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Everything posted by bemyself

  1. Listen to your heart, when you are ready to tell her that you love her, then you will definitely mean it. But for the time being, tell her that she is a super awesome person and that you admire her tremendously. You need to rethink your feelings for your new girlfriend. Be fair to her and don't feel that you have to say something that you are not ready to say. Usually after a relationship goes on longer than a year, most girlfriends want to hear those special words. If you are not able to express your feelings to your girlfriend by then, well maybe, you should not be too serious with her. Try being a close friend and not her boyfriend, if that is possible. Good luck.
  2. Hello, If you want to work smoothly with some of your co-workers, then you have to learn to listen to them, communicate with them, and respect them, and expect no less in return. Because, I solely believe that when you have a mutual understanding about working as a team, then the "smoothly" part of it will definitely come easy. But remember, not everyone in the office will work well with you, because not everyone in the office knows how to listen, communicate or even try to respect a person when working together. And so, you see, it's not really worth being worried about it at all.
  3. Hello, It would be a good idea to change your phone number(s) and be sure that your new numbers are unlisted and blocked. After doing that, you won't get anymore annoying calls from that guy. A few years later, you may remember all of this, and just laugh about it.
  4. Hello, I don't think that hot looking guy will ever respect you. It sounds like he sees all females as sexual toys. If you feel bad about what happened, then it probably would be wise to not see or speak to this guy ever again. Don't be too hard on yourself. People make mistakes. What is done is done. Move on with your life and try to learn from this experience so that you will not repeat it in the future.
  5. Hello, The most important thing to remember is that there is a child involved here. You want to do the best for your child, but at the same time you want to help yourself get over your ex. I think the best thing to do is to take care of the legal issues first and then try to move back to your family if it is possible. The courts will decide on who will get full or partial custody. If it bothers you a lot to be treated as such by your ex and his family, then maybe you should let your child spend some time with them (if you trust them), and don't tag along. Until the legal issues are final, you can then decide what would be the best plan for you and your child to go from there. Move closer to your family and friends and find a good job where you have all the family support so that you don't feel like an outcast.
  6. If your ex doesn't feel the same as you feel for him, then I think it would be good to move on with your life and not spend so much time with him and his family. You already told him how you feel, and he told you that the relationship is dead. Just leave it at that. You can't change a man's feelings for you. If it bothers you that your ex and his family is calling or inviting you over a lot, then you have to spend more time with your friends or your family, and less time with your ex. Good luck to you.
  7. It sounds like he likes you, but he may be waiting for you to make the next move. Or else he might just want to be a casual friend at school. It would be nice if you could possibly ask him out for coffee or soda after class is over. By doing this, you would be able to talk more with him and get to know him better in a different environment.
  8. Maybe so, but if you ask him in a different way, not like you are accusing him. Like for example, "have you noticed that I have been getting key scratches on my nice new car." "what do you think I could do to fix this problem." After you tell him that, ...then look and listen to how he answers. If you feel uncomfortable with telling him about what's happening to your new car, then the next best idea would be to do the hidden camera thing or else just park 1/2 to 1 block away from where you normally park. I wish you luck.
  9. Why don't you just ask him, and see what he says. Or better, maybe you could plant a small hidden camera close by where you park, and see who's really doing this to your nice car. That is super mean for someone to do that to anyone's new car. I hope you find out who is doing it.
  10. To be in love with 2 people at the same time, I guess anything is possible. If your boyfriend and other friend finds out that you share the same feelings for the both of them...one of them or maybe both of them may leave you. It probably would be safe and smart for you to make a decision. Even if you feel that you can't make a decision, you better do it or else you may end up hurt and alone with no boyfriend or lover at all. If this ever happen to me, I would chose the boyfriend, because he has been with you longer, and he has made a commitment to you.
  11. Your new girl sounds insecure in the relationship and too wishy washy. Maybe you may consider just being friends for now, and not a "couple" yet until you two get to know each other better. I still think you did the right thing by being honest with her. I hope everything works out for the both of you.
  12. I think you did the right thing by telling your new girl how your relationship stands with your ex. Remember this is a new girl, and you don't want to upset her by talking about your ex. I totally believe that honesty should play a big part in a relationship, but sometimes being too honest may hurt your relationship as well. For example, bringing up some things about a past relationship may give your new girl the wrong idea that you are still in love with her. You don't want to go there. I think you are on the right track in your new relationship by being honest and open. Just don't bring up your past relationships. You already told your new girl where you stand with your ex and that is good enough. If she wants to know what you did today, then let her know. Otherwise, don't go too much into it (about your ex), because you already know that it will only upset her more.
