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Everything posted by combat_barbie

  1. I would bet anything it is because you havn't remember to take it at the exact same time. I would go to a higher dose pill. I've had similar situations. A nurse explained to be why really well but now I don't remember allt he physiological details. but it's harmless jsut annoying.
  2. Hi, italian_chick505 I'm in Canada. The morning after pill is now available over the counter in pharmacies in Canada there is no minimum age and even if their was the age of consent is 14 so you would definatly be able to obtain it. There is no reason your parents would be able to find out. Right now though its very expensive around $40 in pharmacies, which poses a lot of problems for teenagers. But I also know for a fact there is a sexual health clinic in Quebec that you can go to and they will provide it for about $10 without insurance. You can get it almsot for free if you use your parents insurance but you don't want them to know understandably. Even if you go the pharmacy route I suggest you look up the sexual health clinic for future use. They will give you protection no matter how old oyu are iwhtout your parents being informed. Jsut look up the Health Unit in your phone book call them and ask where the sexual health clinic is. Canada has what is probably one of the best sexual health programs in the world. To start you can go on the pill and buy condoms for less because your youger, under 21. I would highly suggest you check it out. You cna go on the pill for 10 dollars per month and you can buy condoms for 10 cents each. That's 100 condoms for 10 dollars. Thats the standard prices in Canada for those under 21. Also they have so many sample packages to give out that they will let you start on the pill for free and if you can't afford it normally they will jsut give it to you for free. When I first went on the pill at 15 they gave me 6 months of the pill for free. Aren't you glad you live in Canada? Tell me if that helped or if there is anything else you need to know.
  3. If they are both 13 it hardly matters whether they have reached the age of consent. It would be a different story if one of them was older but there is nobody to charge. Although its a weird that the guy is 13 i mean guys normally have barely developed by then but whatever. MissJones does have a point you do have a reputation to think about. I mean the attention might be fun at first but trust me it will turn bad. Guys will think about you as trash unless your SURE he won't tell anyone. Anyway, to answer your question. Ummm...anywhere thats private. Too bad your only 13 or I would say a car while he's driving. May not be safe but its one hell of a rush. Actually I did that once and my boyfriend wound up crashing his car so thats actually not a very good idea but it wasn't that bad jsut a tiny fender bender. Don't do that on a highway. Ok whatever that was a little random. But seriously anywhere thats private you would be shocked at the places people have gotten away with stuff like that.
  4. I would say she is proabably losing interest in you sexually. I think its unlikely she will get a stronger sex drive in the future. harassing her for sex will make it worse. I have a very active sex drive for a woman but there have been guys that I've been with and lost interest in and jsut never wanted to have sex with. USually its related to what else is going on in your relationship your boring her or fighting wiht her a lot. Is the rest of your relationship good?
  5. Theres an easy solution don't touch yourself till you wipe your hand let him. I've never heard of anyoen getting pregnant from fingering it jsut doens't happen. The only way it's even possible is if he ejaculates all over your hands than rub yourself. Don't torture your guy honestly. I have no idea where darkblue is getting that statistic but its BS. This is a ver helpful article on pre-ejaculatory fluid and the chances of pregnact. link removed or link removed "Not all pre-ejaculatory fluid contains sperm. This fluid is made by the prostate, not the testes that produce sperm, and thus contains no sperm on its own. If you ejaculated a short while before and hadn't urinated, some sperm from that ejaculation could have been left behind in the urethra and mixed with the "new" pre-ejaculatory fluid. If you hadn't already ejaculated at least once, then the chance that your pre-cum contained sperm is highly unlikely." Perhaps DarkBlue got 18% as effectiveness for the withdrawal method which is ineffective mostly due to failures in timing and repeating intercouse shortly after ejeculation.
  6. Back Off! Seriously almost the exact same thing happened to me excepts I was in Spain. It is possible that she can just have no interest in you. None. Don't try and hang out with her for a while. Eventually if you still want to then go ahead and hang out with her but right now you clearly aren't capable of acting like a friend. But seriously jsut leave her alone. It is possible she has no interest in you at all and never will again so let her be don't be a jerk about it like you are clearly doing because otherwise your never going to be friends with her. If you cut your losses now and back off for a few weeks you could still be friends but not if your acting like such a lsoer. Sorry that was harsh but your post seems to be lacking a heavy dose of reality.
  7. That makes me sick that some girls would make this stuff up. Rape is the number one most unreported crime and the oen which results in the least charges since its hard to prove so most women dont think people will believe them so they never tell anyone. Now when women lie about it thats what causes the whole problem. Just steer clear of her in the future. She isn't worth the energy to get angry about.
