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Everything posted by Scout

  1. Call them next week, I'd say Monday or Tuesday, and just politely ask them to give you a concrete date on when you will be starting the job, and what your hours will be, as you have other things going on that you will need to schedule around accordingly.
  2. Just take the exam again once you're ready for it, and then when you pass it - and you WILL - put it on your resume as one of your certifications. Until then, don't reference that you don't have it. If asked by a potential employer, tell them you're preparing to take the exam. Which is the truth.
  3. Not to digress from the thread, but I don't blame you for not putting him on meds! My goodness, you said he does well in school and sports, don't risk that by putting him on some meds that could make him a zombie. From what I understand about highstrung kids, routine and structure really helps. It may take a while for them to adjust to it, but eventually, it really does kind of help them focus a bit. Too bad your gal isn't more understanding of this. I don't blame you for defending your son, not one bit.
  4. What are the symptoms you're having? Maybe you should call a doctor now, hon.
  5. This question has actually come up before on eNotalone, and it's always a real tough call for me to weigh in. I'm not sure if there is a "wrong" or "right" answer. One thing I can almost guarantee is that if you have an abortion without telling him, you'll start to second-guess your decision that you didn't talk to him about it. It will really weigh on your mind. That's what I've seem happen in similar threads. So, if you think there is even a remote possibility you would tell him down the road because it was too much for you to bear not to, I'd just go ahead and tell him now. Plus, this is not something you should be going through by yourself. You were with him for five years. I'm sure he'll be a friend to you in this difficult time.
  6. Ok, you need a big...virtual...(((((HUG))))!!! I'm sorry you're going through this right now, friend. It will subside somewhat, but that doesn't help while you're actually experiencing it, does it? The one thing I noticed when I went back over some of your threads was that you mentioned you two had broken up numerous times. I think you said half a dozen, or in that general area. Why so many break ups, do you think? If there was one issue you could pinpoint that seemed to rear its head time and time again for you two, what was it?
  7. I think that's a good idea. It's not that breaking NC is a mistake, so much as doing it when you're longing to because you're gripped with a lot of emotions at that moment. And maybe in a few weeks, you could contact her and ask to visit the pup you two had together.
  8. Ok, here's another idea...he could start dating women who have their own means, so he doesn't have to worry about it. If that indeed is the true motivation behind his question.
  9. Then maybe he shouldn't advertise he's loaded right off the bat.
  10. Wow, both of the main points you give here sound dead-on!
  11. Is it possible that you are carrying anger and resentment from your first marriage into this relationship? Especially if you were always the calm, collected one, maybe you're acting out in this relationship because of lot of stuff was bottled up in you. I know it sounds weird, but unfortunately, we often punish our new partners for the wrongs we perceive our previous partners did to us. If this could be the case at all, therapy actually might help you sort some of this stuff out. You did jump from one relationship to another, practically. Quite a whirlwind of activity. I think you might be going through more than you realize right now. Take some time to yourself and give everything a lot of hard thinking.
  12. All in all, I find you quite likable, actually. You're bright, you have a persevering spirit, and you truly look for the best in people. I think like all of us, you have your own issues and reasons for having them. If there is one thing I'd be thrilled to see change a bit in you is your tendency to get attached too much to people. What happens is that this attachment shows itself in the expectations you quickly put on these folks. Expectations that are disconcerting to them. It's natural to want others to like us, to care about us, don't get me wrong. But I feel you place more importance on this than learning to love and take care of yourself, too. If you could find more of a balance there, I think you'd gain a lot more peace of mind.
  13. Jen, I'm so glad you went. It sounded like you were in agony. Did they give you something to make the pain go away?
  14. This is a good place to vent. God knows I've said some things on here I wouldn't talk about in real life.
  15. I just asked you two questions. It's true I found your comments about young women being ignorant of the business world odd, as over 50% of college students these days are female. I've been in the business world for years, and there are countless young women who are in it. Young women and young men. But to be honest, I can't think of three top business people in Denver, now that you mention it, and I'm 37. Maybe because I'm a freelancer and most of my clients are out of state, and I'm not much of a networker now that I work from home. But I digress... As for your business cards, if you rarely have to pass them out, then I could see why you would delay ordering new ones, as it's a hassle. But you implied in one of your previous posts that the mistaken belief you were the owner of the company was a somewhat frequent one, and I guess in your shoes I'd just bite the bullet and get new cards, rather than have to repeatedly go through the explanation time and time again you're not actually the owner. Especially if you're having to explain that to business clients. But, to each their own. And now that we've both aired our opinions, shall we call it even and a truce?
  16. musicguy...is anything we're saying to you registering, hon? I'm concerned.
  17. musicguy, please stop that. I'm serious. Go clean your wrist off and get some antibacterial stuff on it, put a bandage on it, and then don't inflict harm on yourself again. You said yourself you're a good guy. Knowing that, stop self-abusing. Would you go up to another good person and cut his wrist?? I agree your life seems complicated right now, but if you work on things one step at a time, you can get through this. You have to believe in yourself a little bit more, instead of putting yourself down. Now come on. You've got talents and you know you do. Just because some things aren't going right doesn't mean all is lost. It certainly isn't. Make a list of a few things that are important to you that you'd like to accomplish.Then by each item, write down at least one thing you can do to start making that item happen. I think you need to put a little structure in place so you can actively deal with the things that are bothering you. I hate to say it, but by cutting yourself instead, you're kind of escaping from what's bothering you, but there's no need to fear facing your problems. With effort, and a steady approach, you can start to overcome them. Now whattaya say?
  18. If you're in the States, I'll start doing some research, too, to find out if there is a safe place. There must be. I am so sorry this is happening to you, but you've got people here who are serious about figuring out a way for you to get away from this.
  19. God, Jaffa. I guess two things...I'm astounded at the capacity of cruelty one human can display. And likewise, astounded at the sheer strength of the inner will the other human must have to survive such horrific treatment. They say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, but no one should have to pay such a price to get that kind of strength. I just don't know what to say. I'm angry, I'm upset...and outraged, really. I don't know if you're in the United States. But there are many places here that have shelters for teens under 18 who are being subjected to violence at home. These teens' rights and safety are placed first. But maybe in some podunk little town, that might not be available. Is there a bigger city close by? Somewhat close by? If so, could you look online to research and see if there is such a place?
  20. Gosh, musicguy. I don't think you're going to like what I have to say. But please understand I'm saying it because I feel really bad for you that you're struggling. Hon, I think it's time you realize that a lot of what's going on in your life could be completely different if you were making different choices. For example, I went back over a lot of your threads, and you're often hurt because a girl has left you, said she can't commit, etc. And I'm noticing you're dating really, really young girls...19, 18, even younger. Why do you choose to keep dating girls who are more likely to not be ready for a committed relationship because they're so young? It seems to me you're almost trying to sabatoge your changes of finding a compatible partner who is on the same wavelength as you. If I were you, I'd start doing things a little differently, and seek out women, not girls. I honestly think you'll find yourself in a more stable relationship that way.
  21. How do these women find out you were the original founder of the software company? Also, how come the women in their twenties in your area are ignorant about the business world?
  22. It's not accusing her, but it's still an insulting question to ask, just because by asking it, he's implying there is a possibility she is. If he has any doubts, why the hell is he even dating her.
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