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  1. I think he did go too far and the fact that he said, "Ok , just let me finish" is an acknowledgement that he understood a NO was being thrown at him. Legally you may not have a leg to stand on but bare with me kid as i am a proponent of making your own justice in an unjust world and you'll see how unjust the world truly is toward women as you get older... ...to destroy him all you have to do is file charges...thats it...the accusation alone is enough to make his libido drop to zero for months if not more and make him public enemy #1...once the accusation is out there he feels pressure...simply getting a visit from the police will cause him tremendous anxiety and trust me he knows that a NO was thrown at him...lying to police under duress isn't as easy as you think...they know how to throw a few curveballs while questioning...and if there were OTHERS who he crossed the line with(which i bet there are since he seems like a player) he's going to be thinking " what if they come forward." If he is older than you'll it won't be hard to portray him as a predator... ...time in prison he may not get...but the world will become his prison when he gets that first visit from the police... Yes go to counseling. Yes protect yourself in the future by putting up some time in between after meeting someone...but sometimes to heal the wounds justice must be done whether the law is on your side or not...live and learn?...to heck with that...your never to young to stand up for yourself and you must use the means at your disposal and the power you can wield in this situation is far greater than what the previous posters have lead you to believe...good luck...oh and there is no statue of limitations on felonies so the police have to investigate even though it was 9mos ago...
  2. ...move on... ...she is with him and not you...because she wants to be...and how in the world can any girl respect a guy who is still friends with someone who told that persons GF to ditch the friend and get with him...don't believe anything she tells you...you just says waht you want to hear cause she knows you can't handle the truth (to paraphrase Jack Nicholson.)
  3. Listen you guys are making this more difficult than it is. To quote Billy Martin," It doesn't matter how much you can drink as long as you drink as much as you can."
  4. I think Michael Meyers vs Predator opened today...better hurry...rumor has it its outselling that silly pirate movie with Johnny whatshisname from 21 Jump Street.
  5. Sprained knee, fractured eye orbital, lacerated spleen, and a broken left femur...and that was just the foreplay...
  6. I have found that unconsciousness tends to end pain but hey, thats just me...
  7. Of course talking to strangers in some neighborhoods might get you jacked up but thats the extreme of course... ...nice post...
  8. Ideally you start drinking around 12 or 13 this way by the time your an adult you don't have to pace yourself...your tolerance is so high that you just drink as much as you want as fast as you want...also smoking w--d and using other drugs can help once the tolerance gets too high...ok just kidding...trust me everyone gets alittle out of hand when drunk...in my neighborhood there are bar fights all the time and the winner goes to jail and the loser to the hospital...(although one time i went to the hospital then jail-go figure)
  9. Dear JJ, Your such a great guy and give such on target advice...was it experience or genetic...nature or nuture...hard to tell...now its true you may get banned from time to time for cursing but where your from people tend to use profanity as punctuation so ---- these people...just kidding!... ...finally i'd like to say that if you ever need anything trust yourself because everyone else is probably wrong... Sincerely, JJRadical PS. Don't forget the $20 bucks you owe me....
  10. I'm not buying the rationalizations you give or that this is "just a stage." You go stale in a relationship you go stale...trust me if you were it, she wouldn't be "available" to her personal trainer... ...now your going to bide your time and not have any contact with her "for now" lol... ...where your argument really loses credibility is... ...where i'm from this is known as liberation... whats hazardous hmmmm?....leaving you?....I have seen no evidence of a hazardous lifestyle...sex can be hazardous but if you protect yourself I think calling it hazardous is extreme...to her staying in a dead relationship was more hazardous... Listen bro, you got dumped it hurts, we've all been there...25 to 19 not so far fetched but she is coming into her own and doesn't want to be held back by someone who doesn't do it for her...the fact that you said you had feelings for her instantly and she only got with you after sensing competition are 2 major red flags... ...wanting freedom isn't necesssarily being "a casual sex" person... ...there is alot of anger in you and if i read between the lines some possesiveness... ...now your going to wait in the wings like you did the first time...like some kind of spider waiting patiently for a fly to get caught in its web...only now that she's gaining experience and found the strength to break free one time , she'll be strong enough to not fall for such foolishness as competitive attraction this time...its over dude... ...time to get some game and move on! Good luck. Sorry if i wasn't empathetic enough but your story is alittle to neatly packaged, ya folla?
  11. Yea...I like the alliteration of "apple seed suicide." All great writers are tortured souls...your on your way...
  12. DO IT. ...If i do what others want then i'll have no home. -Manowar
  13. 1)You got no control anyway so quit worrying it won't help matters 2)Getting engaged and joining the Army during war time? Yea makes for a nice romantic novel but chix need their man present...how come you joining the military is "our" dream. Sounds like "your" dream. 3)I was in the marines and yea having a girl at home is a morale booster but oh the dear john letters that have broken many a man...she "left" huh?...going to win her back by joining the military lol? 4)You wanna a relationship or be a hero? Personal lives and the military don't mix well brudda...
  14. 1) I would say you are not being selfish at all, quite teh contrary you sound like you made some mature decisions. Your guilt and beating yourself up after "you broke his heart" lol is just ridiculous...you talk of him not being into you as much as you are into him and even DISRESPECT...while you continue to disrespect yourself over making a just decision he plays the victim and does No Contact on you for 6mos... 2)Do not push the issue...he will continue to respect you less...you must not only not push the issue but show him his not giving you time is of no concern to you...(although i feel at this time the time for teaching him how to treat you is past see #4) 3)Your his GF and he can't give you one weekend night?!...ninja please...look at you worrying about his reaction...see how he makes himself the victim and you the bad guy...HE WHO CARES THE LEAST WIELDS THE POWER...and right now you got no hand... 4)You could turn the tables on him through certain, shall we say communication techniques, but to what avail...you guys have been together forever in the context of your lives and at some point trust, respect, and communication have to enter the picture...this relationship is dead...he doesn't respect you and has the gall to say you "broke his heart?"...you going to spend the prime of your youth with this dude????????
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