  8. dark blue I'm sorry but I jsut read that link and I think it has to be one of the most inacurate failure rates I have ever seen. Also they failed to note that the failure rate is based on typical and imprefect use for a full year of regular sex not just one time. From the FDA: Male Condom, Latex/Polyurethane 11% Oral Contraceptives--combined pill 1% Oral Contraceptives--progestin-only minipill 2% Oral Contraceptives--91-day regimen (Seasonale) 1% Patch (Ortho Evra) 1% Vaginal Contraceptive Ring (NuvaRing) 1% Injection (Depo-Provera) less than 1% Injection (Lunelle) less than 1% Implant (Norplant) less than 1% IUD (Intrauterine Device) less than 1% sterilization less than 1% link removed There are plenty of extremely effective methods of contraception. Condoms serve nearly flawless protection against STD so that is their real function and why most women use them while on the pill. Even if you were having regular sex and trying to get pregnent it tkes 3 months on average.
  9. Try one of the brands of super thin condoms. They are mostly made in japan and are jsut as effective as regular condoms except they are made with a special material which is extra thin and transfers a lot more heat. Try Sagami Type E or Kimono Microthin Large. The Sagami Type E are thinner and transfer mroe heat but the Kimono Microthin Large are very Large. You can normally find these at a local sex shop you can't buy them in msot drug stores or you can order them online. Also if you are very very well endowed the Kimono Maxx Condoms work also. If you don't have any local sex shops thats sell them you can buy them online.
  10. Depends on the person situation and reason why. I mean now it Canada at least a lot of university students are 16. I would say maybe 15ish but it all depends how each part acts and looks. At 16 I went out with a guy that was 24 but when i met him he just assumed I was closer to his age since I looked older so it wasn't really weird. So basically I don't really think there is an age cut off girls develop faster than guys in general about 2 years faster but that number is extremely variable. I have a friend who developed very early she began menstrating at about 9 years old she was also extremely intellectually developed she skipped a grade when she was yound and then did the I.B. curriculum which in Canada allows you to skip first year university because the curriculum is so advanced. Anyway, my point is she was in secodn year university at age 16. Thats not normal but in general we all develop differently so ages don't really matter all that much. Definatly I would say it would be weird to date girls that are still developing physically even if they were 17-18 but that is extremely rare.
  11. Wow that sucks. Thats really crazy over protective. I mean your thirteen they should have a little more faith in you. I mean honeslty unless your obses there is no reason they should control what you eat as far as not letting you go out your young you need to be able to socialize. Theres not much you can do not though you are sort of screwed. I honestly don't think you'll thank your parents for this later though. Everyone says that but honestly my parents made me go to 10 hours of hebrew school per week (I'm jewish) and force be to be religious against my believe. Eventually they couldn't force me to do it anymore but since then I've resented religion and what they did. I feel your pain though. Honeslty though although I wouldn't recomend this I jsut stopped listening to them or caring what they said eventually I realised they couldn't take anything away from me and short of chaining me in my room that couldn't control what I did. The reason I don't recomend this is because my parents wound up kicking me out for a while but I jsut lived with friends. Then they decided I should come home because they were really jsut trying to get me to beg to come back so they could make me promise to do something. After I came back though they never even tried to control me anymore which worked out well in my opinion since I stopped trying to break them. That was a while ago though I get on with my parents jsut fine now. Anyway you have my sympathy.
  12. I disagree with lillady don't grill steaks because a lot of peopel have very specific preferences about how they like their steaks or if they do at all. Plus past is easy and everyone loves pasta, well almost everyone. Also if you want to impress her for not a lot of effort make apple crumble. It's extremely easy but it tastes and looks like its hard. Look for recipes online or even better get a copy of the joy of cooking and use the recipe in their generally the instructions are simple and very easy to follow. This book is also so popular you can check it out at almost every library on the face of the earth.
  13. It takes one month for your body to start to build any muscle at all because it takes tremendous energy to maintian muscle mass so you body will only keep the amount it thinks that it needs. Also you need to be taking in the amount of carbs you plan on working off aproximatly 30 mintues before hand because your body will actually use muscle tissue for energy if you have insufficient carbs.
  14. I say get a hotel room or buy his parents tickets to some event or something so they'll go out. Ask your boyfriend about the lingerie thing. It;s one of those things thats different with each guy. My last boyfriend said that anything lacy reminded him of old people for some reason so ask him. For sure tho matching and whatever cut you feel comfortable in. The atmosphere is also a matter simply of personal preference. Ummm...yeah i don't have time to answer all of these but I'd jsut say pull the matress off of the bed and put it on the floor. Hope that helped.
  15. There was a similar article I read in Macleans abotu the same book but the article was much longer yet very similar. Puddle I don't think levy is talking about teenage girls most of her examples in the Macleans article refer to specific adults in both real life and the media. The book isn't about how teenage girls are suddenyl acting all "sl*tty". This article is about how comercialism is so prominant and so pornagraphic in our society that many women feel that that media portrayal is how we are supposed to view ourselves sexually. Anyone looked at designer clothing advertisments lately half of Dolce and Gabbana's models look like somebody jsut dose them with roofies. Sexual gratification is ascociated with subordinated so many women have start to feel in order to be sexually liberated they must fill that role.