  13. Hello, It sounds like your boyfriend is using you. How can you trust someone who has a reputation of going out with other girls. For your own sake, start meeting other people who will treat you better. Think about your future happiness. Sounds really hard, but you really have to try. This is not the guy for you. If you ever marry this guy, your life together with him may be an emotional roller coaster like it is now. He leaves. You take him back. He leaves. You take him back. Don't fall in that bad cycle. When the cycle gets broken, don't fall back in it. I hope everything works out for you.
  14. If you were the parent of that 4 year old, would you want your significant other (who is not a parent) to tell you how to feed your child? It's not worth fighting over something like that. When your boyfriend takes his child to his pediatrician visits, then let the pediatrician talk to your boyfriend about his 4 year old child feeding on the bottle. Most people will believe what the pediatrician will say, because they know that their expertise is in caring for children.
  15. Maybe it's too early to call it "real love." You only dated him for 3 months. How can this be "love?" I think it's the right chemistry between you two. Maybe it would be wise to just be friends for awhile, and not get too serious right now. It sounds like you wanted to take your cousin's boyfriend away from her. Just think how your cousin feels. She is part of your family, and will remember what you did for a long time.
  16. By reading your last post, I agree with Zerohero. In my past experiences, I have used that same line with nice people who got promoted to another department. It's just a pleasant thing to say when parting. It sounds better to say that than to say "goodbye" which sounds so much like "the end."
  17. Hello, Maybe if you knew that she liked you from one of her friends, it would be easier for you to talk to her about "how you really feel." You don't want to talk to her about your feelings yet - if you don't know how she feels towards you. That would be a big chance that you are taking. Is she ready to commit herself in a serious relationship or does she want to be friends for now. As her friend, you must know her very well already, you just need to know how she feels about you. I wish you luck.
  18. Hello, Listen to your mother. Wait those 6-12 months. Remember safety should always be followed in a moving vehicle. When your young friends gain more driving experience, I believe that your mother will be more assured of your safety riding in a vehicle with them.
  19. I still think that for your own mental health, you should look into other job opportunities, and get away from those people who are teasing you. If you want to stay in that company for the time being, then document it in detail and report those troublemakers. How long can you take the name calling and not do anything about it. You won't really know if upper management won't listen until you at least make a effort into documenting and reporting it.
  20. Hello, If you don't feel comfortable reporting this problem to the human resources rep. or head manager, etc... you may have to look for another job to get away from that verbal harassment. If you decide to go to a responsible individual instead of the head manager, be sure that individual is someone you can confide in. Be strong, don't let others get away with what they are doing. Those people are not mature, and they are probably jealous because they know you are working temporary and that you are a college student working towards a brighter career in engineering. If this ever happen to me, I would not hesitate to report it along the lines of authority. And, if they didn't care, then why work at a place like that. Maybe your college has a job placement program for engineer students. That would be something to look into. Don't cut yourself short, you deserve better place to work at. Good luck.
  21. Hello, No one should have to tolerate bullying on the job. It's actually verbal harassment, and if it interferes with your work then you should first get all the proof documented and maybe even tape the bullys voice without anyone knowing about it as solid proof ...in case upper management does not believe your documentation is factual. Save this evidence in case you decide to report the bullying incidents. Meanwhile, I would not joke with anyone on the job anymore. Sometimes, joking is taken very seriously or even makes you look like a clown that others may make you out to be. Distance yourself from the bully. Don't avoid all your co-workers. Just work with them and don't engage in any office gossip. If you do not want to report the harassment on the job, then start looking for another job and don't tell anyone at work about your job hunting. Hang in there.
  22. Don't let other people intimidate you when you are dating someone who doesn't meet their standards. When it all comes down to it, whoever you choose as a mate is the person that you have to live with. I say choose a person who you love and can trust, but be sure that that person is somewhat educated or else your house bills will be stacking up high, and bill collectors will be harassing you to pay your bills. Think about it!
  23. Hello, I think it is best that you start making other friends and not hang out with that girl, who you call a friend. It sounds like your so called friend does not value your friendship as you do to her. You do not deserve to be treated by your friend like that. Waiting hours at her house, while she talks to her bf. Please look closely to the picture. It seems that your friend wants to be left alone. Maybe she is a different person now, and not the same. Join a club at school and start meeting other people that will treat you better. Remember, true friends will always be there for you, thru thick or thin. You are true to her, but is she to you?
  24. Hello, Wait a minute. That "silent coworker" is rude and doesn't acknowledge some people in the office. She does talk. She belongs to a click. When I met her, we got along very well, until we had to work on a project together. I know I didn't do anything wrong, and so I have nothing to be concern. I'm just glad that we don't have to work together anymore. At work, when I work with others, I treat people with respect, and I hope to get the same in return. You know, there are just some people who are just plain difficult to work with. And, it is too bad that I had to work with someone like that.
  25. Thanks for your wise advice. I will do just that.
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