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Everything posted by EmptySoul

  1. I'm happy for you, that you got 'better' but though everyone is intitled to their opinion, who can really say for sure that theirs is right? Everyone has the right to live the way they choose, and it should not be judged. It is their own life to live, and it is up to them to decide whether or not they will take into consideration how their lifestyle affects other people. Be who you choose, and everyone else will do the same. Empty
  2. Good job. I can relate. I like: and the last line: Thanks for writing Empty
  3. Hi again. I know how hard it is to handle any type of reaction from a parent as a result of cutting. Be who you want to be. And if you're not that person now, do everything you can to change it. Empty
  4. getting caught is horrible. it has to be one of my least favorite things in the world. i don't really know what to tell you, unless you cut on places that are constantly covered by clothing, your parents are going to see. (even if it takes a while) and hiding cuts is stressful too... its your choice: do you want to quit, keep doing it and hiding it, admit it to them and deal with the consequences... every choice is hard. Empty
  5. I don't really have anything taboo, people have the right to express what's on their mind. I don't like listening to someone trying to make me feel sorry for them. End of story. Empty
  6. lost in life, I'm so glad you wrote this. That's exactly how I feel, but I'm now on Prozac, so I guess that's down the drain. I feel like even though most people think how I am is something that needs to be fixed, I feel like me is just me, and that should be accepted.... I don't want to start a big controversy, because I know no one will agree with me, so that's just my opinion. Empty
  7. Hey. I liked it. My favorite part was: I can relate to those stanzas. Thanks. Empty
  8. Wow, that was really interesting. (in a good way.) this was my favorite part: Thanks for writing. Empty
  9. That's great that you no longer want to commit suicide, that you're better. Suicide is a personal choice... Empty
  10. S1asher6, nice words. Best way to describe it. Thanks. *smiles* Empty
  11. Under...we need to talk soon, don't we? i love you. Empty
  12. Like some have already said, the reasons can definitly vary. For me I guess, it'd be because I am just tired of life, that I've been here long enough. That I'm tired of the things in this world, that I don't feel like trying to change to stop hurting everyone. To be free. Empty
  13. *smiles* I just got evaluated for meds today, and guess what they put me on? Prozac. Empty
  14. Hi. I'm a cutter and suposably have depression issues...here if you need to talk to me. Empty
  15. hi. i cut too, just so you know you're not the only one. first of all, lying about who/what you are, and the things you do is really hard on a person. i'd advise against doing this, if you can. be yourself as much as possible. to stop cutting, you need to find motivation, and most likely things to do to replace your cutting. the replacements for cutting will depend on why you cut in the first place. (to see the blood, to feel, bc of stress, and the millions of other reasons) i'm here if you want to talk, or need advice. Empty
  16. we have not the will to die...there is just no will to live. Empty
  17. Dont really care much about popularity Any more comments? Empty
  18. Hello all. I'm wanting to get my tongue and/or lip pierced. I'd like replies on the amount of pain either of these involve. Or any other comments about the subject. Thank you. Empty
  19. I love it, you've done a good job of expressing your emotions. The imagry is good and it shows your talent. Empty
  20. No one I know has been abused, with the exception of other self-injurers I talk to online. Empty
  21. I've started seeing a counselor recently, so hopefully I will be able to get her advice on this soon. The strange thing is, I have never really been abused. (i know many who self-injure have been.) my father has anger problems and sometimes yells or breaks things but never touches me... Empty
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