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Everything posted by MacGyverRI

  1. It's usually both peoples fault to cause a breakup so no pointing fingers. Communication is a key part to keep things going well or tolerable. Begging just feeds an ego, never do that. Hurt and depression are normal in these type breakups, nobody will be happy. You survived before being together, you will survive again. Counseling and friends do help a lot.
  2. In this situation, as a guy, I would like to hear "I'm not totally over ?insert?name? and I do like you a lot so can we please take it slow?" then kiss him to let him know for sure you aren't just saying it for any rebound type agenda that guys always fear.
  3. Hmm, this guy goes against the grain, attracted to you is key w/ guys. Is he interested in someone else? Well then, make him want
  4. "then she said that she dosnt c eny furture with us" Then it's time to not reply to the texts etc., let her know why then break it off. This might push her the other way but don't wait for her, just go out with someone else and go on with your life.
  5. your a F buddy now and you better end it if it's going to hurt you. Find another girl who doesn't play these games.
  6. Have you considered that she may have an STD like herpes and this is the problem?
  7. 1st, Why isn't she good for you? You can't be much of a loser if she's dating you....
  8. If sleeping together isn't going to happen, define "intimate". Kissing and/or makeout sessions only isn't intimate, "We had this deal when we first realized that we were getting closer" When was this? How old are you and her???
  9. Mistakenly as in worry so much about it. Being on a mission to find someone is very frustrating and even depressing. When you least expect it, you will find someone.
  10. How old are you? Many people mistakenly feel as you do, more so as you get older.
  11. Text bites, talk on the phone, it's more personal!
  12. Sometimes, but I'm retired and go out/party a lot then watch the late movies or some interesting TV show. Smoking a bowl winds me down every now and again...
  13. Da boy's in LOVE! Get a cutesy card (Shoebox Cards by Hallmark are great) to say the same to him, he may be waiting to see if it's mutual.
  14. How old are both of you? Too young and it may be a mental issue w/ him not wanting to get you pregnant. Have you tried being on top? You can search for "Kegals", they are a vagina tightening excersize but I really don't think that's the problem.
  15. I thought the orig. post was fun, controversial, biased and would have gone 15 pages!
  16. Rather than just break up, why don't you lead into it a few days before so it wont be such a shock. Would you like some guy to pick you up then say "we're all done/all through" etc.? Pick a neutral place also.
  17. She's on the top of the fence and needs to make a decision on which way to jump. I don't disagree w/ Tyler but this can really go either way. Don't be cold to her but by the same token keep the options open by staying somewhat friends while she thinks about what will happen next. Women can be very very weird w/ relationships and she may be afraid to lose you altogether, that could also be the reason for her backing away.
  18. Call a Synagog near you and ask the Rabbi. (yellow pages, churches, Jewish, synagogs) the ingredients need to be kosher and it's always stated on the label. best bet is the Kosher section at your local big or chain supermarket. added; link removed link removed
  19. I wish people would put their age in the profile since age makes a difference in the replies. "Can you give me chances?" = He might be asking if a 2nd date is possible.
  20. Implants are popular because women can buy them and if someone has a "sale" on implants, most women would go get it done. (you're all laughing because you know it's true) It's just like the 20+ prs. of shoes, pants, skirts, dresses and the piles and piles of makeup etc. that they already own. Did you all get the "Fall" clothes out? point made'?? lol
  21. I usually tell them I'm flattered but always tell them up front, I like a woman with a certain look, "the girl next door type" and unfortunately you don't have it.
  22. "Can a seriously flat chested girl be also an object of desire for u guys, or an average amount of breast is necesarily required in all cases?" Chest size doesn't matter to most men!! Face is 1st (thats what you wake up to), overall body is 2nd and anything else is just honorable mention
  23. How old are you? Whats the rest of the story/stories, what triggered her anger?
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