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Everything posted by Micksbabyboo

  1. Dont blame yourself for the relationship being over remember there is 2 people in a relationship i know that girls can b uptight at points believe u me (im one of them lol) but he also did wrong in his part by calling u what he called you, you should just talk to him about it, dont ignore him, b the bigger one in the relationship and apologize for how you were and explain to him how you feel.If he cant see past that then he wasnt worth your time and im sure you will find some one better...and im pretty sure he will see past that because if he has been with you for 8 months then he must had a reason Wish you the best Love, Dc
  2. Well honestly i cant say if she is interested in that guy cause we dont know her feelings and we would have to know alot more to know how she feels but if she wanted u to join in then it probably wasnt an important date to her
  3. Tell her that you are sorry talk to her about it....Make her see that you are changing and plan on helping more and help her with payments if you were in the house...Take her and the kids out and pay for it i mean you would b the man of the house i dont see why you couldnt help (not that im trying to mkae u feel bad remember this is just my opinion) other then that just.. talk to her about everything and how ur feeling now that you dont have her and the kids good luck to you Love, Dc
  4. Give it time you will see, theres a saying let it go n if it comes back thats how you know (something like that), whats ment to b will be. You should try being friends for now its better then nothing....And think positive about the situation , if you think positive you wont drive yourself crazy thinking, dont have high expectations for tonight, things work out better that way, when u dont have high expectation.Because then if it comes out good its good for you and if it doesnt work out its ok with you high expectation leave u wanting high results which arent always possible...Did i make any sense? Love, Dc
  5. Ps saw you were married for 5 years on subject so never mind the question i asked you
  6. Hey i was reading your post on your affair with your ex. I have a question if i may, How long have you been married for? i know you said you hadnt seen you ex for 17 years...If you feel like that about him and you think its real and it will b the best thing you could do then go for it but you have to keep in mind you have been married with a man for x years that cares about you and you might hurt him, before you keep fooling around think of how you would feel if your husband was in the position you're in, you would probably be hurt , so (in my opinion again ) you should talk to ur Ex and tell him how you feel and see if he can wait till you get a divorce, if that is what you choose and who you choose to be with, Remember marriage is a big commitment you made and if you feel you cant cope with it n e longer and feel you are in love with some one else let your current Marriage partner know, Im sorry if you think this isnt a very good advice/comment im just trying (this is my first day here i wish the best for you..Good luck...And remember you should try by all means to be happy with your decision Love, Dc
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