  16. I definitely agree on this point. I have a male friend who I knew was cheating on his girlfriend while she was away as if it was nothing. I once asked him how he could do that and then go tell his girlfriend he loved her. He said he didn't really care about the other girls he was jsut having fun while his girlfriend was away. I guess people are starting to have more lax attitudes more of a what you don't know won't hurt you. I would draw the line though before this but then again I've fooled around with a guy only later to find otu he was engaged. The majority of guys I know have cheated at some point and also the majority of girl I know have been with guys they knew were cheating or have cheated themselve.
  17. I would say that either most of his friends are lying or they were lied to by their girlfriend that didn't want to make them feel bad because all they can pull off is five minutes of sex. Very rarely do women come in five minutes. I have a dozen friends or so whome I've talked about sex with and none of them mentioned being abel to pull off any five minute orgasms. I'm sure it CAN happen sometimes but this is not for most women. You boyfriend is obviosuly very deluded about how the female orgasm works. I would guess thats probably because he is seventeen. He's young. COnfirm he is wrong tell him that. Then teach him.
  18. Sex is definitely all its cracked up to be plus more. It's like a fantastic drug. It makes you feel like you want to scream in pleasure. Sometimes its so much you can barely stand it I've left nail marks in a few guys. lol. It just feels incredible. But don't do it jsut because it feels good unless you want to that is.
  19. I'm not you but if it was me I would stay. I mean going to school abroad is a fantastic experience. Of course it will be hard and you'll miss your family but think about all the new people you could meet and things you could do. Also it will help you grow as a person and you'll learn to be less dependant on others. Thats what I think but its up to you I don't think anyone at this forum could say for sure what exactly you should do.
  20. Almost the exact same thing has happened to me before. I resolved the problem and not my doctor says its safe for me to skip up to three periods in a row. But actually I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. The reason for this is that I wasn't taking the pill close enough to the same time every day some people's bodies are more receptive to this than others so you really need to take it withing the same hour every day. Also I was on Ortho-TriCyclen which changes doses every week to give you the minimum amount of horomones. Because of this you may get spotting if you forget to take you pill for even a very short period of time. So I would recomend getting an alarm (or using your cell phone if you have one) so you can take you pill at the exact same time every day. Also if you are on a type of pill that cycles every week switch to one that is the same every day and even if your on one that is the same every day but is especially low dose I would switch to one that has a higher dose. Right now I'm on Orthocept and occasionally forget but it turns otu jsut fine. I hope that helped thisis the advice a nurse at my local health clinic gave me. If you have a local health clinic I would contact them normally they are free.
  21. Definatly like you when guys teases you its normally a dead on sign.
  22. No actually I'm 5"7 but 5"6 is the average height for a woman in North America BTW this isn't about whether it matters if a woman fits these body types its jsut curiosity into what initially attracts guys.
  23. What body type on women do guys find preferencial? If you know why it is say why it is. To get the ball rolling and to show what I mean here are some body type although I'm sure there are more I havn't thought of: Very Skinny and not athletic (i.e. 5"6 and 95 pounds or less) Slim and not athletic (i.e. 5"6 and about 100 to 120) Slim and athletic but still feminin shaped (i.e. firm muscles but no bulging muscles and well definable breasts) Extremely Athletic (Little body fat bulging muscles natural breasts have been worked out so much they are very small) Medium Sized and not althletic(i.e. 5"6 120 to 140) Medium SIzed and athletic yet still feminin Heavy but not very overweight (i.e. 5"6 and 140 to 160) Very Heavy(5"6 and 160 and up) Anyway, you get the idea what I mean by body type.
  24. I have to disagree with most of these people so far. I mean this is a fairly one sided forum. You shouldn't feel bad about sex I mean I think many people are being very narrow minded. Theres no maximum number of guys you should be with. I mean you should do whatever you like. If I guy loses interest in you because you had sex with him he's just a jerk. I had sex with my last boyfriend the day I met him and we were together for 14 months. now granted that doesn't happen a lot so it wouldn't be the best method of getting a boyfriend but so what. I don't think you should feel bad about having sex with guys just because they are hot and no it doesn't make you "looser sexually" or anything like that. You are free to do whatever you want and I really hope you don't feel like a sl** for it. Think about who would be a regular on a forum about emotions..well a lot of the time it isn't your average guy so don't take these comments to heart. That said it does sound like you want a boyfriend, hopefully not because you think you need one but because you truly feel like having commitment. i.e. not being able to go out drinking and flirt with whomever you like and date whomever you like. There is a really simple answer don't pick up guys at parties where everone is I assume drinking. It lowers your odds. Talk to guys is class the environment of a party turns most guys into sexual predators they aren't thinking of you the same way they would otherwise. Have fun with your life your only young once.
  25. From experience I can say it's definatley safe. Enjoy.
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