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Everything posted by Micksbabyboo

  1. While u may bot be blowing this out of proportion sex isnt the most important thing in a relationship even though it is one of the advantages of being in a commited relationship, and if you are unhappy with ur current relationship you should let ur fiance know befor its too late. About your friend in sweden do u think ur interested in him?...another thing you could do is talk to ur partner tell him how you feel about sex in a relationship. Good Luck hope my advice helps you a bit Love, Dc
  2. Interesting problem its very hard but if she liked u and then all of a sudden stops treating youl ike she used to then she was probably influenced by her friend since her friend liked you too she didnt wantto ruin her and her friends relationship and decided to stay away thats the only possibility i can think of even thuogh there is probably many you shoul just confront her about it aswell and ask her why all of a sudden she became so distant towards you Wish you the best Love, Dc
  3. You should mayb explain that to him, that you would feel more loved if you can know how he is everyday while he is away, although you should try being in his position he has to leave some one he loves and calling you and thinking about you every second of the day might not help him at all if he is out on business he will be upset and frustrated cause he cant be with you so i think you should try to udnerstand him and that still doesnt let him off with not letting you know how he is when ever he is away.So try to talk things out in more details with him tell him how just a little thing like letting you know how he is can help you feel better about the relationship Luck Love, Dc
  4. Well mayb you guys enjoy each others company. if u dont want to ask him just yet then Do you feel you arent read for a relationshop just yet? or do u feel ur ready but you just dont know how he would feel about it? enjoying each others company is a good thing but it can lead you on the road to heartbreake if both of you aren't ready to be together.... mayb you should ask him if he wants to date you, it might b a start If you guys havent been together for a while, and it doesnt mean you have to rush in to a relationship neither of you might b ready for yet Good luck Love, Dc
  5. mayb it means oh ur cute or shes checking you out theres really not much mroe i can about this lol cause i dunno what you mean but thats ok i try Love, Dc
  6. well there is alot of things to talk about the same thing woul dhappen to me n my b/f over the phone we would have nothing to talk about just talk about how your day has been how you feel and whats on your mind and if u want to kiss her so bad just go for it im sure she probabl;y hasnt kissed you yet cause she is shy and mayb after you kiss her you 2 will find things to talk about mayb that will b the ice breaker lol Good luck Love, Dc
  7. You seem in a hurry to find some one and who wouldnt its a very nice feeling but you cant hurry the cycle of life there is probably some one perfect out there for you just give it some time and think about it a relationship is something big there comes alot of responsability with it ..dont become a girlfriend snatcher you yourself know its wrong just wait go out and meet new girls! Good luck Love, Dc
  8. aww Well the thing is if you value her as a friend then you should move on..Not by doing something you will regret at the end like finishing a great relastionship but keep ur mind of it,try going out meeting new girls have fun and enjoy your life i mean its nice having some one to love but when the love isnt returned is heart breaking and you need to move on there is alot of girls who need to be loved out there just as much as you do so it would be a good idea to find some one..you cant wait your whole life for some one who just doesnt feel the same way you do and u cant force them to either I wish you luck Love, Dc
  9. Well you are right you shoud ask her thats the only way you would know whats going on, or ask where you stand with her. Because mayb she can b very affectionate like that with her friends cuddling and hugging is a friendly way of showing people you love them weather it's as a partner of friend but she does say she doesn't want to give u the wrong idea which is very confusing to a point because since she did have sex with you when you guys were over..only suggestion i have is ask her, talk, that way u will know whats going on and ur friendship will progress and if she loves u as a partner that will aswell. Good luck Love, Dc
  10. i understand that it is hard to talk to people about problems but i defenetly think u should talk to your wife she might b able to help you more then i could ever help you and you know she will be there for you...as for drawing a line i think mayb u should start thinking about where you should draw it remember your family and you well being and your health remember alot of people have problems and for poverty and stiving aslong as ur family and you have food each day and a roof over your head and money to pay the bills that should be enought dont let greed take over you because we usually do and when we realize it it is too late u shouldnt find out what u will b missing when u dont have it cause u should think of what ur life would be with out ur family now and that might give u a clue of the preciouse posetion you have that might help you u need to relief your stress by drawing the line and by learning when you should draw it that comes with the responsability o febing an adult
  11. i see what you mean s4il but i personaly dont have a problem with youngermen eithe rbut i did fall in love with som eone older n if he would of been younger i would of accepted him aswell but i can kindsa asnwer your questions women dont like to feel old so once they get with a younger guy that automatically makes them oder then the guy and thats a problem most cant handle Love, Dc
  12. i see what you mean s4il but i personaly dont have a problem with youngermen eithe rbut i did fall in love with som eone older n if he would of been younger i would of accepted him aswell but i can kindsa asnwer your questions women dont like to feel old so once they get with a younger guy that automatically makes them oder then the guy and thats a problem most cant handle Love, Dc
