what it feels like to have you fawning all over your female friends in front of her. If she still doesn't get it...well, I went back over your other threads. I don't think it will be the end of the world if you find someone else. She seems to crave attention from other males.
  11. Put a list of things you'd like to get done, and then give yourself a pat on the back if you manage to knock out more than two. Hey, it's more than you would have accomplished if you hadn't written out the list in the first place, right?!
  12. You will likely get many responses from people who say you over-reacted, who question your feelings about porn, and so on. I will not be one of those posters. The porn industry objectifies women as mere sex objects, and furthermore, some research studies have shown that the majority of women who wind up in porn were sexually molested as children. I would not be cool with my boyfriend getting off on a nameless woman who has probably been sexually victimized in some shape or form at various points in her life. Your boyfriend may have an addiction to porn, or maybe a strong dependence on it, but either way, he just let you know about it. Take a look around eNotalone and you will see countless threads from women who are miserable in a relationship with someone addicted to porn. You've been served an early warning. It's up to you if you'll decide to be particular at this point in who get involved with.
  13. Something else I wanted to mention, Follow Me, because I think my last post might not have been as encouraging. But my boyfriend and I had a very big disagreement this weekend, too, and you know what? It turned out it was good for us, because it cleared the air. Of course, it was very unpleasant at first, but it is better than keeping a lot of issues bottled up. I would stand your ground on the uniform thing, but I bet she'll come around on that, anyway. Weddings are stressful times, and there's bound to be at least one blow up. Just make sure you two don't give up on working it out together, and I promise you'll feel even closer once it's past you.
  14. According to most etiquette books, you should wear your uniform on your wedding day. And even if the books didn't say this, I would still advocate it, as you will flat out look dashing in your uniform! Geez. This is lame, dude. I hope she realizes what a gaffe she is making in not wanting you to wear your uniform.
  15. My opinion, too. Also, when you talk to her tomorrow, you could ask her if she'd ever be interested in watching a game with you, and if she didn't understand the rules, you'd be happy to teach 'em to her. But if she's not interested, that's cool, too.
  16. Scout

    dating rules

    That sounds about right to me! As another poster mentioned, there are numerous variables that will affect things, but your expectations are pretty much on par with what's "normal" in the beginning stages of dating - which I would say can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Depending on your schedules, interest levels, etc.
  17. Scout

    dating rules

    b8s, do you have some thoughts on what you would consider a comfortable pace? Even if you haven't dated much before, surely you've got some familiarity with the process through observing others, reading, etc. So, whenever you've given this stuff some thought, what have you envisioned as an ideal pace for you?
  18. You're welcome, GH. I just wish someone had pointed it out to me when I was your age; instead I ended up living in a God-awful town I hated for almost six years in a job I equally hated. Fast forward almost 20 years later, things are much different for me now, but if only someone had pointed out to me when I was just becoming an adult, "Hey! You're depressed because you're trying to insert yourself in a mediocre life that is expected of you by a mediocre portion of society! You've actually got other options!" My point is, you just can't squeeze a square peg in a round hole. Start looking at what you're feeling as a positive, actually...this is the self-preserving part of you saying, "Hey man...you're not cut out for a boring, mundane life. Try some different things before worrying about college, because those things may lead you on the path you're actually meant to take."
  19. In regards to your comments on my college graduates remark...you're right. I just pulled that example out because I was thinking in terms of people getting degrees and then going into business, but it probably wasn't the most relevant comparison. Plenty of businesspeople, both men and women, who have success careers and/or their own companies, who never get a degree. And there are certainly some less than intelligent people who have.
  20. How come you have no way to go to college? And do you really want to go to college? If so, what do you want to study...do you know, yet? One more thing...there are so many opportunities for young people to get out and see the world, and you can get paid to do so. There are some incredibly interesting jobs at link removed. All kinds of stuff...from working with disadvantaged kids, to working on an organic farm, to working at a ski resort...check it out! Your life needs some purpose right now, but no one is going to swoop out of the sky and hand that purpose to you. You gotta kind of go out and create your own purpose. And that requires effort. Now, when one is feeling depressed, I understand it's hard to muster up the energy to make that effort. But I believe you can do it, if you keep at it. It is true that some people seem to be born with all the luck right off the bat. For the rest of us - the MAJORITY, lol - we have to create our happiness. And if so many other people can do this, SO CAN YOU.
  21. And one more thing...don't be so hard on yourself for not passing the exam the first time. I'm sure it's a tough exam, and now you know to prepare extra diligently for it. You've already got some preparation under your belt since you took it once.
  22. Either sucks, but I would prefer they just wanted to have a quick fling to get a physical attraction out of their system. Not sure I'd forgive them for that, either, but it would be better than they fell in love with someone else. To me, anyway.
  23. You poor thing, this must be a terrible experience for you. I think it's important you get to a doctor or hospital right away. There is a possibility you could hemorrage (not sure about its spelling, either!) and I don't think you should wait until Monday to get checked out.
  24. Well luckily, he has a loving father. And keeping in mind that he has not had much of a stable, kind-hearted mother figure to date, I wouldn't settle for anything less for him. No matter how strong your feelings are for this woman, she does not appear up to the task in this department. Too bad, but your son is not going to thrive with someone who chiefly views him as irritating and annoying.
  25. First date?? I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and I've NEVER asked him this. And thank God, he hasn't asked me either!
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