  13. yeah everything is very expensive well just take ur time repairingthings and as for entertainment plan a picknic or a day at the park it doesnt nessesaraly have to be waisting money its just all about having fun and about how much you get taken away in salary i completely i understand i dont work myself but my mom strugles cause she is an only parent so i know how hard things can b and how far appart money can separate a family just try to see past the money even though u cant quit work try not bringing in to home work once you leave work just enjoy your beautiful family and relax at home even if u dont have to spend money cause love is free so enjoy that from ur wife and baby you have the most important things in life the rest just take it easy dont go under alot of stress take your time with things it isnt healthy to rush in to things either do everything at your own pace..do i make scence? lol
  14. When it comes to love you shouldnt be shy let her know take her some flowers and explain to her how u feel and how shy u are and thats why u let the relationship go, i mean if she likes u she wont say no and with the flowers u have alot more posibility of her saying yes to you so it doesnt hurt to try specialy when she has been liking you for 2 years now and it isnt fair to you or her to keep waiting for one of u to make the move if your both shy Good luck Love, Dc
  15. Aww how cute a new born those are the cutest they are so tiny. it seems to me like u have 3 good things in ur life a baby, a wife that cares about u and a family...and chasing material things can be a problem you should set that in second place and try to chase happines and well being with ur family mayb that can help you decide whats going on in ur life right now. And we all go through rought times and its unly natural yeah this world isgoing at a rate that we all need to b locked up in a crazy house bu we should try to make the best of it mayb doing more things with ur family and worring a bit less about material things can bring you closer to your family and how you really feel because mayb this is just a way of escaping pressure in both job and home and things wont get any better in the future you just have to hold on to family and be as close to them as u can they will always offer supposrt and love when u need it
  16. yeah i understand that life is very boring at times i think u need to have a break for a while and time to think about whats best for you becasue with all theproblems that all of us have we dont get time to stop and think......but you are in a very hard situation and you have to think things thru do you have kids?
  17. It sounds like a hard situation you should just start rehab i think go to the doctors and tell them you want to start a program im sure they can direct you to a good rehab center notice that you are loosing all you have because of a drink that is stronger then you or atleast thats what u think cause i know you are stonger then the drink you just need a little bit of help so take it easy and about so much time in ur hands you can do outside activities and stuff like exsercise of play sports something that would keep you busy and healthy Good luck Love, Dc
  18. ok the girl has Mood swings or mayb she realized she was an B to you and she is sorry or she has a crush on you now what ever her reason is let it be and let her IM you or you IM her and show ur not like her and ask her whats new and ask her what she did that to you when u hadnt done n e thing to her 8) be cool lol Love, Dc
  19. Age is just a number and happines should come before it if you have feelings for him let him know. A simple thing like a number shouldnt change your desicion about being with some one or not because you guys still have a life time in front of you to make it what you want and be happy with each other..Age wont stop you being happy if you guys are together and besides it adds that bit more knowledge that he is mature and responsable so i say go for the relastionship to progress
  20. I defenetly dont want to sound harsh in any way but have you considered the possibility of you being bi? or mayb you are attracte dto masculine female types which then means you are attracted to men aswell sorta mayb you should talk to a professional about this because i dont think we here can help with that its a hard issue to adress hope everything comes out alright ps: remember you said you have a wife though that loves you and that would be a very hurtful thing for her to know but if that show u feel then tell her b4 u decided to cheat on her or b with a transexual Love, Dc
  21. Im very sorry that happened but it happens you shouldnt feel so bad though there will b some one else that will love u just a much as u loved or liked the other girl as for how bold she was mayb she isnt a very happy person so dont feel down feel happy you were brave enought to tell her how u felt
  22. You are alot better then he says you are and im pretty sure he just says that cause he knows you deserve better he needs to let you be if you dont love him and he is such a bad husband u should try to move out and get a divorce dont let him saying things about teh kisd make u feel bad your young and u can go to college and aspire to a way better life then this man is giving you and for that just hitting you part you should either call the cops on him and file a restraining order or move out cause no women deserves a husband like that he is unsecure of himself and thats why he has you tied down and you realized you are worth much more then that..get you kids and get out start a new life you will see everything will be alot better that way and you can remary with some one that treats you like a women should b treated i can kick men that are like one you are married too Well i really do hope the best for you Love, Dc
  23. Dont get so upset with that it isnt healthy and thats what they want Every women in my opinion is unique and beautiful because we are all different even if we arent beautiful in the outside we are in the inside so just let them be they will soon find out how they are at your work and see that it isnt you fault they are jealouse and being brats about everything, just keep doing your best at work they will realize how they are once you dont give any reason for a complain Love, Dc
  24. Well when you see him in school Tell him you want to talk to him .. When he gives you the chance just tell him all your feelings how you miss him and you are sorry for being uptight with him and you know you were a bit out of line but he should also accept the responsability of his mistake when he called you the B word and let the converdation carry on
  25. You seem to be the busy bee lol well im sure she understands you are busy and cant really give n e thing up n if there is love there it will survive thru that my b/f lives in another country i saw him this summer n wont get to see him again till December n we have been together for 3 years so no need to worries just call her on the phone when u have a chance to see how she is doing and write to her and things like that ) Good luck Love, Dc
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